Supplements For Women – These Are The Most Important

The Best Supplements Are Made Especially For Women

They exist, supplements from which women can benefit to an exceptionally high degree. Sports nutrition angel shows which supplements are most important for women. Although they are slowly but surely taking over the scene, women are still neglected regarding recommendations, hints, and suggestions. 

Training concepts are adapted to a man’s circumstances, only very few nutritional ideas have separate guidelines for women, and when it comes to dietary supplements, you don’t know what is suitable for women and whether there are supplements that ONLY women benefit from.

These Are The Top 4 Supplements For Women


Women And Creatine? Why Not

For many female exercisers, the best-known and undoubtedly best nutritional supplement in the field of competitive sports is still a no-go. This is due to the reverberation of Creatine, which reports more excellent water retention and weight gain, which of course, sounds anything but desirable for many women. Thank god the truth looks a little different.

Little To No Water Retention To Be Expected

Regarding the increase in body weight triggered by increased intracellular water storage in the first week of taking Creatine, it can be said that this is usually significantly lower in women than in men due to the different dimensions of muscle mass and total body water. 

EGCG – Fat Burner But Not A Stimulant Bomb

Of course, when it comes to fat burners, you could now cut a standard recommendation and advise women to use stimulant bombs for training that have a positive effect on lipolysis and fat oxidation through the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. Anyone who makes such a recommendation forgets a little thing, namely the clear difference between men and women in terms of sympathetic activity in the context of physical activity. 

In the maximum intensity range, this is significantly higher compared to men. It is believed that this could sometimes hurt performance, so it is far from advisable to recommend more significant amounts of stimulants for women to exercise. So a supplement is needed that can accelerate lipolysis independently of catecholamines. You will find what you are looking for with EGCG, one of the active ingredients in green tea. 

Indeed, have shown that EGCG has excellent potential for reducing body weight and body fat. In addition to increased fat oxidation in connection with training, one can expect from EGCG an increased resting metabolic rate and a significant reduction in particularly visceral fat deposits (dangerous organ fat).

It remains undisputed that the combination of caffeine plus EGCG results in a certain synergism that potentiates the effect. It would therefore be conceivable, especially for women before training, to combine the administration of only small amounts of caffeine (up to 150 mg) with a moderate amount of EGCG (900 mg) to keep the catecholamine levels low on the one hand and to maximize fat burning on the other.

Vitamin C – An Essential Tool Against Cellulite

Now we come to another very women-specific topic, namely that of cellulite. In addition to weakening the connective tissue in the dermis, researchers also see structural changes in the so-called areolar layer as the cause. If small protrusions form in these layers of tissue, they ensure the typical “bumpy” appearance. Thanks to a weaker connective tissue structure compared to men without so-called cross-links, the risk of such changes is much greater in women. The main reason for this is the lower level of testosterone in women.

Although the occurrence and severity of cellulite are highly dependent on the genetic makeup, as a woman, you still have the opportunity to make the best of your situation. In addition to an active lifestyle and avoiding excess acids, a continuous supply of vitamin C tailored to your needs is another option. It helps to keep the connective tissue healthy and strong. This is possible due to the decisive influence of vitamin C on the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the essential component of connective tissue and makes up 30% of all proteins in our body. 

Type I collagen, in particular, is responsible for the texture of the skin, making it the most important type of collagen in our body in terms of quantity. A significant amount of collagen is found mainly in the dermis, which is broken down over the years in addition to elastic fibers and is associated with a loss of elasticity in the skin. To stop this process as much as possible, a good supply of vitamin C is of great importance.  “The presence of vitamin C triggers the synthesis of collagen in a dose-dependent fashion, meaning the more vitamin C, the more collagen is made.”

Calcium And Vitamin D – Must-Have In Menopause

Finally, we come to a combination that couldn’t be more specific to women and is aimed at a selected group, namely menopausal women. The so-called menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 and refers to the time of the last menstruation and thus the end of fertility. Menopause changes the hormonal balance, which is mainly associated with a sharp drop in estrogen (the female sex hormone). Of course, this turning point in a woman’s life does not happen overnight but over a certain period. This range is called menopause.

Regardless of whether they are an athlete or not, the incidence of estrogen in all women is responsible because they are significantly more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Of course, women generally have slightly weaker bones than men, but estrogen is usually an essential protective factor against a reduction in bone density. Calcium is known as a mineral that gives bones strength. However, what was found was a reduced risk of fractures when calcium was consumed following requirements when an entire supply of vitamin D was taken at the same time. 

This duo works hand in hand when it comes to bone mineralization. With the help of vitamin D, calcium can be absorbed and incorporated into the bones, which is why one-sided recommendations to increase calcium intake during menopause for osteoporosis prevention are no longer up-to-date. Especially in our latitudes and longitudes, we know that vitamin D deficiency is almost a widespread disease. The number of those who get too little sun for enough vitamin D is alarmingly high.