Mental Training: More Performance Through Mental Training

When we talk about muscle building training, the building is usually viewed in a very physical way. We speak of a proper workout, in which the intensity, the technique, and the choice of exercises have to be correct. The nutritional plan for building muscle (or fat loss) is checked explicitly for weaknesses and adjusted, and of course, the supplements must not be missing for optimal build-up. All of this is correct and, from a physical point of view, also makes perfect sense. 

The material component, however, is only one side of the coin to muscle building and success. It is just as essential to incorporate the “mental (psychological)” component and ascribe an influence that is at least as vital. What exactly does the psyche do, and how can you support it with mental training? This is a very complex system. To explain all of this here would go beyond the scope of this article. 

It is also not necessary to have all the background knowledge to achieve positive results in increasing performance. This article will also focus more on practice than on the correct scientific formulation to give you maximum benefit for your personal life. In this article, we will roughly deal with two aspects:

Increase In Performance By Optimizing The Neurophysiological Processes

Proper training and supplementation play a significant role in this area. These factors alone vigorously protect against so-called overtraining, which usually represents an overload of the central nervous system. The “CNS” controls all the essential processes responsible for coordinating the muscles with one another and entirely contracting them at the right moment. Too much and too hard training can tire the CNS very quickly and severely. Provided in good time and optimally supplemented, you can strongly support the CNS.

Increased Performance Through Active Recovery And Checking “Old Patterns”

Not all relaxation is the same! You can treat yourself to the so-called break, but simply taking a break between two units does not reflect the quality of this break. Sleep, massages, walks, and light runs are beautiful methods of stimulating recovery, but there are other methods, such as meditation, which is often mistakenly viewed as an esoteric method.

The meditation itself sharpens your perception. You get a razor-sharp focus. You are wide awake and highly calm at the same time. Meditation is a beautiful way to promote recovery while improving focus and will for complex training sets. In this, we will introduce you to a simple and effective mindfulness meditation.


Increase In Performance By Optimizing The Neurophysiological Processes

To optimize the neurophysiological processes or to avoid a collapse of the CNS from the start, there are several “screws” that you can work on:

The Training

Here it all depends on your body type. A hard gainer metabolic type should train much less often and be less complicated than a soft gainer. In addition to knowing the body type, above all, a good body feeling is required. Listen more and more to your own body; it is an excellent measuring instrument when it comes to whether you should train more and harder. While the workout should feel challenging, it shouldn’t knock you down. 

In general, it can be said that most athletes achieve the best results either with a high-volume program with less intensity or with a low-volume program with a lot of passion. Most people should beware of the mixture of high power and high volume. It can therefore be stated at this point that your CNS can be fatigued by too much volume, too much intensity, too few breaks, and too little recovery between units – find out your rhythm.

Increase In Performance Through Active Recovery And Check “Old Patterns”

Now we come to the exciting part, which unfortunately still receives little attention. The above measures of the proper training and the right supplementation are nothing new (even if they are often neglected)! You can put one thing on top of our other methods because here, we start directly at the core of your recovery ability. The good thing on the side is that it won’t cost you any money and will positively impact your overall quality of life if you use it regularly. 

In Asia and martial arts, meditation techniques have always been used to sharpen the mind, focus, or awareness on what is essential. Through meditation, you get into a never-felt state of absolute calm. Watching television, in particular, is often said to be relaxing, but unfortunately, the opposite is the case. On the one hand, you are pretty passive, but the constant input means pure stress for your brain, and it provokes precisely the opposite of what we want at this point.

A Simple, Well-Known, And Highly Effective Meditation Technique Looks Like This:

This technique sharpens your entire perception. After some time of use, you will be more concentrated, calmer, and more relaxed in everyday life, without appearing subdued at the same time. You get a really “clear mind”:

1) At the beginning, take 10 minutes of absolute rest. It is best not to be disturbed from the outside

2) Retreat to a place where you feel comfortable

3) Sit upright in a comfortable chair

4) Fold the Hands comfortably between your thighs

5) The entire sitting position should be comfortable and relaxing! Alternatively, you can lie down, but the sitting position is recommended as you tend to fall asleep quickly – the effect would be lost

6) The head remains upright. You look straight ahead at the wall

7) Now close your eyes and come in Your “middle.”

8) Your job from now on is only to watch your breath. Pay attention to how the breath flows in slowly and relaxes through the nose, and then slowly flows out again later! All you have to do is watch your breath with focus!

9) Please consider emerging images, thoughts, or other distractions as “clouds” that are allowed to move on. It would be best if you did not get caught in evaluations or thought patterns. Look at everything in a very neutral way, as an impartial observer!

10) In time, you will become an objective observer, and you will be able to enjoy the healing state more and more. It is recommended that you meditate for at least 20 minutes a day. The meditation time can optionally be extended as long as it is good for you.

The above meditation is a straightforward meditation technique that has been tried and tested for thousands of years, which can be found in many cultures due to its effectiveness. Used for a long time, all body processes are positively influenced. The fatal thing about negative beliefs is that we consider them accurate, both felt and thought. This “felt reality” makes it difficult to escape from the whole thing, especially when the belief repeatedly proves to itself that it is true. 

However, one should understand that there is no other way at all. The idea must confirm itself as it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Imagine putting a stone in your path before taking every step. Your whole life, you will claim that there must be stones there and that there is no other way! You are responsible for ensuring that this stone is there every time anew. Significantly few people have come up with this idea.

The actual removal of beliefs is not that easy and sometimes takes a long time, or unique methods are required to deal with them in a targeted manner. However, we have the opposite, the ‘open review’ approach. Instead of removing the ground from the belief, we reshape it; we put “new fodder” in front of our consciousness, which could be just as accurate as the old belief.

We give you two examples of how you can reshape a belief so that you no longer impose limits on yourself:

1) I will never make it!

Transformation: At the moment, I assume that I will not make it, but I will still do my best and see what I can achieve.

2) I will probably never be as good as XY!

Reshaping: At this point, I’m assuming that I can never become as good as XY. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’ll do my best and see where I will end up. Even if I don’t get that good, I’ll still be the best I can be myself.