Weight Loss Training: What To Do To Lose Weight?

Weight Loss Training: What To Do To Lose Weight? I train and get fat. What am I doing wrong? You often don’t weigh yourself for years, and then, driven by a great desire to change and feel better about yourself, you consider yourself before starting a diet and workout program. Days go by, and with a thousand motivations, you step on the scale to discover that… The cursed one scores more kilos! Help, what to do?

Workout To Lose Weight

When someone complains of having gained weight following training, they hear that it is a matter of lean mass gain. Muscle indeed weighs more than fat, but it’s also true that you need a slight hyper-calorie associated with a workout with heavy loads to build muscle, and, above all, it takes a lot of time. But does exercising make you fat? No, it’s practically impossible that physical activity is making you fat. By increasing your calorie expenditure, you certainly cannot gain weight! But, despite this, it remains one of the side effects that most worry those who start training. So why do I get fat if I train and eat well? Let’s take a look at the possible causes:

Wrong Workout

Everything, and immediately in sports, does not exist. If driven by the desire to lose weight quickly, you train too much, perhaps putting excessive stress on your body with exhausting cardio sessions, and you end up making things worse. The body perceives it as natural aggression and responds to this alarm by slowing the metabolism to limit the damage caused by too much sport. Overtraining, also called  overtraining, causes a  rise in cortisol  and, therefore:

  1. Insulin (the sugar hormone) increases, and fat storage in the abdomen is stimulated. The increase in insulin, in turn, causes an increase in hunger. The body has burned calories and is now tired and hungry. Result? We could burn 300 calories and eat 400.
  2. Metabolism slows down to defend the body from excessive fatigue.
  3. Increases water retention
  4. Catabolism (undesirable effect of tissue turnover characterized by a decompensation between the demolition of the muscle and the consequent recovery) of the muscle mass increases
  5. Increases general tiredness

Choosing a workout that is too heavy or training for hours and hours a day is counterproductive. Practical weight loss training must first prevent cortisol from rising. What Should I do?

  1. Please start with the proper workout for you. You can calculate it with this easy TEST. You will have time and a way to increase the intensity. Much better to start with basic workouts and gradually intensify.
  2. Do not engage in excessive cardiovascular activity. Especially at the beginning, at most 20/40 minutes.
  3. Maintain moderate intensity: We should always be able to talk to training partners.
  4. Respect the rest days provided for your workout.
  5. If you love running, do it consciously. Especially beginners should do it at most 2 or 3 times a week to give the muscles time to rebuild.

Nutrition And Sports

You should undoubtedly play sports to feel good without stressing yourself too much with calories, but it is also true that if your goal is to lose weight, you, unfortunately, have to deal with your diet. Those who start playing sports often think they can indulge in much more than they consume with physical activity. A psychological mechanism is triggered: I can reward myself if I’ve done something meaningful for my body. And so, those who may have consumed 200 calories with the workout take 267 with a single spoonful of peanut butter (100 cal) on a slice of bread (70 cal) and an orange juice (97 cal). Healthy and excellent snacks for those who play sports, but you must never forget that health is not low-calorie.

What To Do To Lose Weight?

  1. Eat right by choosing healthy foods and simple preparations,
  2. Take into account your calorie needs and your basal metabolic rate. Refrain from excessively reducing calories (never go below basal), or your body will perceive it as a threat and response by going into the reserve, causing a  blockage of metabolism and storing as much as possible, making it difficult to lose weight.

I Want To Train Without Bulking Up My Muscles

If you want to lose weight, you can avoid weight training. Often women, for fear of swelling their muscles, avoid toning activities. Nothing more wrong! It happens very often to hear questions like, “Does this workout make you swell? Will my thighs get big? Will I look like a man?” Well, I can only reassure you that no workout makes you fat, and it’s tough to train your muscles to grow exaggeratedly. Also because it is certainly not an immediate process, and you can easily adjust your training in progress. Also, take into account that:

  1. Muscles grow due to male hormones, which are scarce in women.
  2. To grow muscles, you need a diet suitable for this objective (hyper-caloric and hyper-protein), without which the body does not have the resources necessary to grow muscles.
  3. The training should be hefty indeed to grow the muscle that develops only if it is forced by exercises that lead to maximum squeezing.

Just think of all men’s efforts to develop muscle mass to understand that it is impossible for a woman who does not have a favorable hormonal profile and does not take special care of nutrition to formulate enormous muscles simply by doing some toning exercises. Toning work is essential for two reasons: 

  1. Obtain firm muscles and thus have a toned, healthy and harmonious appearance
  2. Lose weight! A more excellent muscle tone increases the basal metabolic rate, resulting in a more significant caloric expenditure at rest and any time of the day. If the muscles are more toned, the body burns more.

A girl starting to lift weights shouldn’t worry if her jeans tighten a little more after the first workout. Remember that it’s just a phase! Muscle volume can increase, but this is only a temporary effect. When you start training or when it intensifies a lot, it happens that the muscles retain liquids. The toning process is, in fact, faster than the slimming process. Therefore the thigh grows moderately because the power develops slightly, and the fatty tissue above it and any bearings created by water retention has not yet been consumed. This will happen more slowly. You must wait for this second process to occur to obtain the desired circumferences.

How Long Does The Swelling Effect Last?

It depends on your training level, your training intensity, your metabolism, and even your diet. What can you do?

  1. Train without fear of bulking up, and continue at the first phase, or you’ll always start over without solving the problem. The first effect of physical activity is the attraction of blood to the muscles, which causes swelling and turgidity. This is a very short-term effect: the legs are toned but thicker. This phase scares you and makes you think about giving up physical activity.
  2. The real problem with leg thickness is not the muscle but the fat above it: that has to be eliminated! If you continue the physical activity, it will make you burn calories and lose that layer of fat that is on top of the muscle, and that takes several weeks to go away: your leg will eventually look leaner and more toned.
  3. Plus, resistance training will continue to burn calories AFTER you finish your workout, making it perfect for those looking to lose weight. This phenomenon is called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). 
  4. Drink a lot, reduce (but don’t eliminate) salt, and stretch to lengthen your muscles.

Physiological Weight Changes

Also, remember that we are all subject to physiological weight variations and that it makes no sense to weigh yourself every day or several times a day. Weigh yourself once a week, preferably in the morning of the same day. Women must remember that periods such as pre-cycle and ovulation cause more excellent water retention with consequent weight gain. Don’t be scared but continue serenely and postpone your appointment with the scale.