Menstrual Cramps – Gentle Relief

Menstrual cramps can have a massive impact on everyday (professional) life and often even cause the woman concerned to be absent for days. The drugs prescribed to relieve pain and cramps are more numb than they would heal, and their side effects do not necessarily contribute to increased wellbeing. What natural ways are there to gently manage menstrual cramps?

Avoid Dairy Products And Caffeine

Dairy products and beverages containing caffeine can increase period pain. Dairy products, in particular, cause a magnesium deficiency due to their high protein and calcium content, which can significantly intensify cramps.

Get Enough Minerals

Suppose you believe that your diet does not provide you with sufficient minerals. In that case, you should use a holistic and natural preparation that gives you calcium, magnesium, and possibly zinc and potassium. However, potassium is found in substantial quantities in all fruits and vegetables, so it would be a shame if you swallowed a pill instead of consuming a lot of delicious fruits and salads every day – which, besides potassium, also provides you with many other healthy substances.

You can find zinc in pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, and sprouted legumes (chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, etc.). If you are still thinking about an adequate calcium/magnesium supply, you can cover your needs perfectly with the Sango marine coral. It supplies calcium and magnesium in the ideal ratio for humans so that the two minerals can be optimally utilized.

Vitamin B Works Against Cramps

Since vitamin B is also involved in developing cramps, you should ensure that your organism is supplied with the entire vitamin B complex. You can find this mostly in nuts, seeds, sprouts, avocados, grain germs, algae, and legumes.

Avoid Stress

If you oversee yourself, you will find that the more stress, restlessness, and chaos enter your life, the more difficult it is to menstruate. You should, therefore, always plan relaxation times in your daily routine.

What To Do On Your Period

Menstrual cramps are always a sign that you neglect yourself and your body’s needs in everyday life. With the help of pain, your body recalls itself in your consciousness, demands your full attention, and demands rest, relaxation, warmth, and nutrition-rich in vital substances.

Take the opportunity to finally take some time for yourself and pamper yourself with beautiful and, at the same time, practical things. When your period starts, and you experience pain or discomfort, here are some helpful ideas and natural treatments that can relieve cramps and relieve pain.

Menstrual Cramps Caused By Pain-Inducing Hormones

One cause of menstrual pain is the increased secretion of a particular group of prostaglandins in the uterus lining. Prostaglandins are tissue hormones that are formed either from the dihomo gamma linolenic acid DGLA (they are then called series one prostaglandins), from arachidonic acid (series two prostaglandins), or eicosapentaenoic acid EPA (series three prostaglandins).

Animal Foods Increase Pain And Inflammation

The question now arises as to how it comes to the existence of the series two prostaglandins in the often usual large amount in the first place. The reason could be hidden in a diet that is rich in animal foods. It provides many raw materials for the formation of series two prostaglandins but hardly any material for series one or series three prostaglandins.

Most animal products (meat, sausage, dairy products, eggs) provide arachidonic acid and thus promote pain and inflammation. In contrast, linseed oil and hemp oil, for example, give the so-called alpha-linolenic acid, which can inhibit pain in two ways: On the one hand, it inhibits the other formation of arachidonic acid in the body and at the same time provides material for the construction of the helpful series three prostaglandins.

Menstrual Cramps Due To A Lack Of Magnesium

Since cramps can generally indicate a magnesium deficiency, you should eat a healthy diet or fix a possible weakness in a targeted manner. This means not only meeting the daily magnesium requirement but also replenishing the body’s mineral reserves. The latter are often exhausted by years of acidic diet and lifestyle and have to be slowly rebuilt.

What You Can Do In The Time (From About A Week) Before Your Period

Below we explain individual measures that should help you to cope with menstrual pain.

Avoid Table Salt And Alcohol

Avoid salty foods and alcohol, as both of these dehydrate the body and make cramping pain worse.

Drink A Lot Of Water

Drink plenty of water (2 to 3 liters per day), relieving the body and preventing estrogen-related water retention. Add lemon juice to your water, which acts as a natural diuretic.

Eat A Basic Diet

An alkaline diet, preferably made up of vegetables, salads, sprouts, nuts, oilseeds, natural oils, and fruits, automatically reduces the susceptibility to pain and cramps due to its balanced micronutrient richness and the lack of irritating and slagging ingredients. You can also refine your dishes with antispasmodic spices, such as B. anise, fennel, cardamom, coriander, vanilla, and cinnamon.

Eat Green Leafy Vegetables And Their Alternatives

Eat leafy vegetables such as various leaf salads, kale, Swiss chard, sprouts, nettle, herbs, and wild vegetables every day. The vital substances it contains energize your entire body, supplying it with sufficient antioxidants and chlorophyll. The latter cleans your blood and promotes the formation of new blood. 

If you do not eat fresh green vegetables and salads regularly due to lack of time, then wheatgrass powder, which you mix in water or delicious fruit smoothies, is an exciting alternative. In addition, wholesome food supplements such as spirulina algae or chlorella can help Algae in the process of meeting their chlorophyll needs and your need for vital micronutrients.

Avoid Dairy Products And Caffeine

Dairy products and beverages containing caffeine can increase period pain. Dairy products, in particular, cause a magnesium deficiency due to their high protein and calcium content, which can significantly intensify cramps.


Get Enough Minerals

If you believe that your diet does not provide you with sufficient minerals, you should use a holistic and natural preparation with calcium, magnesium, and possibly zinc and potassium.

However, potassium is found in substantial quantities in all fruits and vegetables, so it would be a shame if you swallowed a pill instead of consuming a lot of delicious fruits and salads every day – which, besides potassium, also provides you with many other healthy substances.

You can find zinc in pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, and sprouted legumes (chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, etc.). If you are still thinking about an adequate calcium/magnesium supply, you can cover your needs perfectly with the Sango marine coral. It supplies calcium and magnesium in the ideal ratio for humans so that the two minerals can be optimally utilized.

Vitamin B Works Against Cramps

Since vitamin B is also involved in developing cramps, you should ensure that your organism is supplied with the entire vitamin B complex. You can find this mostly in nuts, seeds, sprouts, avocados, grain germs, algae, and legumes.

Avoid Stress

If you observe yourself, you will find that the more stress, restlessness, and chaos enter your life, the more difficult it is to menstruate. You should, therefore, always plan relaxation times in your daily routine.

What To Do On Your Period

Menstrual cramps are always a sign that you neglect yourself and your body’s needs in everyday life. With the help of pain, your body recalls itself in your consciousness, demands your full attention, and demands rest, relaxation, warmth, and nutrition-rich in vital substances.

Take the opportunity to finally take some time for yourself and pamper yourself with beautiful and, at the same time, practical things. When your period starts, and you experience pain or discomfort, here are some helpful ideas and natural treatments that can relieve cramps and relieve pain.

Medicinal Herbs For Menstrual Cramps 

Do not wait to see kinks or not. Drink purely prophylactic herbal teas that specialize in relieving tension and preventing cramps. THE anti-cramp herb par excellence is goose-fingered. Drink a cup of tea from it several times a day (1 teaspoon of dried herb in 150 to 200 milliliters of hot water – let it steep for 5 minutes). Other effective medicinal plants for menstrual cramps are lady’s mantle, yarrow, mugwort, marjoram, oregano, chamomile flowers, and lemon balm. You can mix up to four herbs and season the tea mixture with a bit of grated fresh ginger.

Ginger Relieves Cramps

Ginger also warms you from the inside, relaxes, and relieves pain. The hot aromatic root can be used wonderfully in the form of so-called ginger oil. To do this, rub fresh ginger on a cheesecloth and squeeze the ginger through the cloth. Mix the resulting ginger juice in a ratio of 1: 5 with sesame oil. Gently massage the ginger oil into the painful areas.

Nettle Tea And Parsley For Problem-Free Menstruation 

In general, pay attention to foods with a dehydrating and cleansing effect, such as fruits, whole grain rice, and nettle tea. Also, use a lot of parsley. This completely underrated culinary herb promotes blood flow to the abdominal organs and thus leads to problem-free menstruation. Parsley also cleanses the blood, disinfects, and detoxifies.

Bananas For The Best Mood During Menstruation 

Eat as many bananas as you like, or at least one, every day. Bananas contain an unusually high amount of vitamin B6, regulating blood sugar levels and positively affecting your mood.