Intestinal Flu: Symptoms And Effective Remedies To Fight It

Gastrointestinal influenza or viral gastroenteritis presents apparent side effects like runs, retching, stomach squeezes and even fever. We should figure out how to perceive the most widely recognized gastrointestinal infections and the best solutions to battle them and get better rapidly. Knowing the qualities of digestive influenza, otherwise called viral gastroenteritis, can be helpful on the off chance that you start to encounter a few specific side effects; perceiving an impact of this kind permits us to play it safe and, in case of infection, to treat ourselves accurately.

As the name suggests, gastroenteritis is an aggravation and disease of the gastrointestinal plot, which principally influences the stomach and digestive tracts. It ought not to be mistaken for ordinary influenza, which has side effects impacting respiratory action. Another trademark that recognizes viral gastroenteritis from ordinary influenza is that it is an issue of various kinds of infections. As we will see, digestive disorder isn’t the only one. It tends to be rotavirus, norovirus, or other infections answerable for the most well-known side effects of this illness: sickness, spewing, stomach issues, and loose bowels.

Intestinal Flu: How Long Does It Last? Is It Contagious?

The intestinal flu has an incubation period of a few days, although this changes according to the virus that has infected us, and the contagion is very high. It is enough to contact people who have already been affected or ingest contaminated water and food to contract the disease.

The virus affects all ages (except in the first six months of a child’s life, as the mother’s antibodies still protect the latter), children and the elderly. This type of flu also varies depending on the virus we have come into contact with, but generally, it is estimated from 3-4 days up to a week. Children who do not yet have a well-developed immune system and all those whose immune defenses are compromised can experience a prolonged recovery time.

Intestinal Viruses: What Are They?

As anticipated, intestinal flu is mainly caused by some viruses that have entered our bodies. Let’s find out some of these virus classes and the incubation period:

  1. Norovirus is the most common virus and affects the autumn and winter months. The incubation period is up to 3 days.
  2. Rotavirus was also very common. It mainly affects children and causes the well-known “traveler’s diarrhea” in adults. The incubation period is a couple of days, and the peak occurs in the winter months.
  3. Norwalk It has no actual seasonality: it is, in fact, possible to contract it at any time of the year. Children and adults who have eaten contaminated food are affected. The incubation period is 1-2 days.
  4. Adenovirus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis in children under the age of two and can also be contracted at any time. Although it is a gastrointestinal virus that is responsible for most of the flu with respiratory symptoms, it can get worse and cause stomach discomfort.
  5. Calicivirus After exposure to the virus, it takes a couple of days to develop the first symptoms. It enters the body through food and the fecal-oral route.
  6. Astrovirus mainly affects children, and its symptoms appear 3-4 days after exposure. It is present all year round, but especially in the winter.

Intestinal Flu: Initial And Common Symptoms

Let’s now analyze the significant symptoms of intestinal flu, remembering that these do not present themselves in the same way in all individuals or with the same intensity. In general, the symptoms appear after exposure to the virus ranging from 2 to 4 days and lasting up to a week. Finally, it is not certain that all symptoms appear simultaneously. The main ones are:

  1. Nausea
  2. He retched
  3. Abdominal cramps and diarrhea
  4. Meteorism
  5. Occasional fever
  6. Muscle aches

Intestinal Flu: Remedies To Fight It

Since it is mainly a virus-induced condition, it is useless to give the infected person drug therapies such as antibiotics, which would be completely meaningless. We can try to combat the symptoms with some natural remedies that bring undoubted benefits.


When we talk about the stomach and intestines, one of the most effective weapons to improve one’s physical condition is the intake of probiotics. These good bacteria are, in fact, able to reduce the number and intensity of episodes of dysentery, as well as favor the assimilation of nutrients.


One of the intestinal flu remedies that shouldn’t be missing from our list is water. Staying hydrated is essential for our health, especially when we are forced to lose many fluids, as in the case of the flu. We can drink lightly sweetened herbal teas and teas but avoid drinks with high concentrations of caffeine.


It can be used to prepare a simple glass of water and lemon, refreshing and invigorating, or as a condiment for our dishes. The lemon also plays a particular astringent function on the intestine, useful in case of dysentery.

Essential Oil Of Oregano

Generally contained in the capsule, it brings some benefits to the gastrointestinal system: it improves digestion, regulates motility, improves the elimination of intestinal gas and fights viruses and bacteria.


To be used together with lemon or alone, it is beneficial against intestinal flu symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Ginger is one of the most effective antiemetic plants and can be consumed in the form of an infusion or ingested (by cutting thin slices of the root).


It is a herb that can be used to prepare herbal teas, perhaps combined with other plants, such as chamomile flowers. Mallow is an excellent remedy against intestinal flu as its main action is to fight bloating and gas in the intestine and counteract the possible inflammation of the irritated gastric walls.


It relaxes the stomach and allows you to calm abdominal cramps. Chamomile is also suitable for eliminating gasses. It is sufficient to drink two cups a day to take advantage of its relaxing properties, preferably without sweeteners.

Gastrointestinal Virus: The Proper Diet

The healing period required to recover energy and resume daily activities is variable and subjective. It is good to remember that in the acute phases of the disease, it is necessary to follow a diet consisting of foods that are not very irritating to the gastric mucosa and easy to digest.

Foods To Eat

Among the foods that we can consume freely, beyond liquids, there are the so-called dry foods, such as crackers, breadsticks, rusks with reduced salt and sugar content. It is possible to consume pasta and rice, starting in modest quantities and seasoned with a drizzle of oil or broth. As for vegetables and vegetables, it is necessary to favor steamed or boiled foods and prefer those that do not cause another stomach swelling (for example, carrots).

Foods To Avoid

With the gastrointestinal flu, all those foods containing high amounts of sugar (such as jams and chocolate), dairy products, and foods with high-fat concentrations, including fried foods, are banned. We also avoid fruit and vegetables that are particularly rich in fiber (kiwis, plums, broccoli, artichokes). We limit or exclude citrus fruits if not tolerated in the stomach.