Five Tips And Remedies Against Hair Loss

Hair loss does not have to be tacitly accepted. We have selected five highlights for you from the multitude of naturopathic tips against hair loss. Whether medicine, aromatherapy, homeopathy, organic Sulfur, or targeted stress management, read in our five tips against hair loss how natural therapies can combat hair loss.

Hair loss does not hurt, but it still has a massive impact on well-being – especially the mental one. Hair loss can be treated effectively and targeted if the cause of the hair loss is known. However, the search for this cause is not always easy. It is also not always possible to find a doctor who can or likes to devote himself to the problem with patience and empathy. Natural remedies and ways against hair loss offer a perfect solution here. They are free from harmful side effects and focus not on hair loss alone but the whole person.

MSM Against Hair Loss

MSM stands for methyl sulfonyl methane or organic Sulfur. Sulfur is a trace element that ensures soft skin, healthy fingernails, and healthy hair. A lack of Sulfur in the diet could also affect hair health. Hair consists of a protein called keratin, among other things. If the body wants to produce keratin for healthy and strong hair, then it needs organic Sulfur. If there is not enough Sulfur available, not only does the skin lose its elasticity, the nails also become brittle, and the hair becomes brittle.

If there is now a hair loss, the body succeeds in regenerating understandably much better if it is also supplied with sufficient Organic Sulfur (MSM). The hair can then not only grow back vigorously, but it also has more volume and a healthy shine. MSM can be taken internally with tablets or capsules. But there is also a possibility for external use, namely the MSM gel.

Here, MSM was applied together with a 7.5% magnesium solution to areas of the skin affected by hair loss. It was shown that this therapy led to the same results as a treatment with 5% minoxidil solution (e.g., Regaine) – at least in mice. If you stop it, the hair loss progresses or even sets in more than ever before.


Medicinal Plants Against Hair Loss

Hair loss has been linked to liver and kidney problems. As a result, some hair loss therapies focus on strengthening these two organs. This is done with three particularly medicinal plants:

  1. The goji berry (Lycium barbarum),
  2. the black mulberry and that
  3. Carpet knotweed (Persicaria affinis or also called Polygonum affine).

Since hair loss and many other complaints are not possible when the liver and kidneys are excellent, it is worth taking care of our hard-working detoxification organs in several ways. You can find information on a holistic liver cleanse here: Holistic liver cleanse. The goji berry is sometimes referred to as the healthiest berry in the world. It has far more vitamins and minerals than most other cultivated fruits and vegetables.

The carotene content of goji berries is higher than that of carrots. Their vitamin C content is higher than that of oranges. Their antioxidant effect is said to be over a hundred times as intense as that of broccoli. Apart from the fact that goji berries have been shown to strengthen the immune system, prevent signs of aging, and are even suspected of preventing ulcer formation. Goji berries can be bought dried in most health food stores and health food stores. They can be nibbled, mixed in mueslis, or soaked in mixed drinks.

Other medicinal plants that are traditionally used for hair loss are

  1. Ginkgo,
  2. the many-flowered knotweed and
  3. Dong Quai

Ginkgo is generally considered to promote blood circulation and ensure better blood flow to the scalp.

Aromatherapy For Hair Loss

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from various plants’ flowers, leaves, bark, and roots.

Essential oils from the following plants have proven effective for hair loss:

  1. birch
  2. Cajeput
  3. Chamomile blue
  4. Lavender Sage
  5. Sea pine
  6. Clary Sage
  7. sage
  8. Juniper berry
  9. Juniper wood
  10. cedar

The following are considered to promote hair growth:

  1. Bay (West Indian Laurel)
  2. birch
  3. Chamomile blue
  4. rosemary
  5. juniper
  6. Ylang ylang

Homeopathy For Hair Loss

In the case of hair loss that has persisted for a long time, an individual constitutional treatment can also be helpful. Still, an experienced and qualified homeopath should only carry this out. Acute hair loss can – depending on the accompanying circumstances – be influenced by various homeopathic preparations: Selenium, for example, is prescribed by homeopaths when it comes to treating hair loss that is accompanied by a sore scalp.

If hair loss occurs during pregnancy, Lachesis is often the remedy, hair loss after breastfeeding could be stopped with sodium chloratum, and hair loss after childbirth may require Lycopodium or Sepia. The latter will also be the remedy of choice if the hair loss is related to menopause. If an inflamed scalp or even boils accompany the hair loss, then a homeopath could prescribe Aurum. Acidum phosphoricum is suitable for hair loss due to bereavement or severe (psychological) exhaustion. In contrast, Kalium phosphoricum has proven itself particularly for hair loss due to mental overexertion (especially in students).

On the other hand, Arnica can be used as a remedy for hair loss that has arisen after an injury. If hair loss occurs in connection with significant skin and nail disorders, Silicea is the one to choose. If the hair loss appears to have no apparent cause, one takes Silicea alternating with Calcium fluorated. If exhaustive illnesses, medication, radiation therapy, or other forms of poisoning are the trigger for hair loss, then the homeopath will probably opt for Sulfur (for sensitive scalps with rashes), for Thallium (for emaciation and nerve pain at the same time), for Arsenicum album (for itchy, flaky scalps) and an exhausted, but at the same time restless general condition) or Phosphorus (when the hair falls out in whole tufts).

Stress Management Against Hair Loss

Stress and emotional stress, and psychological problems are known to have an enormous influence on the body. This usually shows up in indigestion or sleep disorders. But hair loss can also be a direct result of persistent stressful situations. How exactly the stress causes the hair to fall out is not yet fully understood. The norepinephrine damages the hair follicle by causing inflammation.

The inflammation, in turn, ensures that the hair goes into the so-called resting phase earlier than planned. In the resting phase, however, a hair only stays for two to three months, then it falls out. So if you suffer from hair loss and at the same time lead a permanently stressful life, then stress reduction using special relaxation techniques would be highly recommended to come to rest again and thus allow the hair to recover and regrow.

The relaxation techniques include, for example, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, autogenic training, yoga, or specific breathing techniques. They all help maintain the necessary distance and prevent stress from manifesting itself in the body, weakening the immune system and causing illness or “only” hair loss.