You’ve Never Done These 5 Chest Exercises

With these exercises, you set optimal muscle stimuli for a broad chest. A little variety in training leads to great success: those who vary exercises and try new ones set important training stimuli. And your body has to adapt to them first, which leads to progress in muscle building.

That’s Why You Should Train Your Chest Regularly

Impressive chest muscles also help you, for example, to catch yourself if you fall and support you to get up again afterward. Chest muscle training is also essential to improve your posture and prevent back pain in the thoracic spine. Especially people who sit a lot bent forward at their desk have to regularly strengthen their upper back and their opponents, chest, and core, to avoid shortening and imbalances.

The large pectoral muscle, musculus pectoralis major, consists of three parts that can be addressed with different exercises: the pars clavicular as the upper part on the collarbone, the middle part, pars sternocostal, on the breastbone, and the lower part located on the abdominal muscles, pars abdominalis. In its function, the large pectoral muscle protects the ribs and organs behind it and helps with breathing. In addition, the pectoralis major allows the arms to be pushed forward and internally rotated. The tiny pectoral muscle, the musculus pectoralis minor, runs from the ribs to the shoulder blade and effects the same and enables movements of the shoulder blade.

Chest exercises belong in every training plan. If you focus a training day on the chest, you can assume that you will move a relatively large amount of muscle mass and, as with leg or back training, burn a relatively large number of calories. Depending on the load, you can enlarge or tighten your breasts. To build muscle, you should aim for 8-12 repetitions with a weight that does not allow any more after the last repetition. If you want to eliminate the layer of fat on your chest, you should do more than 15 repetitions with less weight and do several exercises in a row without a break.

5 New Favorite Chest Exercises 

A few chest exercises in the training video above, some of which you probably don’t know yet. If you watch the execution in the video carefully and copy it with focus, slowly and with little weight, nothing can go wrong. If you have pain or limitations, you should stop training immediately and seek medical advice on which exercises you can do and be instructed by an experienced fitness trainer.

Ground And Pound Press

Here’s how it works: Don’t set the weight too high, and then grab two handles on the cable pulley and come into a central position on all fours on your knees and fists, gripping the handles tightly. The gaze goes relaxed to the ground. Now bring your right elbow up as far as you can with the help of your shoulder blade at a 90-degree angle. Come back to the floor with your fist and switch sides. In addition to the chest muscles, the triceps are also required.

Squeeze Overlays

Here’s how it works: Your feet are firmly on the floor, and your back is on the weight bench. Your lower back is protected by the body tension so that you can calmly get into a guided hollow back. You need some space in front of the bench so that you can now slowly hold your weight plate between both hands and slowly bring it as far behind your head as possible with your arms stretched out. 

Once there, you bring the disc a little faster over your chest. Again, the arms are stretched. Now it’s slowly going over your head again. The decisive factor is the pressure of your palms on the disc. This is generated from the chest muscles. When pulling over the head, the triceps also work a lot and train your shoulder mobility.

Kettlebell Bench Press

Here’s how it works: Here, too, the soles of your feet press firmly into the ground while your back, especially the upper part, lies on a bench. A guided hollow back is allowed below, which you control via your body tension. Grab your weights and push them up at nipple level, so your arms are almost fully extended. 

Then bring them back down and snugly past your chest so that your elbows are below the bench. Go up fast and down slowly. Carefully place the weights on the floor and roll up off the bench in a back-friendly manner. In addition to the sizable pectoral muscle (preceding the pars clavicularis), you train the triceps and the front part of the deltoid muscle, the knotted muscle, and the anterior serratus muscle.

Push-Ups On Kettlebells

Fourth, push-ups are on the program, albeit in an advanced variant on two kettlebells. This requires extra body tension and balance! The weight of the equipment is irrelevant here since you place the kettlebells on the floor to support yourself with your hands. Turn the kettlebells to the side so you can push yourself up on the flat ball. Make sure it doesn’t roll away and work in a controlled manner. Professionals can also try the push-ups on the handles.

Here’s how it works: Place the two balls a little further apart, shoulder-width apart, and straighten up like aboard. Your eyes drop to the ground, so you don’t pull your head back. Avoid a hollow back by actively tensing your abdomen and buttocks. Don’t stop halfway, but come so low that the tip of your nose almost touches the ground. Here, too, the path leads slowly down and quickly up. With the push-ups, in addition to the large pectoral muscle, you challenge the triceps, the deltoid muscle, the knotted muscle, and the serratus anterior.

Kettlebell Flys

The last exercise is kettlebell flys, for which you also need both of your kettlebells. Here’s how it works: Get the handles of your iron weights and rest with your back on the seat: your feet are immovably on the floor, your lower back can’t lift for a short time, and your shoulder bones are solidly on the seat. With your arms practically straight, bring the loads up over your chest. 

From here, open your chest by pulling your arms to your sides and bringing down the loads in a controlled way. Press your shoulder bones and get as low as conceivable with the portable weights. Then, at that point, it has returned to the top with the loads. Notwithstanding the enormous pectoral muscle, the forward portion of the deltoid muscle and the front serratus muscle additionally play while flying.

Conclusion: Bring New Momentum To Your Upper Body Training

A workout plan without chest exercises is like a pizza without cheese. You can do it, but it’s nonsense. A broad chest not only impresses visually but also promotes your posture and your back. It is highly worthwhile to vary your upper body training regularly for lasting impulses. The best way to do this is with new exercises. Build at least one of the 5 exercises from our video directly into your next workout.