Metal Taste In The Mouth: Causes And How To Fix It

Many individuals experience the ill effects of it for short or delayed periods, and the causes can be unique: the flavor of metal in the mouth can demonstrate the presence of medical conditions or rely upon actual realities that shouldn’t cause concern. In this article, we dissect the causes and side effects and find the potential solutions to ending the aggravation of the metallic taste, which causes us to feel awkward with others and keeps us from valuing the flavor of food and drink.

The Causes Of The Taste Of Metal In The Mouth

As anticipated, the metallic taste due to a health problem is only in a few cases. Generally, these are kidney or liver problems or specific pathologies such as Bell’s palsy, Sjögren’s syndrome, epilepsy, gastroesophageal reflux, or some respiratory tract diseases. Naturally, only a specialist doctor can diagnose these conditions of the suffering of the organism. It is more likely that the cause of the taste of metal in the mouth is rather to be found in transitory illnesses that are much less worrying (such as simple flu, which, in some subjects, alters the taste of water or food) or under particular conditions.

The Pregnancy

It is a typical symptom that disappears within the first three months when the pregnant woman begins to perceive many changes associated with the hormonal influx. In addition to nausea and fatigue, this metallic aftertaste is often complained of.

The Use Of Multivitamins

The supplements that promote sleep or strengthen the immune system contain metals such as chromium, zinc, and copper, which transmit the typical taste of metal in the mouth.

Taking Medicines

It is one of the most common causes, especially if the prescription is for antibiotics. Lithium, antidepressants, and flu shots also cause the metallic taste. To overcome the problem, we must pay close attention to the correct dosages and be patient while waiting for our bodies to process chemical substances.

Vitamin B Deficiency

When the metallic taste in the mouth is associated with other symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, skin lesions (sores in the mouth or on the lips), anemia, tongue inflammation, and neurological problems, the cause can be seen in the lack of B vitamins. Part biotin, folic acid, and thiamine (or B1) are essential for converting carbohydrates into energy.

Bad Oral Hygiene

Without going too far, the cause of the metal taste in the mouth is often more than trivial: teeth not washed frequently or correctly, failure to use dental floss, presence of prostheses or amalgam fillings (a material composed mainly of metals such as silver and mercury). Therefore, properly cleaning the oral cavity is essential because the accumulation of bacterial load on the gums and tongue can cause infections and inflammations of various kinds (periodontitis, gingivitis, and tooth decay), which could be the very cause of the metallic taste.

The Level Of Minerals

The taste of metal in the mouth can be caused by an excess or a deficiency of minerals such as iron, copper, and zinc. The measurement can be carried out (by drawing blood) in analysis laboratories and some pharmacies.

Metallic Taste Remedies

Various ways can be tried to get rid of the metal taste in the mouth: the temporary nature of the disorder will be confirmed by the fact that the home remedy alone is sufficient to counteract the bitter taste. If none of these remedies has led to an appreciable benefit, you should consult your general practitioner, who will prescribe the usual analyses and any other further investigations. In the first place, it is possible to intervene in the diet: small intakes of cinnamon, cloves, orange, or lemon juice help to restore a normal perception of taste. Citrus fruits, in particular, stimulate saliva production and help fight discomfort.

For the same reason, consuming sweets is also useful, especially if the formulations contain mint, eucalyptus, or licorice. Swallowing a clove of garlic on an empty stomach may not be the best way to start a day, yet this food is the most powerful natural detoxifier. If the metal taste in the mouth is due to episodes of gastroesophageal reflux, it is important to limit the consumption of fried and spicy foods and eat less but more often. Drinking water is good for various reasons, and also, in this case, increasing the level of hydration is very useful: in addition to combating dry mouth, drinking at least 8-9 glasses of water a day allows you to eliminate toxins, purify yourself deeply and reduce the acids present in the stomach. 

Furthermore, using a domestic water dispenser is particularly useful for always having fresh water with a good taste and completely free of metals. The easy dispensing of water dispensers (press a button, and you don’t have to take the bottle, pour it into the glass, etc.) favors an increase in the frequency of hydration throughout the day. Water dispensers are therefore recommended not only for commercial activities but also for private and family use.