Nutrition For The Prevention Of Malignant Tumors

In general, it is advisable to avoid the development of overweight and obesity with a correct diet, as already mentioned possible causes of various cancers. The use of foods that may contain nitrates (sausages, canned meats, canned tuna, hot dogs, preserved cheeses, ham, etc.) should be limited: the nitrosamines that derive from nitrates are carcinogenic, especially for the esophagus and for the colorectal, unless a quantity of vitamin C is taken at the same time which contrasts the transformation of nitrates into nitrites and nitrites into nitrosamine. 

The use of grilled or fried, or smoked meat, fish, whose excess is suspected cancers of the colorectum, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas, should be limited: in fact, it has been found that in these types of cooking, where very high temperatures are reached, potentially carcinogenic substances such as heterocyclic amines (HA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are formed. Before frying and grilling the meats, it is convenient to pre-cook them in the microwave oven to reduce the time of exposure to high temperatures. ; It is essential always to eliminate the carbonized parts because carbonization is accompanied by the formation of toxic and carcinogenic substances. 

Excessive use of red meat is suspected in various cancers, especially in the mouth, colorectal, breast, and squamous cell esophageal. The consumption of fish is strongly preferred, and the use of animal fats contained in beef, whole milk, and fatty cheeses should be limited. Excessive intake of saturated fatty acids is suspected in various malignant tumors, particularly those of the colorectal, breast, mouth, prostate, kidney, endometrium, ovary, lung, and pancreas. Depending on the subjective risk of specific tumors, various dietary recommendations are indicated:

Prostate Cancer

Prevention and treatment of excess weight, moderate use of animal proteins and fats, increase the consumption of crucifers (broccoli, sprouts, rocket, cabbage, cabbage), garlic, onion, shallot, tomato, legumes, in particular soy, and green tea.

Breast Cancer

Prevention and treatment of excess weight, moderate use of animal proteins and fats, limitation of foods with a high glycemic index, end of red meat and processed meats, restriction of alcoholic beverages, rule of soy for estrogen-sensitive tumors, habitual intake of sufficient quantities of vegetables.

Colon-Rectum Cancer

Prevention and treatment of excess weight, moderate use of animal proteins and fats, limited foods with a high glycemic index, red meat and processed meats, alcoholic beverages, and foods with nitrates and grilled meats or smoked.

Endometrial Cancer

Prevention and treatment of excess weight, moderate use of animal proteins and fats, limitation of foods with a high glycemic index, red meat and processed meats, alcoholic beverages, and increase in soy consumption due to its high content in phytoestrogens.

Lung Cancer

For priority smoking cessation, we recommend a diet low in animal fats and rich in vegetables, notably carrots, tomatoes, red pepper, radishes, squash, apricots, strawberries, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Stomach Cancer

Avoid grilled meats or fish, scorching and fried foods, smoked foods, and foods that may contain nitrates, limit salt, meat, animal fats, and alcohol, foods rich in starch, abundant with vegetables, especially with garlic, onion, spinach, carrots, and citrus fruits.

Esophagus Cancer

Avoid red meat, cured meats, poultry, fish cooked on the grill, fried or smoked, and alcohol abuse. We recommend a diet rich in fish, vegetables, and fruit, especially citrus fruits. Cancer Of The Pancreas. We recommend a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and limit the use of animal fats, meat, poultry, grilled or fried, or smoked fish. Avoid excessive use of alcohol and sugar.

12 Rules Against Cancer

The first edition was published in 1987. The recommendations are periodically reviewed in light of the latest scientific findings by a group of doctors, scientists, and other experts from across the Union selected by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Not Smoking

Tobacco is the leading preventable reason for illness and passing and is the primary source of disease advancement.

Do Not Smoke In The House

Studies conducted on non-smokers have shown that passive smoking doubles the risk of developing lung cancer, even for those who have never picked up a cigarette.

Make Sure To Maintain A Healthy Weight

Staying at an average weight by following a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen, and orienting yourself with your body mass index, can help prevent certain types of cancer, heart problems, and diabetes.

Be Physically Active Every Day

Being physically active decreases the risk of colorectal, breast, and endometrial cancer regardless of weight. Still, the benefits on the line help protect other organs from cancer (kidney, pancreas, esophagus, and bladder).

Eat A Healthy Diet

Eat mainly whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Limit high-calorie foods (foods that are high in sugar and fat) and avoid sugary drinks. Avoid preserved meat; limit red meat and high-salt foods.

If You Drink Alcohol, Limit It

The consumption of alcohol is related to the development of cancers of the mouth, throat, colorectal, and breast. The more alcoholic beverages you consume, the higher the risk.

Avoid Long Exposure To The Sun

Ultraviolet (UV) rays cause damage to the skin, which can lead, over time, to the development of tumors. Skin cancers are the most common among light-skinned populations, and their incidence has increased in recent decades also due to the trend of tanning and the use of sunbeds.

For Women

  1. breastfeeding reduces the risk of cancer in women. If you can, breastfeed your baby.
  2. Breastfeeding babies up to six months of age protects them from typical childhood diseases and chronic diseases as adults. It also decreases the mother’s risk of developing breast cancer.
  3. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of some types of cancer. Limit the use of HRT.

Make Sure Your Child Is Vaccinated For The Following

  1. Hepatitis B (for newborns)
  2. Papillomavirus (HPV) (for girls)
  3. About one-fifth of all cancers worldwide are caused by infectious agents, including viruses and bacteria.

Join Screening Programs For

  1. bowel cancer (men and women)
  2. breast cancer (women)
  3. cervical cancer (women)
  4. Screening programs allow you to identify specific types of cancer even before symptoms appear when they are more treatable.

Nutritional Approach To The Cancer Patient

Nutrition is one of the determining factors for maintaining and improving health in every physiological and pathological condition. This argument is all the more valid in the case of patients facing cancer treatments. Intervention is necessary to counter Fatigue syndrome, which is the set of physical and psychological conditions resulting from chemotherapy drug therapy. These disorders (including pain, chronic fatigue, and mood decline …) can drastically reduce the patient’s response to treatment, so much so that the treating doctor has to stop it. 

It is, therefore, necessary to bring the subject back into a state of health that can support treatments, and recent studies show the primary role of nutrition in this: even more than “what” you eat, “how and when” is essential. A diet capable of significantly influencing the state of health (in some cases even more than the genetic component) must be timed, that is, respectful of biological rhythms about the time of day. Cellular metabolism occurs in two phases throughout the day: active consumption, catabolism, and passive regeneration, anabolism. Under normal health conditions, these two phases are mirrored and balanced. 

In the catabolic phase, the body needs an adequate nutritional intake, which is not required in the resting phase. With the onset of a disease, one of the two metabolic phases prevails over the other, creating a decompensation that takes the name of derailment. In the case of oncological pathology, in particular, the catabolic phase increases significantly because the organism deteriorates more rapidly than regenerates. An adequate nutritional intervention can help rebalance the correct metabolic balance. 

In these conditions, it is essential, with the support of an expert nutritionist, to apply a ketogenic diet, which involves the elimination for at least six consecutive weeks of all carbohydrates with a high glycemic load (bread, pasta, rice, sugars in all forms, pizza, potatoes, cooked carrots, corn, beans, chickpeas, bananas, oranges, …), and greater consumption of vegetable and animal proteins (tofu, duck, goose, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, fish caught …), fats of the type Omega 3(extra virgin olive oil, linseed oil) and medium chain triglycerides (coconut oil). You can gradually replenish the cereals only for breakfast and lunch at the end of the six weeks. The following eating and non-eating behaviors are also recommended :

  1. prefer quick and light cooking such as steam cooking, avoiding prolonged ones such as roasts and braised meats;
  2. avoid the use of the microwave, which transforms some components of the food into carcinogenic substances;
  3. consume, during the day, at least 2/3 portions of raw food ;
  4. eat fruit between meals to avoid fermentation and intestinal rot;
  5. prefer oil seeds to roasted seeds;
  6. drink about 2 liters of quality water per day (fixed residue <50mg / mL) coming from mountain springs;
  7. drink half a glass of sauerkraut juice before meals to improve the intestinal ecosystem;
  8. avoid pork and its derivatives;
  9. regularly expose yourself to sunlight ;
  10. prefer organic food and fish caught in the open sea in eco-certified areas;
  11. respect meal times by dividing food consumption into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks;
  12. always take the pharmacological/integrative treatments at the same time.