Vitamin E: Rich Foods That Help Fill Up

Vitamin E in food is generally tracked down in vegetable oils and “great” fats like oilseeds and dried organic products. How about we figure out which food sources are plentiful in Vitamin E to top it off and stay away from lacks? Devouring food varieties plentiful in Vitamin E daily is fundamental to bringing this valuable substance into our body, and avoiding lacking that can prompt serious results. 

In nature, we find numerous food varieties that contain Vitamin E (tocopherol) in factor portions and that should be presented politely inside a sound eating regimen; among these, there are, most importantly, vegetable oils and oilseeds, sweet-smelling spices and dried organic products. We tell you that a need to remember Vitamin E, albeit not exceptionally regular, can here and there prompt serious results like neurological harm, untimely maturing and engine hardships. Before showing such significant deficiencies, different side effects, for example, sluggishness, debilitating loss of hair or unfortunate blood thickening, can be noted.

Vitamin E: What Is It For?

Before seeing which foods are richest in vitamin E, let’s briefly overview some of its functions to understand better how important it is to introduce it daily through food. In particular, Vitamin E:

  1. It keeps the skin young and delays its aging
  2. It prevents the onset of cataracts and vision problems
  3. Strengthens the capillaries
  4. Contributes to muscle strength
  5. Promotes the correct development of the fetus
  6. Keeps cholesterol levels in balance
  7. Promotes the functions of the immune system

Foods Rich In Vitamin E

Being a fat-soluble vitamin (i.e. soluble in fats), Vitamin E is present in important quantities in different types of vegetable oils (hazelnut oil, almonds, grape seeds, etc.) also, great fats like oilseeds and dried organic products (pine nuts, peanuts, pistachios). Many green verdant vegetables contain moderate dosages of Vitamin E, for example, spinach and chard and fragrant spices ordinarily utilized in the kitchen, like thyme, basil and sage. 

Entire grains and new organic products (particularly avocados, apricots and currants) are also great Vitamin E wellsprings, alongside flavors like paprika and stew peppers. However, we should see all the more unequivocally what the rates of vitamin E are in the most extravagant food varieties.

Wheatgerm Oil

Wheat germ oil is the richest food ever in vitamin E: 100 g provides 149.4 mg. Wheat germ oil also contains a high percentage of linoleic acid and B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. By its nutritional composition, this oil helps to balance cholesterol levels, contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system, helps acne-prone skin and brings energy to the body.

Sunflower Oil

100 g contains a good supply of vitamin E (41.08 mg), almost three times higher than olive oil. For this reason, sunflower seed oil and the very high percentage of polyunsaturated acids and phenols help strengthen the immune system, purify the blood, and fight bad cholesterol and the onset of arteriosclerosis.

Chili Powder

Known as a remedy and particularly beneficial food for the cardiovascular system, chili pepper has a good vitamin E (38,14), making it a powerful antioxidant that, by promoting vasodilation, helps prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. This spice also promotes the healing of stomach ulcers and has anticancer properties.

Sunflower Seeds

In addition to being very tasty and a perfect condiment for fresh salads and soups, they provide many benefits. Thanks to the synergy between vitamin E, of which they are rich (35.17 mg in 100 g), and the B vitamins, oleic and linoleic acids, selenium, iron, zinc, iron and magnesium, they are powerful natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that contribute to the improvement of symptoms related to joint diseases and the maintenance of balanced cholesterol values. Being rich in vitamin E and folic acid, sunflower seeds are also very important during pregnancy.


This spice, obtained from peppers left to dry after being deprived of the white part, contains a good percentage of vitamin E (29.83 mg) and is a good antioxidant capable of promoting blood oxygenation and counteracting oxidative stress. Thanks to high percentages of vitamin C, it is suitable for protecting eyesight and promoting the circulatory system’s correct functioning.


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of vitamin E in almonds (26.22 mg) are enhanced by Omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins. For this reason, besides being foods rich in Vitamin E, almonds prevent tumors and protect the health of the nervous system and the organ of vision. The high content of mineral salts also works in synergy with vitamin E to strengthen muscular resistance, bring energy to the body and contribute to the balance of the neuro-vegetative system.


They contain a good percentage of vitamins, including vitamin E: 17.5 mg in 100 g of hazelnuts. The actions carried out by vitamin E (antioxidant, vasodilator, protective of the capillary walls and stimulating circulation and blood oxygenation) are strengthened by trace elements (magnesium and manganese), which promote oxygenation, muscle strength and relaxation. On the other hand, vitamin E and oleic and linoleic acids, present in high percentages in hazelnuts, sweep away excess bad cholesterol from the blood.

Wheat Germ

It is one of the foods rich in vitamin E (15.99 mg per 100 g of roasted bean). The raw grain relates to the core of the wheat; for example, within the grain, it is economically accessible in powder structure, used to season plates of mixed greens and yogurt. As well as containing proteins, nutrients and mineral salts, raw grain can be a superb solution for the skin’s magnificence and the cardiovascular framework’s well-being.


Despite being a rather high-calorie fruit, it is very beneficial for the body thanks to the good supply of vitamin E (2.07 mg per 100 g of fruit). Avocado likewise contains a decent level of oleic corrosive and is wealthy in vegetable fats. It leans toward a quick re-foundation of adjusted terrible cholesterol values in the blood.


Rich in fiber, mineral salts such as zinc, copper and potassium, vitamin C, group B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin E (1.46 mg in 100 g), it is a powerful antioxidant and remineralizing agent; it strengthens the immune system, promotes digestion, regulates the glycemic index and prevents anemia.

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