The Eight Properties Of Beer, Benefits And Contraindications

Loved by many, beer is one of the most popular and long-lived drinks; even historical sources have confirmed its consumption already in ancient Mesopotamia. Of course, today, it is better from the point of view of processing and fermentation compared to the old times when it was raw because today’s techniques did not exist. Furthermore, recent studies have highlighted its nutritional properties to such an extent that it is considered real food, called ” liquid bread “, since it contains less ethanol than other alcoholic beverages and is rich in good substances for the human body.

Beer: Ingredients And Chemical Composition

To prepare the beer, four main ingredients are needed: water, barley malt, hops, and yeast. Germinated and dried barley called malt has always been used, although today, there are particular beers based on wheat, corn, rice and rye. Moderate consumption of beer is considered healthy. 

Beer contains vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamins C, E and J), minerals and potassium. In percentages, it is made of 91.9% water, 0.5% protein, 0.14% of ash, soluble fiber, dextrins, carbon dioxide and other substances deriving from hops and glycerin. Beer is a source of calcium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, silicon, magnesium, fluorine and selenium.

Beer: The Eight Benefits Of The Human Body

If we want to say it all, it is a craft beer with the greatest benefits for our bodies. It is produced and therefore maintains the organoleptic properties that positively affect those who consume it.

  1. Beer is an anticancer: authoritative studies conducted by the National Institute for Cancer. Beer is rich in xanthohumol, which inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in breast, ovarian and colon cancers. Not all beers, however, contain the same levels of xanthohumol; better, therefore, to consume the one with a higher level of hops which certainly gives a bitter taste to the drink but which has many benefits;
  2. Beer, obviously consumed in moderation, also has positive effects on our immune system, in higher percentages in women;
  3. It is an antioxidant: polyphenols slow down the aging process of the skin, acting on free radicals and preventing cardiovascular diseases ;
  4. In particular, vitamin B6 protects the heart because it counteracts the accumulation of homocysteine. Beer thins the blood and thus prevents the formation of clots in the arteries;
  5. Beer contains vitamin B12, which enhances memory and prevents anemia;
  7. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and is present in the drink in considerable quantities;
  8. Not excessive consumption of beer increases the level of good HDL cholesterol. This has a positive effect because it reduces the risk of dementia and heart disease; The drink contains soluble fiber, which facilitates digestion and cleanses the digestive tract. This allows the body to purify itself of heavy metals and eliminate aluminum from the body.

Does Beer Make You Fat?

Curiosity is linked to its origins and use because it is already considered a good drink for treating depression, cholera, cardiovascular diseases and states of weakness. The brewing profession was already present during the Mesopotamian civilizations; however, the first testimonies on the production and sale of the beer are reported in the famous Code of Hammurabi.

Another curiosity is linked to the fact that it does not make you fat: beer is not very caloric; for every 100g of beer, there are 35 calories less than in a fruit juice. Furthermore, the more the beer foams, the fresher the drink; the foam makes it more digestible and frees the glass from excess carbon dioxide.

Homemade Beer

Making beer at home is possible. In addition to having a craft beer with a capital A, the pleasure of drinking a beer made with your own hands is priceless. Making beer is called homebrewing, while those who produce it have a name that sounds very strange to the uninitiated, namely domozimurgo. There are three methods to make beer at home. 

The first is the simplest and is the hopped kit system, a kit that already contains a wart ready to ferment in water. With this method, it isn’t easy to characterize the beer with personal touches, but the resulting product will certainly be higher than many medium-low quality beers. The other two methods are reserved for beer lovers and require specific equipment similar to those used in professional breweries.

The Contraindications Of Beer

The excessive consumption of beer is not healthy because it is still alcohol, and we all know the contraindications of drinking too much alcohol. In addition, the yeasts interfere with prostate cells and can promote inflammation; therefore, men who have problems will have to limit their consumption to prevent the situation from worsening.