Sprouts Of Legumes: 6 Sprouts To Make At Home Without Sprouter

A helpful article to making legume sprouts at home: what you need, how to sprout legumes without sprouting, and how to eat them. Accustomed to eating fruits, we sometimes forget about the sprouts of legumes altogether. The sprouts of legumes are a food rich in nutrients, even present in more significant quantities than the legumes themselves since during cooking, the latter lose properties that remain unchanged in the sprout. Sprouts are an irreplaceable source of proteins and enzymes that help our body during the digestive process, which is why the sprouts of legumes are much more digestible than legumes themselves.

They contain a lot of fiber, are beneficial for intestinal regularity, lower blood sugar levels, and many vitamins. In particular, vitamins E, C, and some B vitamins are mentioned: the joint action of these micronutrients prevents cell aging, improves the immune system, and guarantees specific metabolic processes for the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. We can buy sprouts in organic shops or understand how to make sprouts at home with the help of sprouted or simple containers.

Sprouts Of Legumes To Make At Home Without Sprouting

Extremely nutritious and healthy food, the sprouts of legumes can be used in many preparations, cooked or raw. They constitute food that cannot be missing in our diet thanks to the numerous benefits that our body derives from their consumption. So let’s learn how to make sprouts at home, even without a sprout.


Soy has liver-purifying and cholesterol-lowering properties. This legume is also very protein and used to produce foods such as tofu and tempeh. To make the sprouts starting from the yellow soybeans, it is advisable to wash them quickly and soak them for about 6-8 hours. Then we rinse and place the seeds in a glass container (a jar, for example) with a perforated lid or cotton or gauze to facilitate air passage. 

The seeds should be rinsed twice a day and placed in the container in the dark. After 2-3 days, they will be ready to be consumed. The bean sprouts will keep for about one week in the fridge. Meanwhile, enjoy them sautéed with some ginger and a dash of soy sauce for a quick but tasty side dish.

Lentil Sprouts

We can make legume sprouts without sprouting with lentils that are particularly rich in proteins and vitamins, including folic acid or vitamin B9 (referred to as we know in pregnancy). Rich in antioxidants and minerals such as iron and phosphorus, the varieties of lentils to be used are many (black, red, brown), and all follow this procedure.

After a quick rinse, they should be left to soak overnight, then drain and put in a jar (or another container) with gauze on top. We place the jar in a dry and ventilated place and wash the lentils 2-3 times a day, draining the excess water each time. After a few days, we will have our raw sprouts, which we can keep in the fridge for a few days. Lentil sprouts are perfect for a raw salad with walnuts and apple slices.

Bean Sprouts

Whether mung beans, azuki, or pinto beans, these legumes are delicious and versatile. They contain high concentrations of proteins, mineral salts, and fibers that purify the whole organism. But how to make sprouts without a sprout? Only in the case of adzuki seeds, the soaking phase is 20 hours (changing the water in half the time).

Then, let’s continue as seen so far: with the rinsing phase and the arrangement of the beans in a reasonably large container. We pour two fingers of water and place the container in the dark. We rinse the shoots two times a day. We keep them in the fridge or blanch them to form small meatballs with couscous and some spice to be enjoyed as an aperitif or main course.

Sprouts Of Peas

Peas are characterized by a good content of vitamin D, which protects the health of the heart and nervous system. Salts and vitamins, together with trace elements (selenium), exert a diuretic effect on the body and promote muscular and skeletal systems development. How to make homemade sprouts with green peas? It is soon said.

We rinse the peas and put them in a bowl in the bathroom for one night. Next, rewash them under running water and put them in a jute bag (or other natural material with a large mesh), placing them away from sunlight. We wet the peas 2-3 times a day for a few days. We collect the raw sprouts before the leaf comes out and keep them in the fridge. What about a first course based on pea shoots and sautéed zucchini with a drop of soy sauce?

Broad Bean Sprouts

The bean sprouts and purifying the body from waste represent a natural medicine that would be able to prevent some degenerative diseases of the nervous system, as well as arthritis (the latter thanks to the presence of manganese). The bean sprouting process is simple. We keep the beans in water for one night, rinse them, and put them in a container away from direct light. We follow this same procedure for the following days until we see the roots sprouting. We then continue with the storage in the fridge for a few days or we prepare a soup with bean sprouts, peas, and artichokes to be savored in the winter months.

Sprouts Of Chickpeas

Chickpeas could not be missing from our list of legume sprouts. Chickpeas and their sprouts have many minerals, including magnesium, essential for heart health and blood circulation. The fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids then reduce cholesterol levels, decrease blood sugars and restore intestinal motility. For the chickpeas, we follow the same procedure related to making sprouts at home with peas, therefore using a jute container. 

The chickpea sprouts will be wet for a couple of days and left in a dark, ventilated place. Finally, they can be kept in the fridge for about a week. To eat the sprouts, a tasty idea could be to sauté them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and place them in a flatbread made with chickpea flour and stuffed with cubes of tofu and tomato wedges.

Sprouts Of Legumes: Conclusion

Eating legume sprouts means providing our body with the necessary energy it needs. Sprouting increases the supply of nutrients, thus strengthening the immune system and ensuring bones, muscles, and the organs involved in digestion. If we wanted to buy a sprout to develop it, we could buy it in a specialized shop or on the internet.

Prices vary depending on the material (mostly terracotta or plastic) and range from € 15 upwards. Using a sprouted half the times, since it is developed on several levels to allow a greater quantity of sprouts of legumes (and more), it also has the floor where excess water is collected. In this way, the raw sprouts will have the proper humidity, preventing mold formation.