The Infallible Technique Against Stinky Feet

  1. Having feet that don’t smell of roses happens to everyone! We’ve all known a person whose feet stink so much that it invades the whole room! Who knows? Maybe you also have stinky feet sometimes. Be aware that some people are more vulnerable to this condition, which is medically known as bromhidrosis. This is especially true for pregnant women, teens, and the elderly. 

But it is also sometimes the case for people who suffer from heart disease or diabetes and people who are super stressed. “Our feet are covered with around 500,000 sweat glands, which can produce a lot of perspiration. “When we wear socks and shoes, our feet sweat. But the sweat does not escape. “It creates a warm, humid environment that bacteria and other fungi love. 

As a result, they thrive there and produce particularly smelly gases.” It is, therefore, the gases produced by microbes that sometimes make our feet smell bad! So how do you get rid of that cheesy smell once and for all? Now discover the surefire technique against stinky feet. Look:

Wash Your Feet The Right Way

To have feet that don’t smell bad, you first need to know the proper technique for washing them. The problem is, most people don’t wash their feet properly. “To fight against smelly feet, wash them daily using a simple bar of soap, not forgetting to rub between the toes. “When you get out of the shower, dry your feet well, including between the toes, because that’s where the moisture collects.”

And finally, one last tip for neutralizing bad odors: “Spray the inside of your shoes with an anti-odor and antibacterial spray .” Thanks to this little easy technique, you will be able to start each day with immaculate feet and without any foul odor.

Use These Proven-Effective Grandma’s Tips

Home remedies such as salt baths, tea baths, and white vinegar are super effective in removing foul odor from the feet. Here are the best grandma’s tips for using to neutralize bad smells immediately: – White vinegar foot bath: “Soak your feet every day in a basin of vinegar water (1 part white vinegar for two parts water). 

“Here, the idea is to reduce the level of bacteria responsible for bad smells naturally.” – Tea foot bath: this is the most effective home remedy. “Brew 8-10 tea bags per liter of water. Let cool and soak your feet for about 20 minutes a day.” – Salt bath:

  1. Put 150 g of coarse salt in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak your feet in this bath for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Dry your feet thoroughly.

This remedy also works with the famous Epsom salt. – Powders: baking soda, talcum powder, or cornstarch such as corn starch are all known to absorb excess moisture on the feet. And in addition, these applications make the feet very soft. Obviously, for these grandma remedies to work, it is essential to wear clean, dry socks and shoes.

Buy Good Shoes And Socks

Did you tackle the bad smell on your feet? Well done! It’s time to switch to the socks and shoes that cover your feet. Here’s the rule of thumb to prevent smelly feet from starting to smell bad. Buy only socks and shoes made with breathable materials. Synthetic materials provide less ventilation than natural materials. “Thus, polyester or nylon socks increase smelly sweating.

Conversely, natural materials like cotton and wool are more breathable materials that help limit the growth of bacteria on the feet. “The same principle also applies to shoes. “Wear shoes made with breathable material, like leather or fabric. This allows sweat to evaporate naturally. The podiatry expert also suggests testing the soles with activated charcoal. “Some insoles contain activated charcoal, which helps absorb bad odor from the feet.” 

Oh, and one last tip: never wear closed-toe shoes without socks. “It increases sweating and the growth of bacteria.” “Wearing closed-toe shoes without socks also promotes the development of dead cells, dirt, oil and yeast infection on your feet.” Wash your socks and shoes regularly, alternating them. It is a fundamental principle. Your socks should be changed every day to limit the accumulation of moisture and dead skin, And when it’s boiling, you sweat more than usual. 

In this case, do not hesitate to change your socks more than once a day. Before throwing your socks in the washing machine, remember to turn them over. The idea is to be 100% safe to clean off excess sweat and dead skin. For shoes, it’s a bit different. Some can be machine washed without damaging them. Just read the wash labels and make sure they dry completely. Could you find out how to do it here? Other shoes, such as leather shoes, are unfortunately not machine washable. 

Anyway, the idea here is to change shoes every day and to ventilate them well between each use by putting them outside, for example. “Try not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. “And at the end of the day, don’t store your shoes in a dark closet. Instead, let them air out in a well-lit and ventilated area. “Dry your shoes as soon as possible , especially if they are damp or wet.”

Use these tips to remove odor from shoes. To neutralize odors from smelly shoes, some use specialized powders. Others prefer anti-odor sprays, and still, others prefer cedar shavings. This one advises to spray an antibacterial spray or to sprinkle some anti-odor powder inside your shoes. Want to keep your shoes from smelling bad?

There are also grandmother’s remedies, such as baking soda, cornstarch (such as cornstarch), and talc. These powders are excellent anti-odor allies because they absorb moisture and odors while preventing the growth of bacteria. Just sprinkle it inside your shoes in the evening and remove the excess in the morning (to do every day).

When To See A Doctor

In some cases, the smelly sweating of the feet is so strong and persistent that it becomes necessary to see a doctor. “If the above tips don’t work, see a podiatrist or dermatologist. They can prescribe stronger antifungal medication or perform tests to determine the cause of the excessive sweating. “Sometimes these bad smells can be a symptom of a more serious medical problem, especially in people with immune disorders. 

“It is also essential to properly detect any cuts, injuries, inflammation, redness, or swelling on the skin or between the toes. Bacterial infections of the skin or soft tissues usually produce strong odors.” Finally, be aware that diabetics should be cautious with people with diabetes feet. “If you have diabetes, see a doctor at the first sign of nasty foot odor, as it can be a sign of a more severe problem.