Optimal Diet: Not Recommended For Everyone

As with other restrictive diets, the optavia diet involves restricting food groups that are critical to obtaining the nutrients the body needs. It is therefore not a recommended option. We explain what it consists of. The optavia diet is a restrictive food plan that is counterproductive to health. It is a weight loss diet that can have a rebound effect. 

It excludes numerous nutrients, and this can put the body’s health at risk. So it is feared that it will extend to other countries in the world. What is it about? Why should it be avoided? We explain everything in the following paragraphs.

The Optavia Diet Is Nutrient Deficient

The optavia diet is based on protein preparations and supplements while reducing carbohydrates and calories. Likewise, it mainly includes green leafy vegetables. Due to these characteristics, it has several contraindications. First, the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on kidney health are not known for sure. 

On the other hand, a very low-calorie diet can lead to a rebound effect; therefore, it is not sustainable in the medium or long term. In addition, eliminating the consumption of mixed vegetables reduces the micronutrients supplied to the body. Red fruits, for example, are an excellent source of antioxidants, as well as tropical fruits or tomatoes. By following this diet, it is also possible to experience mineral deficiency. The fat intake is satisfied by the consumption of fish, olive oil, and avocado. 

However, since it is a low-calorie diet, the supply of these nutrients may be insufficient for the body to perform metabolic functions correctly. It should be remembered that fats are necessary for transporting fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore they are essential nutrients. Another negative point of the optavia diet is the number of preparations and supplements that can cause stomach upset.

The Best Option Is A Balanced Diet

Wanting to lose weight doesn’t mean eliminating variety from your diet. There are alternatives, such as the punctual restriction of carbohydrates or the practice of intermittent fasting, which promote weight loss without compromising health. Therefore, the ideal is to lose weight by following a healthy diet. Abandoning harmful habits, such as drinking alcohol and consuming many processed foods, allows you to lose several pounds.

In other cases, it may be necessary to make precise changes to the diet, especially in athletes. In any case, it is essential to ensure as many foods as possible in the diet,  especially regarding vegetables. It is advisable to mix vegetables of different colors and alternate the consumption of raw and cooked. Similarly, it is advisable to take the cooking water so as not to lose the water-soluble vitamins. 

Carbohydrates Aren’t Always Enemies

It is possible to lose weight even without excluding carbohydrates from the diet; it may be sufficient to choose the varieties with a low glycemic index. Whole fibers bring essential benefits to intestinal health. In addition to this, they promote a sense of satiety and reduce appetite. 

Conversely, processed foods high in simple sugars produce high pancreatic stress. Consuming these foods alters glucose levels, causing postprandial hypoglycemia, which increases appetite. As a result, the person tends to eat more.

Conclusions On The Optavia Diet

Restrictive diets are not a healthy option for the body, and the optavia diet is no exception. Being a high-protein and low-calorie diet, it is not possible to follow it for a long time. Furthermore, its incidence on medium- and long-term kidney disease is unclear.