What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Eating Pineapple

Is eating pineapple good for you? And what in particular? What are the contraindications and side effects to which attention must be paid? Useful info. Pineapple is a delicious exotic fruit that can be eaten in various ways: natural, in syrup, and indifferent dessert recipes, or squeezed in a centrifuge or a fruit juice. Pineapple, like all fruit, brings benefits to the body and determines physical well-being, especially in some aspects that we will see shortly. 

Attention must also be paid to some contraindications, but the side effects are generally mild unless you suffer from a severe allergy. Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is now very common on our tables. Its varieties are many and very different from each other, from the smallest, which can reach a weight of 1kg and are very juicy and tasty, to the largest, which can get 5kg. It is well known that it is good, like all other fruits, but pineapple is often chosen for specific properties that make it fall within the group of healthy foods.

Pineapple Property

Pineapple is a fruit that boasts a very abundant presence of proteins, vitamins (C, primarily) and mineral salts, including manganese and potassium. It does not have many calories, is nutritious and is excellent as a fruit in the summer, especially for rehydration and integrating vitamins and mineral salts. It is also often listed as food with aphrodisiac potential. However, the most crucial element of this fruit is determined by the presence of the so-called bromelain: it is precisely because of this set of enzymes that pineapple can boast unexpected benefits and reveal anti-inflammatory and healing potential.

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Pineapple?

Pineapple benefits, what are they? This exotic fruit is especially good for digestion and promotes blood and lymphatic circulation. In addition to the anti-inflammatory potential, this fruit allows for reducing post-operative swelling. It is used against edema, favoring microcirculation. It also acts positively on cellulite and counteracts water retention. Another essential advantage characterized by bromelain is that it helps regulate blood clotting in the event of venous insufficiency, thus avoiding the formation of dangerous blood clots and the consequent formation of thrombus.

Pineapple Contraindications

Of course, as with everything, pineapple also has contraindications. Generally, the side effects are mild, but it is well known that this fruit cannot be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, nor if allergies are present, nor before surgery. You should not eat pineapple even if you take anticoagulants or inhibitors of platelet aggregation, tetracyclines or even chemotherapy inhibitors.

The fruit is also not recommended for hypersensitive people and highly allergic to pollen, grasses, bee venom or latex. In these cases, you can eat pineapple, but with great caution, and stop if you notice any unpleasant side effects, such as swelling of the palate or tongue or bleeding. However, among the most common side effects, evident disorders such as diarrhea and stomach pain (and sometimes vomiting, although it is a rarer effect) stand out. The fruit is also not recommended for people suffering from hypertension and ulcer.

Conclusion: Is Eating Pineapple Good For You?

Yes, eating pineapple is good for you, just as eating fruit, in general, is good for you. However, to obtain tangible benefits from bromelain, it is recommended to consume herbal products made with extracts of pineapple or its stem. In this way, it is possible to ensure a more significant and continuous intake.