Nervous Sweating From Anxiety: How To Control It? All Remedies

Find out how to manage episodes of nervous sweating due to anxiety to get back to feeling immediately at ease. Sweating is perfectly natural: it is a process that is not only wholly physiological but also essential for our body. Several factors can influence the amount of sweat produced, from the external temperature to physical activity, to nervous sweating from stress. 

Anxiety and sweating have a very close relationship: who has never experienced a state of worry or discomfort that has turned into sweating of the hands, armpits, or forehead? Negative emotions amplify the sweat glands’ reactions: fortunately, there are remedies to manage excessive sweating due to anxiety. Suffering from anxiety, on the other hand, means persistently perceiving this sensation without finding relief and indeed experiencing a worsening over time; symptoms such as

  1. feeling restless and nervous
  2. fatigue
  3. difficulty concentrating
  4. irritability
  5. muscle tension
  6. inability to control thoughts and worries
  7. sleep disorders

They can interfere with relationships and daily professional, social, and family activities.

Nervous Sweating Of Armpits, Hands, Feet: Why Does This Happen?

When the level of worry rises because of an important event, an exam, or an important meeting, the condition of emotional stress often results in excessive and sudden sweats, which can quickly find you with clothes soaked in. endeavor. Anxiety and armpit sweating. They are often connected, but the hands, feet, head, groin area, or back are also involved: all sizes with many sweat glands covering almost the entire body surface. The phenomena of anxiety and cold sweating

It is also widespread: “cold sweat” is not just a saying but derives from a natural condition, which manifests itself when the skin becomes cold and damp in a few seconds due to sweat. These are extreme reactions of the body to anxiety, fear, fear, or severe shock and can also be accompanied by dizziness, shivering, or shaking. But what to do to react positively to these episodes, prevent them, or get back to feeling better immediately? Counteracting excessive stress and sweating is not tricky: here are some tips.

Nervous Sweating From Anxiety: Remedies To Prevent And Manage It

  1. The first thing to do is to understand what triggers anxiety and emotional stress attacks to prevent better or manage them when they occur. Knowing each other better and understanding the causes of a phenomenon offers numerous tools to counter it and start a valuable path of self-awareness.
  2. One of the strategies you can use to keep anxiety peaks at bay when they occur is to learn the central relaxation and breathing techniques, which allow you to slow down the flow of negative thoughts and calm the mind. Knowing how to manage anxiety can help reduce excessive sweating and minimize the phenomenon even when it has already started.
  3. To stem the problem of nervous sweating, it is also helpful to use an excellent breathable deodorant capable of limiting sweat production. For example, you can try the Borotalco Intensive Line, designed to give you a pleasant dry effect for up to 72h.
  4. Wearing good deodorant and comfortable, breathable clothes, it is immediately easier to feel comfortable and counteract the unpleasant effects of sweating from anxiety. Clothes made of natural fabric, such as linen or cotton, perhaps even chosen based on their ability to make any sweat stains less evident, can help relax your mind and, in any case, make you find prepared even in the unfortunate event that they should moments of anxiety related to sweating occur.