How To Prevent The Flu?

Prepare For The Change Of Season

Seasonal changes are always delicate periods. The repeated changes in temperature and the continuous alternating weather put our body to the test, starting with the immune system. It is no coincidence that colds, sore throats and feverish states are the order of the day in these situations. However, we can protect ourselves before we get hit to prevent flu and colds from arriving in the coming season. There are six rules to respect. Let’s see what they are.

Five Rules To Help Prevent The Flu

  1. Clean up frequently and completely with cleanser and water.
  2. What’s the best way to wash your hands? Use running water and soap. Rub your hands well for at least a minute without forgetting the space under the nails;
  3. Avoid crowded places when cases of illness are very numerous.
  4. This doesn’t mean giving up your social life, but at least in the periods of maximum spread of the virus, it would be good to avoid crowded places, especially if closed;
  5. Beware of contact with eyes, nose and mouth. Easy ways for viruses to enter.
  6. There are preferential access doors to our body for viruses and bacteria represented by eyes, nose and mouth. For this reason, it is important to avoid as much as possible (in general, but above all during the flu spread period) touching these access routes with your hands;
  7. Cover your mouth and nose while hacking or Sneezing.
  8. The air and mucus expelled with sneeze travel at about 160 km/h and can travel up to 8 meters away. Sneezing is a typical reflex, as well as hacking. These are two means used by our body to expel pathogens. The important thing is to take some precautions to limit the risk of contagion as much as possible;
  9. Promote the body’s defenses when flu symptoms occur.
  10. Normally an efficient immune system defends us from influenza and parainfluenza infections thanks mainly to antibodies and particular “soldier” cells. To promote the body’s defenses, a correct and balanced diet, particularly rich in fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, appropriate supplements for the immune system and specific drugs, can be an excellent solution. In the latter case, remember to consult your trusted doctor or pharmacist, who can give you the best advice.

Fill Up On Vitamins

Helping our immune system stay strong and healthy is one of the key steps in preventing seasonal ailments, especially the flu. Here a very important help comes from correct nutrition, which must guarantee our body everything it needs to stay healthy. Specifically, vitamins play a fundamental role:

  1. vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, peppers and kiwis;
  2. group B vitamins are present in cereals, brewer’s yeast, legumes, and meat;
  3. vitamin A  present in milk, eggs, cheese, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables;
  4. vitamin D is synthesized through exposure to the sun or taken through supplements;
  5. vitamin E is contained in olives and seeds.

Vitamin C, in particular, is essential not only to modulate the activity of white blood cells in case of infections but also to optimize the general reactivity of immune cells. Its benefits continue. Ascorbic acid participates in many other organic functions, including:

  1. facilitates the intestinal absorption of iron and contributes to the formation of red blood cells;
  2. improves mood  if you are tired or nervous;
  3. performs an antioxidant action.

A healthy intestinal flora also contributes to a strong immune system and keeps it in balance. Probiotic lactic ferments are very useful. In our aid, several natural remedies can make up for food or nutritional deficiencies in our bodies. The immune defenses can also be weakened by stress from work, study or other demanding situations.


Is healthy eating, therefore, sufficient to guarantee iron health? A balanced diet is essential, but regular physical activity and a balanced lifestyle are also essential concepts regarding health. Perpetuating bad habits (such as smoking or alcohol abuse), not getting enough sleep or eating poorly can weaken the immune system making us more vulnerable to attack by viruses and bacteria. It’s also important to avoid stress or, at least, give yourself some time to relax or pursue your hobbies. Sleep eight hours a night,  drink at least 2 liters of water a day and practice moderate physical activity two or three times a week: gym, jogging, tennis, swimming… your immune system will be grateful to you.

Also Read: Nutritional Values And Properties Of Spinach