The Nutrition Plan For Whole Vegan Foods

The following recipe suggestions are designed for two servings. They consist of wholesome ingredients, are quick to prepare, easy to use, and taste very fine. At this point, we wish you bon appétit.

The First Day

On the first vegan whole food day, your eating plan could look like this:

  1. Wholemeal spelled bread with avocado-paprika-cashew spread
  2. Millet with chickpeas and vegetables
  3. Buckwheat soup with vegetables

Breakfast: Wholemeal Spelled Bread With Avocado-Paprika-Cashew Spread

  1. Two slices of wholemeal spelled bread
  2. One ripe avocado – the pulp chopped up
  3. One red pepper – cut into small pieces
  4. 80 g cashew nuts – crushed
  5. 1 – 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  6. ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  7. Crystal salt and black pepper from the mill


Put all ingredients, except the pepper pieces, in a tall container and puree them finely. Then add the pepper pieces, puree again, and season to taste.

Lunch: Millet With Chickpeas And Vegetables

  1. 50 g millet – wash well in a fine sieve
  2. One small zucchini – wash and cut into small cubes
  3. ½ red and ½ yellow bell peppers – wash and cut into small cubes
  4. One beefsteak tomato – cut crosswise on the stalk, scald with boiling water, and peel
  5. 250 g cooked chickpeas (e.g., from a glass (organic))
  6. 100 ml of yeast-free vegetable stock
  7. One shallot – finely chop
  8. 2 tbsp olive oil
  9. One teaspoon tamari (soy sauce)
  10. some nutmeg
  11. some cayenne pepper/chili powder
  12. Crystal salt and black pepper from the mill
  13. ½ bunch of parsley – chop


Bring the vegetable stock to a boil briefly, add the millet and cook covered over low heat for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, heat the oil in a pan and steam the shallots in it until translucent. Then add the vegetables, season with salt, pepper, chili, and nutmeg, add tamari and cook covered for 10 minutes. Finally, add the chickpeas. As soon as the millet is cooked, add it to the pan with the vegetables, season everything again and serve sprinkled with plenty of parsley.

Dinner: Buckwheat Soup With Vegetables

  1. 100 g buckwheat – rinse with hot water and drain well
  2. One carrot – finely dice
  3. One small parsnip – finely diced
  4. One stick of celery – cut into fine rings
  5. One small stick of leek – cut into fine rings
  6. Two shallots – finely dice
  7. 600 ml of yeast-free vegetable stock
  8. 2 tbsp olive oil
  9. Crystal salt and black pepper from the mill
  10. One teaspoon dried lovage
  11. 1 – 2 tbsp tamari
  12. ½ bunch of parsley – chop


Roast the buckwheat in a saucepan without fat. Then add the oil and the onion cubes and roast them too. Deglaze with the vegetable stock. Add the vegetables, except for the leek, and simmer gently. After 10 minutes, add the leek, salt, pepper, and lovage to the soup and cook in it for another 5 minutes. Finally, season with tamari and fold in the parsley.

The Second Day

On the second vegan whole food day, your eating plan could look like this:

  1. Apple-nut yogurt with wholegrain oat flakes
  2. Paprika and herb risotto
  3. Whole grain bulgur vegetables pan

Breakfast: Apple And Nut Yogurt With Wholegrain Oat Flakes

  1. 8 tbsp oatmeal
  2. Two apples – roughly grated with a grater
  3. Two bananas – thinly sliced
  4. 1 – 2 tbsp nut butter (hazelnut butter, almond butter, etc.)
  5. 250 g plain soy yogurt


Mix the oat flakes and nut butter with the yogurt and fold in the fruit.

Lunch: Paprika And Herb Risotto

  1. 150 g whole grain risotto rice
  2. Two shallots – finely chop
  3. One clove of garlic – finely chopped
  4. Two red peppers – roughly dice
  5. 500 ml of yeast-free vegetable stock
  6. 100 ml white wine (optional)
  7. 3 tbsp olive oil
  8. One small sprig of rosemary – wash, pluck off needles and finely chop
  9. 1 ½ tsp anise seeds
  10. Ground ½ teaspoon coriander
  11. some cayenne pepper/chili powder
  12. Crystal salt and black pepper from the mill
  13. ½ bunch of parsley – wash and finely chop


Cook the diced paprika with seven teaspoons of vegetable stock in a closed pot for about 20 minutes. Stir now and then. Puree finely after the cooking time and set aside until use.

Heat the oil in a pan. Sweat shallots, garlic, anise seeds, and rice until translucent. Deglaze with the white wine and let it boil down. Then, if no wine is used, pour in the vegetable stock gradually, stirring constantly. Stir until the rice is cooked firm to the bite. Turn off the stove and season everything with salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Fold in the paprika puree, rosemary, and parsley and serve.

Dinner: Stir-Fry Whole Grain Bulgur Vegetables

  1. 125 g bulgur
  2. 150 g zucchini – coarsely grated
  3. Two carrots – coarsely grate
  4. 150 g peas (organic – frozen)
  5. One onion – finely chopped
  6. One clove of garlic – finely chopped
  7. ½ chili pepper – halve, core, and cut into fine strips
  8. 1 tbsp olive oil
  9. 300 ml of yeast-free vegetable stock
  10. 50 g homemade soy or oat cream
  11. Crystal salt and pepper from the mill
  12. One handful of fresh herbs – finely chopped


Heat the oil in a pan and sweat the onion with the garlic in it. Then add the bulgur and stir-fry until all ingredients are evenly covered with oil. Mix in the vegetables and chili strips and pour in the vegetable stock. Bring to the boil briefly, reduce the heat and cook covered for about 15 minutes. Then add the peas and fold in the cream. Season well with salt and pepper, add the herbs, and serve.

The Third Day

On the third day of the vegan whole-food diet, your eating plan could look like this:

  1. Warm millet porridge with fruits
  2. Vegetable coconut curry
  3. Whole grain couscous with peppers and sun-dried tomatoes. 

Breakfast: Warm Whole Grain Millet Porridge With Fruits

  1. 50 g millet
  2. One apple – peel and cut into wedges
  3. One pear – peel and cut into wedges
  4. ½ stick of cinnamon
  5. some vanilla powder or a piece of vanilla pod
  6. One handful of dried dates or figs – cut into small pieces
  7. One handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds, or desiccated coconut) – finely chopped


Bring the millet to a boil with twice the water, the ½ cinnamon stick, and the vanilla and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat. Cover the bottom with water in another saucepan, add the fruit wedges, and simmer until the fruit can be pricked easily with a fork.

When the millet water has boiled away, remove the cinnamon stick or vanilla pod, pour in a bit of water, put the dried fruit on top of the millet, and sprinkle with the nuts. Turn off the stove and let the whole thing steep with the lid closed. Then pour the fruit, including the cooking water, over the millet. Stir briefly and serve.

Lunch: Vegetable And Coconut Curry

  1. 150 g whole grain rice – cook according to the instructions on the packet
  2. 200 g green beans – cook in salted water for 20 minutes
  3. Two carrots – cut into skinny slices
  4. 100 g bamboo slices – rinse and drain
  5. 100 g mung bean sprouts
  6. 250 ml coconut milk
  7. 4 tbsp tamari (soy sauce)
  8. One half-thumb-sized piece of ginger – finely diced
  9. 1 ½ tsp curry powder
  10. some cayenne pepper/chili powder
  11. ½ bunch of coriander – wash and pluck the leaves. Leave a few leaves for decoration.


Heat the oil in a pan and fry the carrot slices in it for 4 minutes. Then add the remaining vegetables and fry for another 4 minutes. In the meantime, puree the coconut milk, tamari, ginger, curry, chili, and coriander in a blender. When the cooking time is over, add to the vegetables and bring to a boil briefly. Season again to taste, garnish with the coriander leaves, and serve with the rice.

Dinner: Whole Grain Couscous With Peppers And Sun-Dried Tomatoes

  1. 150 g whole grain couscous – put in a very fine sieve and rinse well
  2. One yellow pepper – finely diced
  3. 250 ml of yeast-free vegetable stock
  4. Two teaspoons of tomato paste
  5. 50 g of dried tomatoes in oil (jar) – cut into small pieces
  6. ½ hot peppers – halved, pitted, and cut into fine strips
  7. One onion – finely chop
  8. One clove of garlic – finely chopped
  9. 1 tbsp capers
  10. 3 tbsp olive oil
  11. ½ bunch of basil – finely chopped
  12. Crystal salt and black pepper from the mill


Put the couscous in a saucepan and bring to a boil with the vegetable stock. Remove from heat, cover, and let soak for about 10 minutes. Heat the oil in a pan. Sweat the onions, peppers, and diced paprika in it for about 3 minutes before adding the garlic. Then add the dried tomato pieces and the tomato paste and heat while stirring constantly. Possibly add a little water.