Dry Mouth On Waking: Causes And Remedies


There is usually an adequate amount of saliva inside the mouth, but you may wake up with a dry mouth in the morning. What does dry mouth depend on when you wake up? Lack of saliva is usually not a disease but a symptom or side effect of another health problem. Here is what it could depend on.

Saliva Is Essential For Health

Although many underestimate its role, saliva is a fundamental component of the body. It is rich in enzymes that carry out the first breakdown of ingested foods, relieving the stomach of part of the digestion work and fighting oral infections. Therefore, if saliva is produced in insufficient quantity, various problems can arise. But what can a dry mouth on waking up depend on? Here are the leading causes.


Often, dry mouth indicates that the body needs more fluids. When dehydrated, you do not have enough fluids to produce saliva, which is made up almost entirely of water. If you don’t drink enough during the day, you could end up with a dry mouth in the morning.

Oral Breathing

Do you often wake up with your mouth wide open? This could dry out the mucous membranes. The oral tissues will dry out if you sleep with your mouth open, especially those closest to the lips. The breathing mouth is particularly common when it is cooled or congested because it is hard to breathe by the nose in these situations.

Sleep Apnea

The chronic snorers who daily wake up with a dry mouth might suffer from apnea night, a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal breathing during sleep. People with this condition experience interrupted breathing, wheezing, and loud snoring. These problems often lead to mouth breathing, which, as described above, can lead to dry mouth. Other sleep apnea symptoms include insomnia, morning headache, daytime sleepiness, limited attention span, and irritability.

Use Of Certain Medications

A few meds can meddle with mouth wellbeing and lessen the progression of salivation. Specifically, drugs that follow up on the focal sensory system or the secretory cells of the salivary organs can do this, decreasing salivary emission. For instance, dry mouth on waking can be brought about by the utilization of medications used to treat despair and overactive bladder, antihistamines, decongestants, muscle relaxants, and pain killers.

As you are bound to accept meds as you age, there is more danger of dry mouth as you age. Truth be told, as per the Cleveland Clinic, 1 out of 5 grown-ups experiences the ill effects of xerostomia or dry mouth.

Another Disease

In addition to sleep apnea, other more severe health problems could lead to a dry mouth upon waking. For example, some autoimmune diseases, Sjogren’s syndrome, have effects on salivary glands. Diabetes, stroke, thrush, and Alzheimer’s disease are also associated with dry mouth.

Drinking Alcohol Or Caffeine At The End Of The Day

Coffee and cocktails at the end of the day could be the culprits of dry mouth upon waking. This is because caffeine and alcohol can be slightly dehydrating, which can lead to dry mouth.

Helpful Strategies Against Dry Mouth Upon Waking

Here are a few hints to forestall dry mouth while resting. 

  1. Converse with your primary care physician: First, it’s fundamental to distinguish any hidden issues, for example. If a specific medication is a reason, your primary care physician might have the option to change your measurement or recommend another medicine that doesn’t cause dry mouth. 
  2. Drink a lot of water: Eight glasses of water a day is generally enough to remain hydrated. Make sure to drink in any event when you are parched and take a look at the shade of your pee: in case it is light yellow, it ought to be okay. Continuously keep a jug of water close by. 
  3. Bite blocks of ice: This is one more acceptable way of getting your fill of water. Furthermore, the biting movement animates the progression of spit. 
  4. Utilize a humidifier: Using a humidifier in the room adds dampness to the air and can assist with forestalling dry mouth around evening time (particularly on the off chance that you inhale through your mouth). 
  5. Keep away from the liquor and jazzed drinks: These beverages can get dried out and fuel dry mouth. 
  6. Attempt Products That Moisturize Your Mouth: Artificial spit as showers, gels, flushes, and tablets can grease up your mouth and further develop solace. 
  7. Utilize a medication that invigorates spit creation: If the salivary organs work, salivary energizer medications, for example, pilocarpine, can help. 
  8. Deal with oral cleanliness: individuals with dry mouth are more inclined to tooth rot and depressions, so a legitimate oral cleanliness routine is fundamental to forestall dry mouth after waking. In any case, be careful with mouthwashes containing liquor or peroxide, which can demolish dry mouth.