High Protein Foods For Fitness & Body Building

We want to make what protein is more straightforward and what role this nutrient plays in our lives, especially for strength athletes, fitness athletes, and bodybuilders. Proteins (the Greek term for protein) are macromolecules (biologically speaking) made up of amino acids and have many functions in our human body.  Proteins or proteins are used, among other things, to build muscle, and muscle maintenance is necessary. Adults should consume around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight through food every day. However, suppose you want to build up muscles and regularly go to the gym, i.e. In that case, you do intensive strength training or bodybuilding. 

Usually, around 1.5 to a maximum of 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended. Some bodybuilders or fitness athletes even use up to 4.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, but this is usually only for a short time during a diet phase (calorie deficit) to protect the muscles that have built up as much as possible. If you suffer from a protein deficiency, this can lead to muscle breakdown. Our top 10 protein-containing foods show you a selection of foods with high protein content and are often found on the menu of strength athletes, fitness athletes, and bodybuilders.


Popular Protein-Rich Foods For Strength Athletes and Body Builders 

Vegetable Protein Sources

Soybeans contain a high level of vegetable protein but hardly contain any cholesterol and are popular protein sources for building muscle with vegetarians and vegans. If you have never eaten soybeans before, you should try the flavored varieties with, for example, wild garlic, Mediterranean herbs, or walnuts. Seared in a bit of oil, they taste great with salads, legumes, and vegetables. Soybeans are also very suitable for a  low-carb diet. Add Soya products to your eating plan to increase their protein content. 

Cheese (Low Fat, Light Variant)

Among the cheeses, sour milk cheeses deliver much animal protein, calcium, and hardly any fat to our body. Calcium from various dairy products contributes to normal muscle function, among other things. Other famous cheeses are grainy cream cheese, also known as cottage cheese. Our sports nutrition angel tip to make cheese tastier: Dice the cheese, then mix with chopped onion, garlic, oil, and caraway seeds. Add cucumber slices with basil, and the protein bomb is ready. The cheese provides you with around 30g protein per 100g!


With around 25g of protein at 100g each (depending on the variety), fish is a good source of easily digestible animal protein. Because it contains no carbohydrates but metabolically active iodine, fish is an evening slim food! Fish such as salmon also contain a lot of good fatty acids, namely omega-3. Popular types of fish among bodybuilders are tuna, herring, salmon, cod fillet, and mackerel. Our sports nutrition angel tip for you: salmon fillet with steamed leaf spinach or a lamb’s lettuce with tomatoes, peppers, and grilled tuna fillet/tuna steak. Both are ideal recipes for a low-carb diet.

Flax Seed

Flaxseed does not contain carbohydrates, but it does contain a lot of good unsaturated fat! Not to be forgotten is the high proportion of protein. 100g of flaxseed provides you with 28g of protein. Flaxseed is also very high in fiber, which makes the protein digested more slowly and can give you a better feeling of satiety. Our tip: Sprinkle flaxseed in your muesli, yogurt, or with your protein shake.

Sea Food

Seafood such as shrimp, mussels, and crabs are extremely lean sources of protein and rich in pusher iodine metabolism. The only disadvantage that can arise: The high cholesterol content in high-carbohydrate and fatty breadcrumbs. Try the seafood in a fish soup or grill the seafood. Then season a little as you like and, last but not least, consume the protein-rich food.


Lean beef such as steaks, fillet, or tartare has an amino acid profile similar to that of human cells and is therefore inexpensive. The ideal combination in the evening: a colorful salad or vegetables, and the protein-rich dinner is ready! Tip: try kangaroo meat! (Very high protein value in contrast to other meat sources)

Egg White

Remove the yolks from the egg, and you have a pure protein product – the egg whites. Egg whites can be sautéed or used in protein-rich baking. Whether you consume the egg white sweet or spicy is up to you. Our sports nutrition angel tip if you have to go fast: Put the egg white in a bowl for 3 minutes at 800 watts in the microwave and then sprinkle softened oatmeal and berries of your choice over it. A protein-rich and high-energy breakfast can be prepared in no time!

Almond Butter

Almond butter is made from almonds and tastes very sweet, although it only has 5g of carbohydrates per 100g. Almond butter also offers you a variety of high-quality fats that you need in your diet. We do not want to withhold from you that almond butter contains 30g protein per 100g! Almond butter is very popular with many because of its sound, sweet taste, and ease to smear on bread or add to muesli.


Poultry breast meat is one of the lowest in fat and carbohydrates and one of the most popular types of meat for bodybuilders and strength athletes. A serving (125 g) turkey fillet, for example, provides you with a little more than 30 g of high-quality animal protein, many crucial essential amino acids, and just under 115 calories. Popular high-protein, low-carb dinner: roast turkey fillet strips with a dip made from red lentils, yogurt, coriander, and chili.


Milk protein from quark, yogurt & Co. is rich in L-leucine. This essential amino acid is essential when losing weight because it can prevent muscle breakdown. An ideal combination in the evening: milk protein and vegetable protein, potatoes with a dip made of low-fat quark, mineral water, pepper, salt, and chopped herbs or low-fat quark with nuts of your choice. 100g low-fat quark provides you with 12g of milk protein, a low level of carbohydrates, and no fat. People who suffer from lactose intolerance can use lactose-free low-fat quark, now available in almost every supermarket.