Black Tea: Properties And Benefits


“Dark tea” is the name given to tea leaves that have gone through a specific interaction and from the imbuement of which a dull red beverage is acquired, also called dark tea. Dark tea is more oxidized than the oolong, green, and white assortments. Ordinarily local to India and Sri Lanka, from where it is traded a little all over the planet, dark tea, for the most part, has a more grounded and more definitive flavor and smell than less oxidized teas.

The most significant assortment of dark tea is “peck” tea (or peak or pekoe tea, and that signifies “cushion” in Chinese, demonstrating the utilization of better quality young buds and leaves). By and large, drugs are even more imminent the higher the level of fresh leaves. Notwithstanding the expansion in green and white tea deals, dark tea represents over 90% of all teas sold in the West.

What Determines The Characteristics Of A Tea?

The decision of the natural substance and the different periods of the functioning system unequivocally influence dark tea’s properties and organoleptic characteristics. Oolong tea, which is seldom utilized is ready along these lines; however, it goes through more limited aging and just somewhat obscures. In the handling of green tea, no maturation is visualized, and the leaves, following gathering, are quickly settled with heat.

Consequently, the differentiation between the different kinds of tea is generally because of the distinctions in the handling of the unrefined substance, the wellspring of which is pretty much something very similar ( Camellia sinensis ). While green tea loses its flavor in one year of capacity, dark tea holds its properties for a considerable time. This reason has been showcased since the nineteenth century, when it even expected money, as packed blocks, in Mongolia, Tibet, and Siberia.


The chemical characteristics of black tea are influenced by the raw material and the infusion time. This parameter is essential to increase or decrease the drink’s aroma and allow greater or lesser solubilization and perfusion of the stimulants and tannins from the black tea leaves to the water.

Black Tea And Stimulants

Due to nerve-active ingredients, the infusion of black tea acquires stimulating, exciting, and diuretic properties.

Caffeine In Black Tea

For certain exemptions, dark tea is the most extravagant assortment of tea in caffeine (3-6% of dry weight ), and – if not for the different extraction technique – it would even outperform espresso. In some dark tea (around 150 ml) acquired by imbuement of 5 minutes, the caffeine content (inappropriately called theine) shifts on average from 40 to 100 mg, a decent amount, taking into account that coffee contains around 80 mg.

Theophylline In Black Tea

Dark tea is likewise wealthy in theophylline, a substance like the one just portrayed, which is utilized – in a lot higher fixations – in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. Theophylline, indeed, favors the widening of the bronchi, improving – in addition to other things – likewise the contractility of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles.

Theobromine In Black Tea

Another substance with similar activities is the obromine, an alkaloid typical of cocoa, which is present in somewhat limited quantities in black tea.

Polyphenols In Black Tea

Dark tea, as different assortments, is likewise rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are nourishing variables with antioxidant activity, forestall cardiovascular diseases and growth. They are particularly bountiful in green tea, as they contrarily experience the oxidative impact during creation.

Tannins In Black Tea

Black tea also contains tannins, which have many of the metabolic characteristics of generic polyphenols. Furthermore, tannins have astringent properties because they reduce glandular secretion in the intestine, fighting diarrhea.

Black Tea And Tumor

Despite the high concentration of antioxidants, a meta-analysis of observational studies in Asian or Caucasian populations concluded that: “The consumption of black tea does not affect the development of oral cancers, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer. to the lungs“.

Black Tea And Stroke

On the other hand, black tea consumption may be associated with a decreased risk of stroke.

Black Tea, Blood Pressure, And Cholesterol

“Long haul utilization of dark tea just somewhat lessens systolic and diastolic pulse (around 1-2 mmHg)”. A similar work additionally noticed that: “Long haul utilization of dark tea brings down blood LDL cholesterol concentration by 0.43mmol/L (or 7.74 mg/dL ); however, by and large, this exploration stays uncertain.