Sleep, An Ally Of Health And Beauty

Sleeping well is the most effective beauty treatment. Unfortunately, we hardly ever talk about it because we usually focus on the choice of cosmetics, beauty treatments, and nutrition. All very right and essential things, but a lousy rest can cancel all the efforts made in those areas.

During sleep, the organism “does the cleaning” and rebuilds: both on the mental level, re-elaborating the information received during the day through dreams; both on the physical plane, replacing damaged tissues thanks to the mechanism of cell regeneration also through the production of collagen. Above all, while we sleep, our body repairs the tissues damaged by pollution, UV rays, and free radicals, replacing them with new and younger ones. Three main processes take place during sleep:

  1. increases cellular exchange: a mechanism that on the one hand brings nourishment and hydration to the cells, on the other hand, frees the cells from waste and toxins;
  2. Cell division increases: at night. There is a spike in growth hormone, which favours the creation of new cells, which replace damaged ones;
  3. Increases the production of collagen and elastin fibres: these substances are the main component of the extracellular matrix, which holds the connective tissue together. Collagen is essential to give structure, firmness and elasticity to the skin, and it is precise during sleep that the most significant amount is produced.

If you sleep little or badly, these processes cannot occur optimally, and the skin suffers: it loses its elasticity, it is duller, wrinkles increase. Both are due to collagen deficiency and insufficient cell regeneration.

What Does It Mean To Sleep Well?

Good sleep consists of two elements: sleeping an adequate number of hours but above all being able to obtain a deep and uninterrupted sleep, a quality sleep. There is no predefined number of hours that you need to sleep: some say 7 hours, others 8, but this is not the case. The number of hours varies from person to person, as some need less sleep than others. These indications vary according to age: the older you get, the less rest you need.

It also varies according to our activities: when we have periods of more significant physical effort (an athlete who increases training, an illness, a period of more substantial stress or mental effort), the body needs more hours of sleep to recover energy commitment spent. In these periods, oxidative stress increases, and an increase in sleep hours allows the body to better repair the damage. So how do you figure out the number of hours it takes? We must learn to listen to ourselves because the body sends apparent signals. If during the day we feel more listless, less lucid, we tend to forget things. 

It means that the number of hours you sleep is not enough and therefore for a few days we should allow ourselves a little more sleep. Maybe going to bed half an hour early or giving up some evening commitments. Quality is even more important than the quantity of sleep: it is better to sleep fewer hours but in a more profound way and without interruptions, rather than sleeping many hours but of lower quality. 

How many times have you slept for many hours but still felt tired when you woke up? This means that it was a low-quality sleep, perhaps because you brought the tensions of the day just ended with you in bed, or because you ate foods that were not suitable for your body the night before and the digestive effort continued during the night.

Some Tips For Finding Restful Sleep

Although it is believed that sleep quality is an element that does not depend on us, in reality, we can do a lot to improve it. Many habits and precautions allow you to prepare the body for sleep and put it in the best conditions to sleep well. Eliminate bad habits: falling asleep with the TV on or spending too much time on the phone before falling asleep, drinking coffee after dinner, Perform regular physical activity: promotes falling asleep and deep sleep, but must end at least three hours before bedtime. 

Set up your sleep routine: bathe or shower, read, practise some yoga and breathing practices. Light meals, especially at dinner: large meals before bedtime should be avoided, especially avoiding exciting substances such as coffee, tea, alcohol, and smoking.

Use Products That Help Induce Sleep 

Many products are based on natural ingredients that help you fall asleep. Supplements are based on melatonin, poppy and lemon balm extracts, passionflower, and herbal tea.