Does Activated Charcoal Whiten Teeth?

You would like your teeth to be whiter and your smile to be brighter, but the enamel tends to be yellow and is stained. What can you do? There are many natural remedies, but you have to be cautious about using activated charcoal, as its abrasive ability could have significant side effects. Activated charcoal has become a health trend, not only in terms of dietary health but also in dental care. However, you have to be very careful, as it could be dangerous for your teeth.

What’s This

Activated carbon is a black powder made of burnt material. It is used to prevent poisoning because it is porous enough to absorb some toxins and does not hurt once ingested, and makes it to the stomach. This ingredient can be administered to both animals and humans. And over the years, precisely because it is non-toxic and well-tolerated, it has become a popular ingredient in many foods and soaps. However, when used to brush your teeth, it is intended to whiten because the charcoal is used to remove stains mechanically and make your smile brighter. 

And it doesn’t even have to be included in the toothpaste – some people buy the powder and use it as they would baking soda. Activated carbon is a lightning ingredient in its grain: it is made of fine, abrasive grains, which wear away the stains. It is very similar to baking soda, which many dentists also do not recommend. Therefore, it is an abrasive product, which means that in the long run, it can wear out the enamel, making them more sensitive and vulnerable to tooth decay. “Charcoal dust has a certain abrasive effect and therefore can favor teeth whitening by eliminating acquired surface coloring. 

It cannot eradicate deep colorations, but it may help combat bad breath. However, there are still no reliable scientific studies (randomized and controlled) that confirm both of these characteristics because the product’s availability in the form of toothpaste is relatively recent. Always with the constant use of charcoal on your teeth, you also risk the dentin inside your teeth at some point starting to show. And you must know that it has a darker color than the enamel, and consequently, your teeth will become nutty, definitely not very pleasant.

How To Use It Safely

The harmful effect of coal is cumulative. This means that you do not have to give up its whitening properties, but simply that you have to use it little. Some dentists claim that one application per month is safe. Also, good charcoal toothpaste, if you’re careful, won’t cause any harm compared to dust. The truth is that there are better methods of brushing your teeth and that all forms of home whitening are dangerous to some degree.

How Do You Whiten Your Teeth?

The advice is to do an oral hygiene session to eliminate plaque, tartar, and stains. “Then you can evaluate three possibilities: the first is the prolonged use of whitening toothpaste, taking care to avoid those that are too abrasive which could, in the long run, damage the enamel. The second is to use bleaching chemicals in the form of applicator brushes, strips, or masks to be applied to the teeth for a few minutes every day until the desired color is achieved. 

The best product and the most suitable modality must be individually recommended by the dentist or dental hygienist. The third possibility consists of undergoing professional whitening sessions using peroxide-based substances with greater concentration, with or without the help of lights at particular frequencies, which eliminate even deep and persistent discolorations in a shorter time. None of these substances damage the dental enamel. At most, a transient sensitivity to thermal stimuli may appear”.