Purple Spot On The Lip: What Can Be The Cause?

You may be concerned when you notice a purple spot on your lip that was never there before. You certainly want to know what it is and how it came about. There are numerous reasons for purple dots on the lips. For example, it could be purpura. Read on to learn more about this symptom:

What Is Purpura?

Purpura manifests as purple spots on the skin or mucous membranes, such as the oral mucosa or lips. These soft spots appear when small blood vessels rupture under the skin and pool. Purpuric patches are typically between 4 and 10 millimeters in diameter. Any more minor purple spots are called petechiae. Larger patches are called ecchymoses.

Causes Of Purpura

Injury, steroid use, and drugs that affect platelets or clotting can affect the development of purpura. Purpura can also be associated with various diseases, such as amyloidosis, congenital rubella syndrome, or congenital cytomegalovirus. Hemangioma, a skin growth caused by abnormal blood vessels forming in the skin, and vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels, can also lead to purpura.

In some cases, these spots can appear due to bleeding disorders that decrease the number of platelets, the cells that allow blood to clot. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system destroys platelets and reduces the blood’s ability to clot. This can lead to skin bleeding. Women are about three times more likely to be affected by this type of purpura than men.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Contact your doctor or dentist immediately if you notice a purple spot on your lips. He can examine the area and determine whether it is purpura or another condition. At your appointment, your doctor or dentist will first examine the affected area of ​​the skin externally. He will also ask you questions about your symptoms and medical histories, such as any medications you take regularly and any medical conditions. A blood test provides essential information when determining the cause of the purpura. This allows your doctor to check the platelet levels in your blood, for example.

In certain circumstances, the doctor may need to perform a biopsy of the purple spot. In this procedure, a tissue sample is taken and examined under a microscope. A biopsy can help determine the cause of the tissue change, according to the Internet information portal Internists. It can also help the doctor rule out more severe conditions like lip cancer. Because there are several possible causes of purpura, treatment approaches vary widely. After your dentist or doctor has determined what’s causing the purple spot, they can recommend appropriate treatment if needed.

Other Possible Causes Of Dark Spots On Lips

Purpura is not the only possible cause of dark spots on lips. Dark spots can also form due to melasma, a common skin problem that causes brown or gray patches to start on the skin. Melasma occurs mainly on the face, in places increasingly exposed to the sun, such as on the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and lips. This condition can be treated with sunscreen, such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat and applying sunscreen. When allergens come into contact with the lips, the skin can develop reddish, brown or gray discolouration. The allergens can even be found in lipsticks, among other things.