Red Spots On The Skin: Symptoms, And Possible Remedies

These skin lesions can be pretty much broad, with a measurement fluctuating from a couple of millimeters to a couple of centimeters, and gather in at least one explicit region, like the face, neck, trunk, inside piece of the elbow and knee, hands, and feet, or be conveyed pretty much uniformly over the whole body. The shape can likewise differ: the skin spots can appear roundabout or sporadically molded red patches, and the injuries can be level or raised (vesicles, pustules, or wheels).

What Are The Possible Causes And Related Symptoms?

The appearance of red spots on the skin doesn’t have a particular reason. In any case, it tends to be the cutaneous appearance of various circumstances, issues, and illnesses that aren’t guaranteed to concern the skin; however, it can include different organs and frameworks of the body. Among the most well-known conditions and pathologies that can cause the presence of red skin spots are, for instance:

  1. acne
  2. the erythema
  3. Different dermatitis types are standard, including atopic dermatitis or eczema and contact dermatitis with irritating substances or allergens.
  4. urticaria
  5. the angioma
  6. Excessive heat or cold, burns due to exposure to the sun, rubbing of sensitive areas.
  7. infectious diseases such as measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, rubella, and herpes
  8. rosacea
  9. the petechiae
  10. Infectious agents, inflammation, or immune deficiencies may cause other skin manifestations.

For a correct diagnosis of the disorder that has led to the formation of spots on the skin, it is essential to consult your doctor. Acne is a typical disorder of adolescence, but it can also appear in adults. It is due to the excessive production of sebum, which accumulates in the sebaceous glands and blocks the pores of the skin, causing inflammation that manifests itself with redness of the face and the appearance of pimples and blemishes.

Erythema is characterized by patchy redness of the skin, which can be localized in a particular area or spread to multiple areas of the body and is due to an increase in blood flow in the blood vessels of the epidermis, the most superficial of the skin. This explains its main characteristic: if you put pressure on the irritated skin area with your fingers, the red patches disappear and reappear when the pressure ceases. Pressing with your fingers interrupts the blood circulation in the area. The redness is usually associated with itching and, sometimes, skin flaking.

The possible causes of skin irritation due to erythema are numerous: the most common is excessive exposure to the sun (in this case, we speak of solar erythema), the intake of certain drugs (drug erythema) or foods, contact with physical, chemical, or infectious agents, and allergies. Two types of erythema can be distinguished: the active form is characterized by bright red spots due to the dilation of arterial blood vessels associated with the heat of the skin in the affected area; the passive form, however, depends on the slowing of blood circulation in the veins and presents itself with dark red patches tending towards bluish and with a lowering of the skin temperature in that area.

Dermatitis is a skin disease that is predominantly inflammatory and non-infectious due to various causes. In general, dermatitis presents with red spots on the skin, itching, and, in some cases, blisters, dryness, and skin flaking. The most affected areas are, in general, the face, neck, hands, and feet. Dermatitis, however, is a generic term, as numerous types can have different characteristics. We briefly indicate the most common ones

Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a chronic (i.e., persists over time) and non-contagious form characterized by an alternation of moments in which the skin manifestations are present and periods in which they disappear. Although it can appear anywhere, the body’s most affected areas are usually the face, trunk, and legs. Contact dermatitis, as the name suggests, is caused by contact with particular substances and can be irritative or allergic. The irritative form can be triggered by various substances: detergents, solvents, some aggressive cosmetics or personal hygiene products, or even certain fabrics if they contain irritating chemicals. 

Contact with these substances causes skin irritation, but the immune system triggers no reaction. This instead happens in the allergic form, in which the appearance of red spots is due to an allergic reaction caused by an abnormal immune system response following exposure to specific allergens in already sensitized people. In contact dermatitis, the appearance of red spots is usually accompanied by burning, itching, and blisters. The typical dermatitis symptoms can also appear suddenly, following a particular condition of physical, psychological, or emotional fatigue, called stress dermatitis.

Urticaria is a skin manifestation characterized by the appearance of wheals, i.e., small red skin growths accompanied by intense itching. It can be caused by drug allergies (such as antibiotics), foods (for example, milk, eggs, and some fruits), pollen and other airborne allergens, cosmetics, and personal hygiene products. The cause can also be non-allergic, for example, an infection due to pathogenic germs, sun exposure, excessive sweating, temperature changes, and other external stimuli.

How To Identify The Cause

As we have seen, the appearance of red spots on the skin can be due to many different causes, including diseases requiring specific therapy. For this reason, it is essential to contact a dermatologist who, through the visit, the collection of information, the analysis of the characteristics of the spots and the associated symptoms, and any specific tests (for example, tests for allergies or targeted tests to identify particular pathologies), will be able to make a correct diagnosis and then plan adequate therapy if necessary. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist doctor can advise to prevent its reappearance.

How To Prevent Red Spots On The Skin

It is not always possible to prevent the appearance of redness on the skin, as whether or not effective prevention is possible depends on the triggering cause. In the case of contact dermatitis, for example, prevention consists of avoiding exposure to irritants or agents that cause allergies. Exposure to the sun with due precautions—avoiding the central hours of the day and always protecting yourself with a sun cream suited to your skin type—reduces the risk of sunburn.

To try to prevent acne, it is helpful to keep the skin clean with specific and not-too-aggressive cleansers recommended by the dermatologist. Most infectious diseases in children that cause skin lesions can be prevented through vaccination. To prevent the adverse effects of heat on the skin, it is best to avoid using too much hot water to wash.

Furthermore, adequate nutrition and correct hydration help keep the skin healthy, reducing the risk of dry skin and the appearance of lesions. In cases of an insufficient intake of nutrients from the diet or an increased need for them (for example, during periods of high stress), specially formulated food supplements can be helpful in the prevention of some skin alterations.

What Are The Most Effective Remedies For Red Spots On The Skin?

The effective remedies for eliminating skin blemishes depend on the cause that caused them. Once the cause has been identified, treating the underlying condition, disorder, or disease can also help eliminate redness in the skin. Sometimes, however, some traces of the skin lesion may remain even after healing. Therefore, the dermatologist must set the therapy based on the diagnosis and may include the intake of drugs to be taken by mouth or creams to be applied to the affected area to alleviate the symptoms of allergies. 

Some skin blemishes can be removed with particular surgical techniques. In many cases, the redness of the skin is only temporary and resolves on its own without any intervention. Still, discomfort can be alleviated by using soothing and hydrating creams and gels. Some natural remedies and dermocosmetic treatments, to be used on your doctor’s advice, can help prevent the lesions from worsening and facilitate healing.

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