The Ten Most Effective Butt Exercises To Do At Home

Hardly any other body part is trained with as much ambition as the buttocks. We’ll show you the ten most effective butt exercises for training at home or in the gym without any equipment. The large gluteal muscle (gluteus maximus) is constantly in use. You will feel it clearly when climbing stairs at the latest. A tense bottom stretches the hips and, together with the abdominal muscles, prevents the pelvis from tilting into a hollow back – suitable for walking upright and maintaining a straight posture.

Whether stretching your legs when getting up from a squat or lifting your body when climbing stairs, the gluteus maximus does all the work. Connected to it is the middle buttock muscle (gluteus medius). His strength is the spreading of the legs, the abduction. Third, the small buttock muscle (gluteus minimus) is in the group. It sits tucked under the gluteus medius. Regular butt training strengthens the rear muscle group and thus ensures a shapely back. The upper part of the hips and a narrower waist are also emphasized. Plus: If you are working towards a six-pack, you should also train your buttocks. The muscles are the opposite of the abdominal muscles.

Buttocks Training: How To Train Them Effectively?

The first thing to know is how to firm the buttocks. This muscle has one of the most essential and muscular bellies in our body: you can train it in many ways, but without load, the training stimulus will always be low. A perfect butt thus requires high loads and not a low (or no) load with infinite repetitions – in this case, even if you feel burning while exercising, it corresponds to a very modest effect.

Ten Practical Butt Exercises Without Equipment

All good reasons to start training immediately. We show you the ten most effective butt exercises. Here’s how it works: Set aside 10 to 15 minutes at least three times a week. Complete four exercises of three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each. Switch regularly between exercises to give your muscles new stimuli and thus the impulse for growth.


  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings, front thighs, abs, lower back
  2. Difficulty: easy
  3. Grade: Push off the foot, heels on the floor, upper body stays upright.

Squat Walk

  1. Trained: Buttocks, front and back thighs, abdomen
  2. Difficulty: medium
  3. Grade: Always raise your heels ultimately, and stay low in the squat.

Side Squat Walk

  1. Trained: Buttocks, side and front thighs, stomach
  2. Difficulty: medium
  3. Grade: Slightly externally rotate knees and toes, staying deep in a squat.

Cross Lung

  1. Trained: Buttocks, side and front thighs, stomach
  2. Difficulty:difficult
  3. Grade: Upper body remains upright. The front knee rotates slightly outwards. Please only do this with healthy knee joints.

Sumo Squat With Leg Lift

  1. Trained: Buttocks, side and front thighs, waist
  2. Difficulty: medium
  3. Grade: Raise your knees. Your pelvis points straight forward.

Dirty Dog

  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings and side thighs, lower back
  2. Difficulty: easy
  3. Grade: Pull in your belly button, back straight, wrists under your shoulders.


  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings, lower back
  2. Difficulty: easy
  3. Grade: Pull in your navel, back straight, elbows under your shoulders, tense your buttocks!

Superman With Leg Lift

  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings, lower back
  2. Difficulty: medium
  3. Grade: Look at the floor, keep your neck relaxed and buttocks firm, and push your heels towards the ceiling.

Hip Thrust

  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings, lower back
  2. Difficulty: medium
  3. Grade: Keep your pelvis straight, push your buttocks up and tighten them, keep readjusting your hips, and don’t lean down.

One Leg Hip Thrust

  1. Trained: Buttocks, hamstrings, lower back
  2. Difficulty: difficult
  3. Grade: Push your heel towards the ceiling, tighten your bottom, and keep your pelvis straight and always in the air.