High Cholesterol, Natural Remedies

Cholesterol is commonly considered an enemy to fight. Nutrition often determines its values, but there is a genetic propensity to produce it in excess in some cases. Nature can help us with some remedies that keep cholesterol levels stable and controlled. Cholesterol is one of the “items” to be kept under observation when we go for blood tests. Its values ​​are often commented on in parallel with the trend of triglycerides and transaminases. The first cause for concern with the laboratory test report is when high cholesterol is detected.

Nutrition And Cholesterol

Its concentration depends on both nutrition and endogenous synthesis, that is, on an organic predisposition to the production of cholesterol; in fact, about 80/90% of the total cholesterol values ​​depend on the latter. Foods such as eggs, butter, meats, meats and cheeses are the major contributors to saturated fat in the blood. In addition to taking care of nutrition, with a diet low in saturated fats, replaced by unsaturated fats and fibers, vegetables, fruit and legumes, it is possible to introduce some natural remedies that assist in regulating hypercholesterolemia.

Desirable Values ​​For Cholesterol In The Blood

The standard parameter of total cholesterol in the blood to which we relate is a value less than 200 mg/dl. In addition to total cholesterol, in our analysis, we read two further types of cholesterol, a so-called good one, HDL, an acronym that stands for lipoproteins, to which cholesterol binds, at high density. It carries out a scavenging action of excess cholesterol in the arteries. The other acronym indicative of the so-called bad cholesterol is LDL, low-density lipoprotein, which binds cholesterol to be distributed to the cells. 

However, excess LDL undergoes oxidative modifications, often by free radicals, then settling on the arterial walls and giving rise to atherosclerotic plaques that reduce their lumen, with dangerous consequences for the health of the heart and brain. Cholesterol is an organic compound belonging to the steroid lipid family. In our organism, it performs various biological functions: it is a component of cell membranes, of which it regulates fluidity and permeability; and it is the precursor of both male and female steroid hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, cortisol, etc.), vitamin D and bile salts.

Despite this prominent biological role, when cholesterol circulates in the blood in concentrations above the norm, it becomes a bitter enemy of our health. Natural remedies for cholesterol include herbs and medicinal plants rich in sterols or phytosterols (mainly contained in vegetable oils, cereals and fruit) and fermented red rice, which can reduce fat levels if included in a balanced diet and triglycerides in the blood. Let’s find out how herbal medicine can help by looking for the most effective natural remedies for cholesterol.

Natural Remedies To Fight High Cholesterol

When anti-cholesterol foods alone are not enough, there are many natural remedies for cholesterol in herbal medicine and to keep its levels in the blood under control. Let’s examine some of the best known.

The Fermented Red Rice

Fermented red rice is obtained from the fermentation of common cooking rice (Oryza sativa) by a particular yeast called Monascus purpureus or red yeast. This rice, which owes its name to its characteristic color, is a traditional component of traditional medicine. This yeast is enriched with a group of substances called monacolins during its fermenting activity. Among these, monacolin K stands out, capable of inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, a key enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis.

Since its plasma levels depend mainly on this biosynthetic pathway (and only to a lesser extent on a diet), supplementation with fermented red rice effectively normalizes total plasma cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceridemia levels. The control action on the lipid components helps to reduce cardiovascular risks. Still, the prolonged use of fermented red rice can give the same undesirable effects as statins, so it is always good to consult a doctor for the correct dosage.

The Garlic

Garlic: is a platelet and fibrinolytic antiplatelet agent. If taken, it improves the HDL / LDL balance and reduces triglycerides. They were used in the form of standardized dry extract. It is a widely used remedy in hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and the prevention of arteriosclerosis.

The Garcinia

The rind of the Garcinia fruit contains vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, pectins and hydroxycitric acid (HCA), capable of inhibiting the ATP enzyme citratoliasis enormous importance in the metabolization of fats. Unlike the more common citric acid, abundant in lemons and used by the food industry as a preservative, hydroxycitric acid is extremely rare in nature. When taken, it can dissolve and eliminate excess fat from the body. 

Studies have shown that this active ingredient blocks the synthesis of acetyl coenzyme A, an energy substrate used by the body to synthesize cholesterol and other lipids. Its intake, therefore, allows for reducing the production of cholesterol and triglycerides (up to 27%) starting from sugars due to its cholesterol-lowering activity, which is expressed synergistically with the proven rebalancing properties of body weight: it is useful to assist the slimming diets, as they can reduce the synthesis of fatty acids and stimulate the sense of satiety.


Chitosan derives from the deacetylation of chitin, a polymer that protects crustaceans and insects by giving hardness and resistance to shells and armor. Although our body cannot digest this fiber, its ability to absorb fats, favoring their elimination with the feces, is exploited in many products intended for overweight people or people with high triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood. Natural supplements based on chitosan must not be taken during pregnancy (they may contain traces of mercury, lead, copper, iron and arsenic), breastfeeding and in case of food allergy to shellfish.

Warty Birch Sap

It is the bud extract of birch (the name of the plants in the form of bud derivatives, keeps the botanical wording in Latin, to differentiate itself from that of the mother tincture of the same plant, which is instead called by the vulgar name) with detoxifying properties aimed at the lymphatic system. This remedy uses the powerful draining action of the tree sap (which reaches 30 m. In height) to purify the body from excess toxins, which retain fluids: drug treatments, cortisone or hormonal therapies, hyperuricemia and hypercholesterolemia and triglycerides.

Olea Europaea

It is the bud extract of the olive tree. It has hypotensive, anti-sclerotic properties and has a cholesterol-lowering action. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, balances the LDL-HDL ratios. It carries out its hypoglycemic activity at the metabolic level, reducing blood glucose levels. The benefits of Olea Europaea reverberate on the entire cardio-circulatory system since, in addition to reducing cholesterol and rebalancing blood sugar, it regulates blood pressure and hyperviscosity. Therefore, it is used in case of high blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and all sclerotic syndromes caused by senility or diabetes.

Omega 3 And Omega 6

Omega 3 and omega 6 are useful for lowering cholesterol and act as scavengers of the arteries and veins. These substances are useful for blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and treat atherosclerosis. Omega 3 is extracted from linseed oil rich in linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid. Alpha linoleic acid significantly improves oxygenation and respiration of cells and lubricates blood vessels and all body tissues, improving their permeability.

While omega-six is obtained from fish oil, which contains two long-chain fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both are involved in synthesizing prostaglandins, a complex group of hormone-like substances. Omega 6 is used in arterial hypertension and cholesterol and triglycerides. They help in various forms of thrombosis. They lower the triglycerides, the reduction of which is beneficial for heart health, and they prevent heart attacks. They have an anticoagulant effect, inhibiting the viscosity of platelets.