Healthy Eyes And Good Eyesight? Watch Out For Nutrition

Sight is one of the five most difficult senses without the eye being the main organ in this complex system. This delicate instrument requires regular checks by the ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) to evaluate its proper functioning. And the state of health. To keep our eyes healthy, we need to pay particular attention to how we behave and what we eat. Bad habits can compromise our sight in the immediate or in the future. 

Many eye problems can originate from nutritional deficiencies, especially vitamins or mineral salts. Consequently, it can be prevented thanks to a varied diet rich in dietary elements that are precious for sight. The diet necessary to keep our eyes healthy and improve our sight is a diet rich in vegetables (fruit and vegetables) and fish, with the daily and weekly frequency recommended by the balanced nutrition guidelines, particularly for vitamins and minerals. 

These foods are also recommended to prevent other diseases, such as metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Still, they also play a fundamental role in the wellbeing of our eyes: they improve visual acuity, help in case of eye fatigue and dry eye, reduce the risk of glaucoma (one of the leading causes of blindness) and of developing cataracts (one of the most frequent eye diseases), also acting in the protection of the retina from oxidative damage and macular degeneration.

Diet For Healthy Eyes

Here is what must not be missing on our table to protect the eyes and improve vision.

Vitamin E

It is a fat-dissolvable nutrient. It decreases the danger of creating waterfalls, the opacification interaction of the focal point. It is viable in ensuring the optic nerve and forestalling the threat of developing glaucoma. Vitamin E is available principally in food varieties, for example, raw grain oil, additional virgin olive oil, and seeds as a general rule, in nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, and so forth); for more brilliant ingestion of vitamin E, it is wiser to utilize crude oils.


They are carotenoids with cell reinforcement properties, natural colors present in the plant world, and the significant constituents of the spotted shade of the retina, a kind of channel that forestalls destructive radiations, like bright beams, from harming the tissue of the retina. The cell reinforcement work decreases the danger of old enough related illnesses, such as macular degeneration. The food sources where these minor components are most present are dim green verdant vegetables: spinach, watercress, basil, rocket, broccoli, and green broccoli; paprika contains enormous amounts.

Vitamin C

It is a water-dissolvable nutrient with high cancer prevention agent power. It battles free extremists that are adversaries of the cells. This nutrient likewise seems to add to the capacity of optic nerve cells. The essential wellsprings of L-ascorbic acid are organic products: kiwis, strawberries, and organic citrus products overall. Vegetables like hot red peppers, red, yellow, and green peppers, turnip broccoli, vegetables like rocket lettuce and crude spinach are likewise rich. All food sources that contain the nutrient ought to be eaten crude and new. The nutrient breaks down with light and in water.

Vitamin A (And Its Precursor Beta-Carotene)

It is a fat-dissolvable nutrient with numerous fundamental capacities and high cancer prevention power. Answerable for sundown vision, it assists with seeing in the faint light. The inadequacy is related to night visual deficiency and dry eyes. The food varieties that contain it most are of creature beginnings, like liver, offal, milk, and subordinates like cheddar, eggs, fish, yellow-orange natural product, and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, and so forth), and dull green leaves.

Vitamin B2

It is a water-soluble vitamin, essential for eye health as its deficiency can cause conjunctivitis and cataracts, the clouding of the lens. The best source of this vitamin is milk and its derivatives, such as cheese. It is also found in yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, legumes, and eggs.

Omega 3

They are polyunsaturated fats fundamental for eye wellbeing since they constitute the retina’s bars. The omega 3s intercede in the maintenance cycles of the retina cells exhausted by over-the-top utilization of the eyes and by age. Among these unsaturated fats, DHA favors neuronal transmission and, in this manner, the usefulness of the optic nerve. Their inadequacy is related to eye issues and pathologies, like dry eye and macular degeneration. 

The food sources containing more omega 3 are bluefish (anchovies, sardines), salmon, and wild trout; high amounts are viewed as nuts, linseed oil, and moonseed overall. It is the most present minor component in the eye, and its lack can cause night visual impairment. The food sources containing the most zinc are shellfish, raw grain, entire grains, liver, brewer’s yeast; milk and subordinates like cheddar and bitter cocoa (dim chocolate) are also excellent sources.


They are minor components, water-dissolvable shades with the flavonoid family. Their cancer prevention agent power checks vision sicknesses like nearsightedness, retinal degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Anthocyanins act by further developing the blood dissemination of the visual vessels, essential to save the cornea and glasslike. The food sources that contain the most anthocyanins are purple-blue soil products like blueberries, dark grapes, dark plums, aubergines, and so forth.

Habits For Good Eyesight

In addition to proper nutrition, some correct behaviors promote vision protection.

  1. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Regularly carry out constant moderate physical activity, preferably of the aerobic type, which promotes circulation and brings nutrients into the eyes’ microcirculation. Regular physical activity protects the body from atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension, diseases that seriously affect eye health.
  2. Always protect yourself from UV rays with quality sunglasses. Not only certified sunglasses but also prescription glasses and contact lenses. Protect your eyes during activities that can be affected, such as while gardening or cycling.
  3. Keeping your weight under control prevents the development of cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension, overweight, and obesity.
  4. Use quality eye makeup products and avoid the pencil applied inside the eye.
  5. What is necessary. The eyes also deserve some rest.

What Is Not Suitable For The Eyes

  1. Leave makeup residue on your eyes before going to sleep.
  2. Keep your contact lenses for longer than recommended.
  3. Smoking. This habit considerably increases the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  4. Use expired eye drops. After 20 days from opening the bottle, it is good to throw them away because they oxidize and lose the necessary sterility.
  5. Drink alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake seems to favor an early onset of age-related macular degeneration.