Taking Care Of Your Hair The Right Way

It must be assumed that the rules for washing hair are not universal, especially in terms of frequency, and the routine can vary depending on genetic, environmental and psychological factors. What are the secrets to healthy and strong hair? One of the most discussed topics is the frequency of shampoos. There are several theories on the subject, from those who argue that daily washing does not create problems to those who strongly advise against them, even suggesting washing the hair every two weeks to improve its health.

As happens in many situations, the truth lies somewhere in between, so the solution is to base your washing routine on the needs of your hair without following predefined rules. The hair becomes greasy due to the accumulation of sebum, which attracts dust and dirt, and the shampoo works by removing the sebum and dirt accumulated on the scalp and the hair shaft. Still, the amount of sebum produced varies depending on several factors. This is why there is no rule that is valid for everyone “. Here are some tips: Master Barber shares a vademecum dedicated to hair care in 5 points on washing and mistakes not to make.

When To Wash Your Hair?

It must be assumed that the rules for washing hair are not universal, especially in terms of frequency, and the routine can vary depending on genetic, environmental and psychological factors. For those who have a more excellent sebum production, more frequent washing is necessary; the same goes for those who live and work in the city, where their hair is more exposed to smog. 

In addition to this, stress can also alter the composition of the hydrolipidic film of the scalp and, in some cases, lead not only to more excellent sebum production but also to the appearance of dandruff. Therefore, no answer is valid for everyone, even if the ideal is to wash them every two days.

What Products Should You Use To Take Care Of Your Hair?

To take better care of your hair, in most cases, it is advisable to wash it, as anticipated, every two days using a delicate shampoo for frequent use and instead use once a week a shampoo that meets your needs, such as anti-hair loss products. or those dedicated to oily hair.

Which Shampoo To Choose?

This is a fundamental step because someone who is not suitable for their hair and scalp risks damaging them and worsening the situation in terms of cleaning. Industrial products with silicones and parabens, which act aggressively on the skin and hair, should be avoided, so it is better to choose good quality shampoos with delicate surfactants that allow more frequent and effective washing.

How To Dry Your Hair?

Frequent use of the hair dryer or straightener can cause irreparable damage, even if heat protectors are used. Especially with summer’s arrival, the advice is to dry the hair naturally to avoid further stress on the lengths. It is also important not to rub wet hair with a towel. Better to pat it dry and squeeze it gently with your hands.

How To Fight Hair Loss?

When it comes to hair loss, we must remember that it is a natural and physiological phenomenon that increases during the change of season. Hair loss, therefore, does not always lead to permanent baldness or thinning. The important thing is a balance between new and falling hair. Otherwise, the advice is to choose the shampoo carefully, to accompany strengthening compresses based, for example, on coconut oil, an ingredient rich in antioxidants and vitamins (especially E) and with emollient properties and nutrition.