Benefits Of Tea: 10 Tips To Avoid Wasting Them

Better lose than in sachets. Do not leave the leaves in the water for more than 3 minutes. And again, sweeten with honey and not sugar. One hundred grams of green tea contains only one calorie, but on the other hand, it provides proteins, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C. These data would be enough to give an idea of the benefits and properties of a drink obtained through a simple infusion of the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant (or Camella theifera).

Beneficial Effects Of Tea

Rich in antioxidants capable of counteracting the free radicals responsible for aging and excellent allies in preventing some cardiovascular diseases, tea is a genuinely precious drink for our health. Increasingly updated studies demonstrate, now unequivocally, that tea, especially green tea, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke, and prevents some tumors (for example, the colon). It also aids digestion and strengthens teeth. In a word, as the Chinese say, tea prolongs life.

How To Get The Benefits Of Tea

But how do you best obtain its benefits? What are the essential rules to follow? Here are ten:

  1. I always prefer the latter between tea bags and loose tea. The reason is simple: the leaves have been less processed and, therefore, have a greater quantity of precious white shoots.
  2. As for the type of tea, the best, in terms of health effects, is green. The other qualities are black, red, yellow, and white. Try, through a trusted seller, to secure green tea produced in China without refining.
  3. The recommended dose for maximum benefits is three cups a day. Start in the morning, possibly on an empty stomach; the effectiveness is more significant.
  4. The water in which you put the tea must not boil ultimately, like when you throw in the pasta, but be very hot. At excessive temperatures, tea becomes more bitter, and some antioxidants degrade.
  5. The tea should steep for between 2 and a half and 3 minutes. Beyond that, it is useless, and you risk changing its flavor.
  6. Don’t use sugar to sweeten your cup. Honey is better; it is more natural and without contraindications.
  7. Beware of smoking after a cup of tea. Burn off all the benefits of drinking.
  8. Teach children to drink tea from an early age. Then, they will get used to it.
  9. Even in the office, as at home, use your kettle. Homemade tea is better than the usually cheap tea bought at the bar.
  10. Tea is also a great after-dinner drink, including the delicious lemongrass tea. Perfect for replacing harmful spirits.

Tea Variety

Four of the most essential tea varieties and the benefits they produce.

  1. Green tea is rich in polyphenols and develops an essential protective action on the gastrointestinal system and preventive measures against the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Green tea is also considered a natural anticancer, even without scientific evidence. It can be drunk at any time of the day.
  2. Tender. Its paramount quality is that it is a natural antioxidant drink, thanks to its abundance of theaflavins. It also has astringent qualities. Considering that it is one of the teas with the most caffeine, it is preferable to consume it in the morning and not in the evening or late afternoon, when it could worsen the quality of our sleep.
  3. White tea: Not very elaborate, fragrant, and delicate, without any contraindications. Unlike black tea, it can be consumed at any time of the day. For the benefits it produces for the skin, the best white tea is grown in China, the Fujian region, Taiwan, and Nepal.
  4. Oolong tea. It is a partially dried tea, a cross between green and black tea.
  5. Yellow tea. It has characteristics very similar to green tea but has yet to be widely used in India.
  6. Dark tea. This is also a little-known tea in India, while in China, it is usually used as an effective digestive.

When Not To Drink Green Tea?

Green tea should be avoided in a specific circumstance, as reported by the Humanitas hospital website: when following an anti-tumor therapy based on bortezomib, as the molecules of green tea bind to those of the medicine and make it ineffective in its war against tumor cells. Furthermore, considering green tea’s high percentage of caffeine (approximately 12 grams per 12 ml of drink), its use is not recommended for children.

How Much Tea Do Indians Consume?

According to a report, tea consumption in India is rapidly increasing, especially among the population aged between 25 and 40. The gap in coffee consumption remains very wide, of course. One gram of tea is purchased for every 85 grams of coffee in India.

How Tea Is Prepared

You don’t have to be a maniac, but tea should be drunk with a method. Without sugar, as we said, after an infusion of approximately six minutes, always pour it first into the teapot and then into the cup.

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