Hair Vitamins: Which Ones Work?

Even if they don’t play a miraculous role as many would like, multivitamin complexes improve hair’s appearance and health, making it stronger, shinier, and fuller. Given that vitamins are compounds that the body cannot synthesize, it is necessary to introduce them through a varied and balanced diet or even through supplements. The frenetic rhythms of modern life very often cause nutritional deficiencies, the consequences of which can have repercussions on the well-being of the whole organism.

The results are also evident in the aesthetic aspect, with deterioration of the metabolism of skin and hair, which is this situation’s primary target. According to numerous scientific researches, the substances most involved in the worsening of the appearance of the hair are vitamins and macromolecules capable of optimizing all the biological processes of the organism (also considered essential for nail growth). The life cycle of the hair has three phases, the first of which is called “anagen” (or growth period), during which the cells present in the hair follicle multiply dramatically to allow the lengthening of the crown. 

This phase is followed by involution (called “catagen”), when the follicle remains silent, and the hair stops its growth. Subsequently, the third phase takes over, that of rest (which takes the name of “anagen”), characterized by the absolute inactivity of the follicle. Usually, one can notice a fall of about one hundred hairs a day; when this phenomenon increases and a more abundant loss is observed, it is necessary to resort to adequate measures. Taking care of the hair also means paying attention to the type of products used for their hygiene: in fact, the use of poor quality shampoo or too aggressive cosmetic products represents a considerable threat to the well-being of the hair: it is, therefore, essential to choose one shampoo with a good INCIAndwash your hair correctly. 

Whenever you observe some manifestation of suffering of the scalp, which inevitably reflects on the aesthetic aspect of the hair, it is, therefore, necessary to change your lifestyle, pay more attention to nutrition, take vitamins, and be careful with stress. These molecules are endowed with effective protective properties against the follicles, which contribute to reinforcing their metabolism, encouraging the cell multiplication responsible for hair growth.

Vitamins, meaning “amines of life” or compounds essential for survival, are micronutrients that, even in small concentrations, can satisfy the organism’s biological needs. There are numerous types of vitamins, indicated with different letters of the alphabet, whose task is fundamental for organic well-being. According to the different degrees of solubility in water or fats, these substances are divided into water-soluble (vitamins of group B and vitamin C) and fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K).

The Essential Vitamins

Water-Soluble Vitamins

As their name indicates, they are readily soluble in water. They are essential for the organism’s life. Those belonging to group B (B1, B2, B3, also called PP, B5, B6, B9, better known as folic acid, and B12, in addition to vitamin H) are macromolecules essential for carrying out the main metabolic processes connected to the production of red blood cells. Another essential function of theirs is facilitating energy production in all cases in which it is necessary to respond to more extraordinary requests.

In particular, vitamin B5 helps keep the integumentary system and hair healthy, which, in its absence, appear brittle, dull, and with a clear tendency to fall out. Vitamin C is considered one of the most effective antioxidant agents capable of counteracting the formation of free radicals; this molecule also contributes to the well-being of the hair, acting at the level of cellular turnover of the scalp, promoting its growth.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins 

They include:

  1. Vitamin A, essential for healthy bones and skin, thanks to its potent antioxidant power against free radicals, slows down the cellular aging process;
  2. vitamin D,  closely linked to the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in ossification processes;
  3. Vitamin E controls the turnover of fatty acids;
  4. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting reactions.

Vitamin D For Hair: Benefits And Uses

Their vitaminD ‘It affects the whole organism and, initially, the skin and hair. Specifically, this substance stimulates the proper functioning of the hair follicle, allowing you to promote growth and have a certain thickness of the stem. This is why it is essential to periodically check vitamin D levels and supplement them if necessary to prevent premature hair loss and have thick and healthy hair.

Vitamin B12 Hair

The vitamins of group B, specifically vitamin B12, are essential for the hair’s health. These allow the hair to grow healthy and strong, preventing split ends and stem breakage. Excessive hair loss is one of the main symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. A simple examination is enough to ascertain its levels and integrate it to allow the foliage to grow in strength.

Brittle Hair And Iron

Iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of hair loss or the brittle and dry appearance of the latter. Iron conveys oxygen to the hair follicle, which, by not receiving enough, tends to lack the nutrients necessary for the stem’s healthy growth. By integrating the missing iron with unique products, there is a renewed process of keratinization of the stem, which immediately appears stronger and healthier.

The Other “Letters”: Vitamins For Hair

Vitamins are found naturally in many foods, the introduction of which through a correct diet ensures a calibrated contribution, beneficial especially for hair health.

  1. Vitamin A: found in high-fat fish products, egg yolks, liver, and green leafy vegetables. It hinders the cellular aging processes.
  2. Vitamin B1: present above all in legumes, it allows a regular development of the hair’s life cycle
  3. Vitamin B2: enhances the synthesis of sebum, is found in milk and dairy products, and many green vegetables
  4. Vitamin B4: helps optimize the function of hair follicles and is found in meat, grains, tomatoes, and potatoes
  5. Vitamin B5: particularly abundant in broccoli and mushrooms, promotes hair regrowth.
  6. Vitamin B6: found in fish, red meat, wholemeal baked goods, wheat germ, and many vegetables (such as peas, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, and peppers), improve protein intake, helping to fortify hair
  7. Vitamin B8: by acting on the lipid metabolism, it regulates the biological cycle of the hair, counteracting the onset of seborrheic dermatitis phenomena.
  8. Vitamin B9: presides over the synthesis of keratin, a protein essential for the well-being of the hair, given that its deficiency causes considerable hair loss.
  9. Vitamin E: rich in antioxidant compounds capable of eliminating the free radicals responsible for hair loss, it is essential for maintaining thick and vital hair.

The ideal foods to improve the well-being of the hair are also those rich in omega-3, essential fatty acids whose role is of fundamental importance in regulating the life cycle of the hair. To have hair in excellent condition, it is advisable to consume salmon, cod, trout, mackerel, and sea bass in abundance; preferably whole legumes, particularly rich in zinc and iron; dried fruit containing magnesium and potassium; plenty of fruit and vegetables and flax seeds, handy for their high percentage of vitamin E and those of group B.

The hair is made up of two parts: the bulb, which represents the invisible portion inserted in the hair follicle, and the stem, which constitutes the visible fraction formed by keratin, a protein on which the health of the hair depends. When the keratinization process is poor or insufficient, the hair appears brittle, shapeless, brittle, dull and poorly hydrated. The beneficial activity of vitamins on the scalp acts mainly at the level of keratinocytes, which are the cells capable of producing keratin.

Vitamin Supplements For Hair

Trichological supplements are compounds that act on the hair structure to enhance its well-being; the main components of these preparations are the sulfur amino acids (such as cysteine, cystine, methionine, taurine, and arginine) responsible for the synthesis of keratin, minerals, antioxidant substances, and vitamins. The synergistic action of all these molecules together with anti-inflammatory compounds ensures maximum hair well-being, helping to regulate the hormone level that controls its metabolism. The factors responsible for the weakening of the hair are attributable to:

  1. an inadequate diet is characterized by the lack of some active principles
  2. a deterioration in general health conditions
  3. taking certain types of medications
  4. the stress
  5. certain phases of female life, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause
  6. the extension of therapies
  7. changes in hormonal metabolism

Suppose the diet is insufficient to guarantee the body the right amount of elements beneficial for hair health. In that case, resorting to multivitamin supplements enriched with minerals becomes necessary. In particular:

  1. Vitamin A counteracts hair aging, dandruff production, and scalp dryness.
  2. Vitamin E improves blood circulation by increasing cell oxygenation, stimulating the multiplication of those located at the follicular level, and encouraging hair growth.
  3. B-group vitamins revitalize the scalp by oxygenating the hair bulbs and regenerating the cells in hair growth.
  4. Vitamin H makes the hair solid and tangled, avoiding the harmful thinning phenomena that usually predispose to baldness.
  5. Vitamin C, enhancing the assimilation of iron, improves the oxidative metabolism of the follicle’s cells, giving health and well-being to the hair.

The most suitable supplements to keep the hair healthy are those containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidant molecules, and omega-3 fatty acids. If there is hair thinning in some areas of the scalp, deriving from hormonal imbalances, the intake of products based on soy isoflavones can be highly adequate, the action of which is to enhance the growth of new hair. To guarantee satisfactory results, it is necessary to carry out cycles of use of supplements for at least three consecutive months since the mechanism of action of the vitamins contained in them requires some time to manifest their effects.

Hair Supplements

The advice is to use supplements, even if entirely natural, sparingly. The ideal would be to consult with your doctor to evaluate the intake of specific vitamins. In this way, it is possible to understand which ones are deficient and therefore need to be integrated and which can be assumed through food instead.

When To Use Hair Supplements

Hair supplements should be used to prevent potential autumn fall; therefore, anticipating the treatment immediately after the summer to strengthen the bulb can promote healthy hair growth. Furthermore, they could be taken cyclically precisely to improve the hair in moments when it appears not very voluminous and beautiful or when the stems are brittle. Taking natural vitamins periodically as strengthening treatments gives flowing and shiny hair.

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