Children’s Cold: No Pills But Natural Remedies

Lemon and honey, but also ginger. And always have children wash their hands before going to the table. Here Are:

Children’s Cold

Plan on the medicines. And plan on wasting pills that also have side effects. Children are very prone to colds, mucus, and cough with some upper respiratory disorders . It is not necessary to immediately resort to medicines (a bad habit, for example, is to switch immediately to tachipirina ) and even less to do-it-yourself prescriptions. Much better to start with natural remedies, choosing the most effective ones.

Natural Remedies For Children’s Cold

A cold comes, accompanied by profuse sneezing. What to do? Start with natural remedies like these:

  1. First of all, the child must drink a lot during the day
  2. Herbal teas can also be effective: the best ones are based on linden and chamomile
  3. In herbal teas, you can add ginger
  4. An excellent recipe is this: cut the lemon and ginger into slices, boil the water and then put the lemon and ginger slices inside. Leave to rest for ten minutes, pour into a milk cup, add honey, and the anti-cold drink for your children is ready
  5. The combination of honey and lemon is excellent: they disinfect and soften the mucus
  6. Do not have particular worries or anxieties: in any case, the cold must run its course
  7. As for food, in this phase, there is a lot of space for vegetable broth, fruit and vegetables

How To Prevent Cold In Children

To prevent colds in children, it is necessary to follow some hygiene and behavioral rules:

  1. DIET: remember that health begins at the table and that, to fortify your children against the attack of viruses, it is necessary to make them understand how important it is to eat fruit and vegetables, foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Here are some curious and tasty ideas to convince children that they really don’t want to hear about apples, oranges and kiwis. But not only fruit and vegetables: among the other foods that present themselves as real allies of the immune system of the little ones, we find yogurt, honey, walnuts and oily fish rich in Omega3.
  2. TEMPERATURE: as continuous temperature changes can occur during the winter, ensure the child is always well covered when he is away from home. Also, please pay attention to the internal temperature of your home: make sure it does not exceed 20 degrees.
  3. HYGIENE: teach children that it is important to wash their hands often, especially before eating: only in this way will they be able to reduce the possibility of contagion with some viruses that cause colds and fever.

How To Recognize Cold Symptoms

As mentioned, a cold can be annoying but remains a completely harmless ailment that disappears within a few days. Among the first symptoms of a cold in children are a runny nose, sore throat, inappetence, exhaustion, irritability, disturbed sleep and sometimes a few lines of fever. In some cases, there is also a cough: if the child is very young, the advice is to have him examined by the pediatrician, who can indicate the most suitable therapy for the child. One of the main risks encountered in the cold is using unnecessary or completely inappropriate drugs such as antibiotics.

How To Cure A Cold In Children

As with adults, there is no real cure for a cold in children. Some useful tricks could be to prepare them with lots of good juices rich in vitamin C and an excellent cup of hot milk with honey that can relieve coughs and promote rest. Remember that it is important to ensure that the child is always well hydrated: breastfeed him or give him a bottle more frequently if he is a newborn, and let him drink often if he is older. If your child begins to experience vomiting, high fever, headache and breathing difficulties in addition to the classic cold symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

How Do You Cure A Cold Fast?

Assuming that, as we have said, the cold must run its course and it is contraindicated to try to force it uselessly, we can speed up the recovery of children with a little foresight. In particular:

  1. Lots of rest. Never as in this case, the first medicine is sleep
  2. Keep the child covered in any case and avoid sudden changes in temperature
  3. Avoid blowing your nose into the same handkerchief all the time
  4. Avoid constantly putting your hands in your mouth or nose

How Long Do Children’s Colds Last?

Typically, children’s colds last 3-4 days. The physiological time to be absorbed naturally. Only after this period, if the cold has not passed, is it advisable to talk to the pediatrician, who will evaluate a therapy based on medicines. It is advisable to consult the pediatrician if the child’s cold is combined with cough,  fever, or chills. And headaches too.

Why Do Children Often Get A Cold?

Children often catch colds, much more often than adults. How come? The answer is simple. Before 6-8, the child has not yet developed an immune system capable of protecting him adequately from viruses, including a cold. The first defensive barriers of the child are the skin and the mucous membranes, but the immune system needs the necessary time to develop well.

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