Fast Fat Loss – The Best Tips

On the subject of faster fat loss, diet, and weight reduction, our team has put together interesting information for you to ensure the greatest possible success with your diet: If your goal is a figure with as little fat as possible and an athletic body, the best thing to do is forget everything you have heard or read about diet and fat loss and give conventional diet guides to recycling.

Also, forget the rules and guidelines of the self-proclaimed “food popes” because their strategies and knowledge have not made the population slimmer but more obese in the last 35 years. You also have little chance of losing your unloved fat if you are low-fat. Believe theories and other stories. If you are seriously interested in fat loss, you have to be aware of the following: If you have too high a body fat percentage, you are eating wrong and exercising too little or sick.

Fast Fat Loss – Bye-Bye, Dear Fat Pads

Fat doesn’t make you fat, provided you eat the right amount of fat (see below), no more than 60g fat per day, and not with carbohydrates. Although fat has more calories than the carbohydrates that are often praised in typical diets, in combination with protein and fiber, it makes you feel full for much, much longer. It ensures an optimal fat metabolism, through which you burn a lot of calories. Do not forget that you have a certain amount of important omega-three fatty acids to take to you. 

Nuts, fish (salmon, mackerel, herring), and oils such as linseed oil, walnut oil, and olive oil contain a particularly large number of omega-3 fatty acids. If you eat too little fat, you save calories, but your metabolism burns far fewer calories than you save. Protein-rich foods are muscle nutrients in general because protein-rich foods make you feel full longer and support muscle building and muscle maintenance. In addition, the body has to use more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates and fats.

Don’t forget about natural fiber. High-fiber foods include legumes, nuts, whole grain products like whole-grain bread, cereal flakes, vegetables, and brown rice. Bad carbohydrates are the real fat makers, especially if you (which is almost always the case) too much short-chain (non-complex) carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, rice, etc.) and even worse if you eat them together with fat (chocolate, cake, Chips, etc.) are consumed. If you want to lose fat, you have to deal primarily with reducing the carbohydrate intake because the carbohydrates or the insulin produced by them fill your fat cells.

Foods that contain many essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are important “auxiliary substances” because zinc, for example, contributes to normal fatty acid metabolism and normal protein synthesis. In contrast, magnesium, for example, helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, etc. Foods rich in vitamins are, for instance, Vegetables, fruits, and salad. Exercise is a natural fat burner, a very crucial factor in the success of diet and fat loss. However, the so-called aerobic fat loss training (jogging, cycling, treadmill, etc.) is by no means the non-plus-ultra. If you want to be a good endurance runner, you have to do hours of running training. However, suppose you’re going to lose fat (and even build muscle in the process). 

In that case, you should better combine endurance, strength, and speed-strength training and, above all, exercise as much as possible every day (walking upstairs, jogging a few meters from one office to another, do a few squats more often during work breaks, etc.). With regular aerobic fat loss training such as light jogging, cycling, etc., fat is burned as an energy source rather than carbohydrates, but only as long as you exercise. However, the muscles formed through strength training consume more calories 24 hours a day. 

In addition, strength and high-speed strength training (sprints, circuit training, etc.) result in fat consumption that is not quite as high during training itself, but a so-called “afterburn effect” of 6 to 24 hours. According to the latest studies, the organism consumes significantly more calories than usual during this afterburn effect, which means that the “training-induced total calorie consumption” in high-speed strength training generally substantially exceeds that of aerobic endurance training.

Implementation Of The Rules Of Success For Rapid Fat Loss In Practice

  1. If you are getting lean, muscular, and productive and want to take around nine months to do this, then eat approximately 50-60g of good fats per day, 40g of fiber, preferably in the form of lots of vegetables (naturally prepared without fat), 100-200g of protein ( depending on body weight and gender), not significantly more than 100g of slow (complex) carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole grain products, and a little fruit, etc. Go to a gym and do about 30 minutes of strength training, then go on the treadmill, walk three sprints (in between, run out easily), and then jog, cycle, or row for about 20 minutes as endurance training.
  2. You want to see success as quickly as possible (which is human and motivating), or you even strive for an above-average athletic physique. Let’s start with the training. You have to do 45-minute strength training three or four times a week, followed by 3 – 5 sprints and then aerobic cycling, rowing, or running.