Properties, Benefits, And Nutritional Values ​​Of Salmon

In all its forms, cooked, raw, or smoked, salmon is good and rich in properties. But is it true that it makes you fat? Here’s what to know. Although it has been widely demonstrated that our body needs all macronutrients to function well, the misconception that certain foods must be eliminated from the diet because they are too fat is still widespread. This is the case of salmon, one of the richest fish in lipids that, due to its characteristics, is often included in the bluefish category. It contains a percentage of fats higher than 10% and, contrary to popular belief, it is very rich in properties that make it a food that is tasty and very nutritious. 

However, due to its quantity of lipids, it is often pointed out as a product that cannot be consumed frequently by those suffering from obesity and overweight, ending up being banned from low-calorie diets in all its versions: raw, cooked, etc. canned—or smoked. But is it true that salmon makes you fat, or would there be no problem in including it in the diet of those who have to lose weight? So let’s find out how many calories salmon have, its properties, nutritional values ​​, and the benefits that its regular consumption can bring to the body’s well-being.

Characteristics, Properties, And Benefits Of Salmon

Salmon is a fish belonging to the Salmonidae family, found predominantly in the cold waters of the Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. Atlantic salmon is the most widespread variety and for which there are numerous farms (including intensive ones). Finding it free in the wild is now difficult, if not in Alaska, where breeding is prohibited. Its rosy meats are very nutritious and rich in properties. Salmon is an excellent source of noble proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, mineral salts, and vitamins. 

It contains all the essential amino acids and is among the foods that allow you to fill up on Omega-3 and six fatty acids. The latter is very important to ensure good heart health and avert the risk of developing tumors and heart attacks. Furthermore, they have a significant antioxidant effect, counteract free radicals and consequently slow down the aging of cells. The polyunsaturated fatty acids in salmon also act as balancers of cholesterol levels, also contained in moderate quantities in the food. 

They help keep the brain and nerve functions active, protecting against the development of nervous system disorders, depression, and stroke. Finally, salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals that are most important for our body. It is, in fact, one of the few foods that contain vitamin D and vitamin B12, the former necessary for calcium metabolism and the excellent health of the skeleton, the latter essential for energy metabolism and cell renewal. Other vitamins present in a suitable concentration in salmon are B1, B3, B6, and vitamin A.  

However, among the most abundant minerals, we find selenium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, the latter essential, among other functions, to protect sight and hearing. Instead, it is low in sodium but only in fresh meat: canned and smoked salmon contain much higher concentrations; therefore, an abundant consumption can be problematic in case of hypertension and water retention.

Nutritional Values ​​Of Salmon

Salmon is one of the most protein foods and contains no trace of carbohydrates. This could lead us to believe that it is a fish similar to the other species belonging to the category from a nutritional point of view. Therefore, it can be consumed several times a week, even by those who follow a low-calorie diet. It is good to know, then, that it turns out to be quite caloric due to the high lipid content. 

A 100-gram serving of fresh salmon provides around 210 calories, most of which are protein (about 21g) and fat (15g). On the other hand, smoked salmon has fewer calories (about 150) but contains more sodium and cholesterol; therefore, it is always preferable to opt for a slightly higher calorie intake if this choice is healthier from the total nutritional profile. Below we take a look at the salmon nutrition facts table:

  1. Calories: 210 kcal
  2. Carbohydrates: 0 gr;
  3. Proteins: 21 gr;
  4. Fats: 15 gr;
  5. of which saturates: 3 gr;
  6. monounsaturated: 3.8 gr;
  7. polyunsaturated: 4 gr;
  8. Folate: 26 mcg;
  9. Vitamin B12: 3.5 mcg;
  10. Vitamin A: 59 mcg;
  11. Vitamin D: 440 IU;
  12. Magnesium : 26 mg;
  13. Phosphorus: 240 mg;
  14. Potassium: 370 mg;
  15. Water: 65 gr.

Does Salmon Make You Fat?

That it is not a properly low-calorie food is quite evident, but this does not mean that it should be abolished entirely in the diet of those who have to keep weight under control.  Consuming salmon when following a low-calorie diet is allowed, as long as this does not happen frequently and, above all, in large portions. However, it isn’t easy to define a priori how much salmon to eat on a diet, as only a nutrition expert can determine the right quantities of food to be administered in a controlled diet.

In itself, eating salmon does not produce contraindications. Still, after killing, care must be taken to consume it well cooked or raw to avoid infections due to parasites that can lurk in raw fish. In general, therefore, we can say that salmon is an excellent food from a nutritional point of view, which does not make you fat if consumed in the correct portions and within a varied and balanced diet.