Saltwater From The Sea, The Benefits On Our Body

What Does Salt Water Mean?

The term “saltwater” allows identifying the presence of a series of dissolved substances such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, and a high percentage of sodium chloride, or the ubiquitous salt. Sea water contains a percentage of salt ranging from 2.5% to 3.5% of the liquid compound, which determines a series of properties. The value above is high compared to fresh water, which contains at most 1% sodium chloride. Sea water, therefore, has a different color, based on the salt concentration and consistency, then fresh water.

Because The Sea Water Is Salty

According to scientific research, it is now known that at the beginning of the earth’s formation, the seas were composed of freshwater. The presence of salt in the oceans dates back to a more recent phase in the planet’s life when the earth’s crust began to cool and the first tectonic plates took shape. The salt and minerals were transported into the sea, enriching it with substances through the rains and the constant action of the rivers. The water of the sea continues to maintain its salinity thanks to the so-called hydrological cycle, which consists of the sun that warms the oceans, producing the evaporation of the water but not of the sodium chloride that remains in the sea. 

The water, devoid of salt, returns to a liquid state through rain and snow, which feed lakes and rivers. In this way, the salt level slowly increases, differentiating according to their location and the extent of the salty waters. For example, in open seas, the salinity is lower, while in the case of closed ones, the level of salts increases, reaching high percentages. In warmer waters, evaporation is more significant, so the salt concentration will also be higher. In the arctic areas, on the other hand, there will be a lower salinity of the sea, thanks also to a high percentage of freshwater coming from the ice.

What Are The Benefits Of Water That Contains Salt?

Thanks to its mineral and biological characteristics, seawater can determine a series of advantages for human beings.

Disinfectant And Antibacterial Action

Thanks to a high percentage of salts and dissolved substances such as iodine, sulfur, and fluorine, seawater can be used as a disinfectant for minor wounds and bruises, stimulating tissue healing. It also has an antibacterial action, acting on microbes and pathogens of the oral cavity and mouth.

Purifies The Skin

Saltwater benefits the skin thanks to its antibacterial action. Treatments with purified sea water allow the skin to acquire shine, intervening in treating acne and blackheads and improving the health of oily skin. It can also be used to treat inflammation and dermatitis naturally.

It Intervenes In Muscle Tension And Reduces Inflammation

Immersing yourself in seawater can be an excellent treatment to eliminate any muscle tension, thanks to the greater density of the salts dissolved in it that contribute to buoyancy.

Improve Your Breathing

Sea water also benefits breathing, counteracting health-affecting diseases such as allergies, coughs, and asthma. The particular composition of salt water makes the sea air rich in iodine particles. They are naturally inhaled by acting directly on the airways, helping the body eliminate bacteria and microbes that could inflame the lungs and mucous membranes.

Can The Water Containing Salt Be Drunk?

At this point, a question might arise: is it possible to drink water containing salt, using it for the well-being of the organism? But what happens if you drink salt water? A very high percentage of salt determines the need for the cells to restore the hydro-saline balance by using more water. The salt is then dissolved and excreted by the kidneys, but the percentage that the body can eliminate through this mechanism is equivalent to only 0.9%. 

If we consider that in seawater, there is the presence of 3.5% of salts, it can be understood that an excess amount of sodium chloride will remain inside the body. This excess of salt will require more liquid to be disposed of, establishing a process of dehydration of the cells. Drinking water containing a high amount of salt implies a process unsuitable for the body.