Intestinal Flu: What To Eat To Get Better Immediately

In the case of intestinal viruses, it is necessary to follow a targeted diet with foods that do not worsen the situation by damaging the bacterial flora. Here is what to eat in case of intestinal flu and the foods to avoid. It is not always easy to know exactly what to eat with the intestinal flu, especially when the latter violently hits us and it seems that there is no food able to help us. Let’s start by saying that what we call intestinal flu is, in medical jargon, viral gastroenteritis, that is to say, an infection that we have contracted due to a virus and which mainly affects the stomach and intestines.

Since it affects these organs, it causes gastric disturbances. Therefore, identifying which foods it is advisable to consume is essential to recover quickly without weighing down the work of a debilitated organism. The intestinal flu viruses are different, and some are present mainly in the winter period. We remember, for example, the rotavirus and the norovirus; others, on the other hand, infect food and then enter the body through food, as in the case of the Norwalk virus and calicivirus.

Viral gastroenteritis generally evolves within a few days. As for some viruses, the incubation period begins as early as the first day when the microorganism comes into contact. Even about healing, the times are short, although everything depends on the affected person’s age and physical condition. A person with compromised immune defenses will have a more challenging time recovering from the flu. In such cases, it becomes essential to understand what to eat with the intestinal flu, which type of diet is most recommended, and learn how to stay hydrated.

Symptoms Of Intestinal Flu

Mainly affecting the gastrointestinal system, it is not surprising that this influence leads to typical symptoms affecting this system. However, symptoms of the common flu may also appear; let’s see the major ones:

  1. nausea
  2. He retched
  3. stomach cramps
  4. bloating and swollen belly
  5. diarrhea
  6. fever
  7. tiredness
  8. muscle aches

Intestinal Flu: What To Eat

Before talking about the foods that should be consumed, it should be remembered that we may not be able to ingest solid foods in the acute phase of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to consider the option of a liquid-only diet, which therefore consists of water, herbal teas but also vegetable broth, and coconut water. A beneficial mixture in case of gastrointestinal flu is the water of the cooked rice with a couple of carrots (which will be blended with the water) and a pinch of salt. So let’s gradually reintroduce solid foods.

Given the particular condition in which our body finds itself, understanding what to eat with the intestinal virus is of great importance for two reasons: the first is undoubtedly to recover the strength to resume one’s daily life, and the second is to facilitate the task of the body in the assimilation and digestion of food, so that the organs responsible for these functions can work at their best without “getting tired.” For these reasons, it is necessary to prefer a diet composed of carbohydrates, a few vegetables, and little fruit and gradually reintroduce the other food categories.

Let’s start with carbohydrates: it is advisable to consume so-called dry foods, that is, those foods that contain little crumbs. We, therefore, refer to rusks, breadsticks, crackers, or even dry biscuits (which are not too sweet or elaborate). Toasted slices of bread are also allowed. To these, we will add the non-wholemeal pasta and rice. Carbohydrates, especially those containing a lot of starch, are suitable for this type of diet as they can calm the stomach acid that can arise with intestinal flu. Speaking of acidity, learning what to eat with the intestinal flu also helps us understand that those foods that may seem helpful can worsen symptoms.

An example is a fruit: it is necessary to consume fruits such as bananas, which allow you to recover the minerals lost due to vomiting or diarrhea. If tolerated, also apples, preferably cooked. Instead, orange juices and sour fruit should be eliminated at the beginning in case of stomach acid problems. As for vegetables, in this case, it is good to move with caution: first of all, we recommend carrots, which can be used for purées, together with zucchini and, if they do not create too much swelling, potatoes. All these foods contain vitamins, minerals, and water that will give “respite” to the stomach and intestines and, at the same time, calm the inflammation of the walls of these two organs.

Intestinal Flu: What To Avoid

Now that we have learned what to eat with the intestinal flu let’s focus on the foods that should be excluded. We eliminate all packaged foods rich in preservatives and pre-cooked, which put an excessive workload on the stomach and intestines. We also eliminate sugary drinks (fruit juices) and those that contain caffeine, which increases dehydration and stimulates intestinal peristalsis too much. We avoid consuming preparations to spread on bread and rusks: chocolate creams, hazelnut creams, jams, etc. We ban fried foods and particularly fatty foods.

One thing that perhaps few people know about dairy products: they too must be eliminated for various reasons. They could cause stomach acidity, but above all, after dysentery, the intestine can no longer digest milk as intolerance towards this food arises; therefore, its consumption can aggravate our conditions in the presence of the intestinal virus. Finally, we eliminate fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, such as plums, figs, artichokes, cabbage, and legumes, which are difficult to digest.

Gastrointestinal Virus: Valuable Tips

When our body is exhausted and debilitated, in addition to embracing an adequate diet based on the proposed list of what to eat with the intestinal flu, it is necessary to observe some simple rules:

  1. Drinking a lot is essential to fight dehydration. If we cannot drink authentic glasses or cups of liquids, we start with small sips or, if possible, prepare ice cubes to suck.
  2. Please wash your hands. The intestinal flu is contagious. Therefore, one way to avoid contagion is to wash your hands often and avoid putting them on your face, or worse, putting them in your mouth.
  3. Clean linen If we live in the house with other people, it is advisable to wash the linen of the person who has contracted the virus often and make sure that they use towels and linen that others will not use.
  4. Clean cutlery thoroughly. The principle is the same as in the previous point: we thoroughly wash all the cutlery and dishes with the affected person comes into contact to avoid contagion to other people.