How To Rearrange The Diet After Childbirth

Nutrition after childbirth can help us breastfeed better, recover the silhouette, and fight postpartum depression. We reveal some dietary rules to make the most of such an important step: becoming mothers. After the baby’s birth, he seems to have already won a big challenge, but with the new family member in his arms, further doubts and questions come. 

We asked ourselves what the best way to support the mother after giving birth is. After giving birth, many women begin the breastfeeding phase. A delicate moment in which the mother allows the child to grow and mature. Through a correct diet, you can regain strength and stimulate the production of milk and pass on the proper nourishment to the baby.

Mealtime Is All Yours

“You must find a moment of tranquillity. If the baby cries, you can hold him near the table without picking him up. Of course, before sitting down at the table, change him, wash him, breastfeed him, and try to get him to sleep. “

Eat Regularly

“You must never skip meals, especially breakfast. The breakfast must be abundant, rich in cereals, wholemeal bread, fruit “.

A Little “Meat” Helps

We do not think that a shapely silhouette is unacceptable, “a woman can gain weight by about 12.5 kg during pregnancy, of which about 3-4 kg form fat deposits that will be used as energy sources for the production of milk and they disappear in about 3-4 months. 

Consequently, a daily menu of about 2200-2600 calories is sufficient, suitable to meet the needs of mothers and babies. Of course, this can vary according to the type of life that the mother leads if she has a greater or lesser expenditure of energy. “If you haven’t turned on milk production, losing those extra pounds will be a little more tiring.

Drink Lots And Lots Of Water

“Normally liquids are present in every food, in milk, in fruit juice, in the soup”, but sometimes it is not enough: always carry a bottle with you, you will happen to be more thirsty than usual!

Make Friends With Grains

“Whole grains are a crucial food in mom’s diet. The grain must be complete in its structure to provide starch as an energy source, proteins and polyunsaturated fats as structural and energy components, vitamins and mineral salts. Furthermore, foods rich in fibre require a longer chewing time. 

They promote the greater secretion of saliva, and salivary amylase cause premature distension of the gastric walls with satiety. They accelerate intestinal transit and induce a loss of caloric substances with feces. A diet rich in fibre, in cereals, increases the global production of breast milk “.

Milk For Milk

All products that come from milk are delicious foods for the nursing mother, who can drink up to one litre of milk per day to provide the baby with the calcium it needs and enough to maintain her reserves. One litre of milk contains many noble proteins, which are very useful for the vegetarian mom. Naturally, the woman who also consumes meat or fish will have to reduce the amount of milk to avoid increasing the protein quota too much. A cup of milk (about 250 ml) can be replaced by 45 g of cheese or 240 g of yogurt “.

Fish Not Just For Memory

Like milk, fish also provides noble proteins to the mother and the baby who feeds on milk. Furthermore, its richness in DHA has shown the ability to reduce the risk of postpartum depression in women.

Against Popular Prejudices

We give space and importance to vegetables. Mainly meat should always be associated with a large number of raw vegetables to aid digestion. “An absurd popular misconception is to limit vegetables because they could cause green stools or diarrhea. This occurs only rarely, and large quantities are ingested “.

To Be Avoided

Some foods are not recommended after childbirth, “they are foods that are too seasoned, fried and those that are too sugary”.