Fitness Motivation: This Will Give You Enough Motivation To Train

If you want to improve your fitness continuously, you need one thing above all: motivation. This post shows how you can motivate yourself at all times. Motivation is a powerful engine that can drive you to peak performance. However, many people find it very difficult to motivate themselves anew every day and go to their training limits. 

However, as soon as you lack motivation, performance falls by the wayside in the short or long term. There are a few simple tricks on constantly re-motivating yourself to overcome your weaker self and achieve the goals you have set. Music is the easiest way to motivate yourself, but a training partner can also help you achieve your goals.

Which Motivational Type Are You?

It can be said that every person is different. While some people have no problem motivating themselves, others need some motivational aid to be and stay motivated for the workout. This guy needs constant support to implement his goals and not be distracted by anything. Of course, many people are a combination of both types of motivation. Sometimes there are days when they go to sport in a disciplined manner and do not skip any training, while on other days, they let the training slip again and cannot motivate themselves.

How Can You Motivate Yourself?

Getting motivated to exercise can be incredibly easy if you use the right strategies. In the following, we will show you the best strategies that can help you motivate yourself repeatedly every day.

Find The Right Sport For You

If your friends love to run, it doesn’t mean that you have just as much fun running. You can’t re-motivate yourself every time you don’t enjoy the sport. It is essential to find the right sport to stay on the ball and not lose the joy of training. It’s time to try it out. You can only find the best sport for you if you put several sports through their paces. Take martial arts lessons, take part in a CrossFit lesson or arrange a trial training session in a gym: You can only find out which sport is the right one by trying it out.


Social media can be a real motivator. Thanks to the networking on various social media pages, you can get enough motivation by communicating with other athletes. The positive thing is Thanks to social media, you get a lot of tips on training or nutrition, and you stay on the ball through the success stories of others. Many fitness fans and figure-conscious people like to share their lifestyle with other people to encourage them and imitate them to animate. Those who feel animated by the pictures and videos can often motivate themselves better than someone who wants to achieve their goals on their own.

Set Appointments

The plan to exercise three to four times a week is often not put into practice – especially if you let yourself down on the sofa with a delicious pizza after work. The reason your plan is often doomed is that you don’t set any dates. Many people make a firm commitment not to skip training every day, but this plan is rarely actually put into practice.

It is best to set fixed dates for the training so that no more excuses can be found. If you pack your training bag the evening before and put it in the car, you can go straight to the gym after work or go for a jog.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding doesn’t mean getting a big pizza or chocolate after your workout—rewarding means giving yourself a little something for regular training. A good reward could, for example, be a new item of clothing or a pair of new sports shoes to motivate yourself continuously and to celebrate the small successes and stage victories.

Train With A Training Partner

Exercising alone can be highly demotivating for many people. It makes more sense to take a training partner aside so that you can train together with him. Training is often much easier with a training partner, as you can encourage each other. It is even better to train in a group to be able to motivate yourself better. Training together will help you stay on the ball and achieve your personal goals.

Training with a partner or in a group has further advantages: It strengthens your self-confidence and – depending on the sport – contributes to proper execution to prevent injuries. But what is most important is that you keep your training dates and overcome your weaker self with a training partner or in a group more easily.

Train With Music

Music can increase the motivation for training immensely. If you listen to music before the workout or during training, you will feel more interested in training. The best thing to do is put together your playlist containing your favourite music to motivate you for the upcoming training. Which music you listen to during training is ultimately up to you. Some athletes tune the music to the individual workout and prefer quieter sounds during the warm-up, while it can be a bit louder during the actual workout.

Set Goals

Setting goals for yourself can be a great motivator. It is essential to set realistic goals that are not set too high. For example, a goal could be to sign up for a gym or take a fitness test. Especially when it comes to fat loss, you should set yourself small goals that can also be achieved. If the goals are too big and difficult to achieve, this usually leads to frustration, which in turn drops your motivation.

Many athletes also like to use visualizations to help them achieve their goals, such as imagining what they will look like after losing weight. Above all, those who treat themselves to a small reward after each stage of victory remain motivated.


Share Your Successes

Sharing something doesn’t necessarily mean posting a picture on Facebook or Instagram every day. Instead, it means that you tell others about your project and your progress. As soon as your colleagues and friends know how often you do sports and what goals you have, you will be less likely to look for excuses and be more able to motivate yourself.

Before And After Pictures

For example, before and after pictures can be a perfect motivation if you want to lose weight. They document your success and show you to what extent you have already changed. It’s worth taking new photos every four to six weeks and posting them on the bulletin board or fridge to show success and keep the motivation going.


If the necessary motivation for the training is missing, stress can very often be behind the excuses. Stress raises blood pressure and creates chaos in the head. You can no longer think clearly, which in turn can affect your everyday life. People who are often stressed want to do as many things as possible at once, which is why they tend to get bogged down. However, this costs a lot of time, which in turn is missing for training. Lack of time is one of the most common excuses for skipping workouts.

Find Your Routine

Humans are creatures of habit. For this reason, you should bring more structure into your everyday life so that you don’t have any excuses for training. Incidentally, it doesn’t make sense to train differently every week, as you will skip the training more often in this case. It is much better to always set fixed dates for the workout. Thus you enter into a binding obligation with yourself and bring a little more structure into your everyday life. By the way, a good structure also includes your training plan. 

Get A Professional

In addition to the tips listed here, there is also the option of getting a professional by your side to motivate yourself again and again. It is not for nothing that celebrities like to use a personal trainer to achieve the goals set and to be able to change positively.

Conclusion: Reaching Your Goal With Motivation

As soon as the motivation is missing, the desired goals cannot be put into practice. Music, appointments, and rewards can be a way to motivate yourself to exercise. Training together with friends or in a group can also inspire regular training. However, if you want to be on the safe side and avoid setbacks, you can take the help of a professional who is as familiar with training and nutrition as possible.