What Are Polyphenols, And What Are They Suitable For?

Polyphenols are natural and regular substances that pursue their cancer prevention agent properties. Kindly figure out how to load up on them through food and enhancements.

What Are Polyphenols: Definition And Classification

Polyphenols, or phenolic compounds, are organic substances of vegetable origin produced by plants, found in different forms and varieties. Based on their chemical structure, polyphenols are classified into more than 8000 compounds, which can be elementary (such as phenolic acids) or more complex (such as tannins). Some examples of polyphenols are:

  1. Phenols
  2. Flavonoids
  3. Flavonols
  4. Catechins
  5. lignans
  6. Anthocyanidins
  7. Isoflavonoids
  8. Stilbenes
  9. Cynarin

What Polyphenols Are Suitable For Their Properties

The benefits of polyphenols are numerous and are considered by multiple nutritionists and specialists, who proceed with their examinations and research to discover an ever-increasing number of their properties. We know that polyphenols act in plants to shield them from outside and forceful specialists and the activity of UV beams. For people, then again, they are fundamental because:

  1. They battle skin and cell maturing and consequently balance the activity of free extremists. Polyphenols are fundamentally cell reinforcements for finishing the action of nutrients and compounds against oxidative pressure.
  2. They go through the digestive system by altering the gastrointestinal vegetation, hindering pathogenic microbes while expanding those advantages to the body.
  3. They safeguard against outer specialists with their calming and antiviral activity.
  4. They permit cell apoptosis, i.e., the customized passing of cells that don’t work as they ought to and have anticancer properties.
  5. They control cholesterol ingestion, influencing the well-being of the circulatory framework and heart.
  6. They follow up on the basal metabolic rate, deterring fat cell amassing.
  7. They safeguard against diseases and asthma.
  8. They do a defensive activity on the bones, balancing the development of osteoporosis and the sensory system, where they forestall neurodegenerative illnesses.

Where Are Polyphenols Found, And How To Take Them

We can take polyphenols, even in abundance, thanks to diet and food supplements, since the body tolerates them well. There are no known contraindications for polyphenols.


Where polyphenols are found is a simple inquiry to respond to, as food varieties obtained from plant sources are loaded with them. Polyphenols, then again, give the smell, taste, and variety to foods grown from the ground, the class that is most extravagant in them. In soil products, the most noteworthy centralization of polyphenols is tracked down in the airborne part, the strip, and the mash just underneath. The polyphenols of leafy foods are impacted by light and oxygen, which adjust their organization. Polyphenols are found:

  1. Vegetables, especially green ones, include broccoli, asparagus, artichokes, spinach, salads, onions, pumpkins, peppers, leeks, garlic, and black radish.
  2. In fruit, especially the red one. Berries, berries, plums, cherries, blueberries, apricots, peaches, persimmons, strawberries, citrus fruits, grapes, apples, and figs are rich in polyphenols and are also excellent foods against free radicals.
  3. In legumes, such as broad beans and peas.
  4. In whole grains, such as buckwheat.
  5. In dried fruit, including tree nuts and peanuts.
  6. In seeds, especially sesame and flax.
  7. In aromatic herbs such as parsley.
  8. In dark chocolate, with a cocoa concentration of at least 70%, and in cocoa.
  9. In green tea and black tea: Especially the former contains within it a large concentration of multiple phenolic compounds.
  10. In condiments: For example, the polyphenols of extra virgin olive oil give it its specific organoleptic and nutraceutical properties.
  11. In the wine: The polyphenols in wine derive from grapes, particularly red ones, and make this drink rich in substances (a large percentage of tannins) that are good for the body if consumed in moderation!

It is great to consider that the number of polyphenols can change and rely upon different elements, like climatic varieties, the level of development, food safeguarding, and cooking strategies. Besides, retaining polyphenols is just of the time so prompt. There might be associations with food varieties that hinder their absorption, notwithstanding the way some polyphenols are consumed from the digestive tract without going through adjustments. At long last, the advantages of polyphenols act for several hours since they are used and ousted from the body. Regular admission is vital for keeping the degrees of polyphenols in the blood high.

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