Benefits Of Silence: Effects On Body And Mind Of The Absence Of Noise


In an increasingly noisy world, where it is difficult not to have music, a podcast, television and radio programs, car traffic, other people’s voices or different background sounds, many people experience moments of silence. . Unfortunately, not without consequences: according to studies, silence has a positive impact on physical, psychological and mental health and depriving oneself of moments without hesitation means giving up all these effects. Here, in detail, are the benefits of silence.

What Effects Does It Have On The Body And Mind?

Although the absence of sound may suggest the presence of a void, in reality, it is not: reducing noise offers surprising fullness for body, mind and spirit. Here are the main benefits of silence.

Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension is often called killer “silent” because it gives no apparent symptoms of its presence. Well, it is precisely silence that can reduce it. In a 2006 study, two minutes of silence following listening to music significantly reduced participating subjects’ heart rate and blood pressure. The silence was even more effective in this respect than slow, relaxing music. Previous research from 2003 associated a chronically noisy environment with increases in heart rate and blood pressure.

Improve Concentration And Focus

There’s more than one reason why essential exams aren’t conducted with blaring music in the background: auditory quiet helps you focus. Freed from the external stimulus of noise, the brain can concentrate better on the task at hand. This can have benefits in work, study, relationships, and more. 

In a 2021 study, 59 participants were asked to perform activities requiring concentration in silence and background noise. Well, those who worked silently experienced the most negligible cognitive load and stress levels lower. Focusing on one thing with your full attention can help promote efficiency and calm during the activity.

Reduces The Level Of Cortisol

The same study showed that the effects of noise on concentration have also been found that people who carried out the task required by a noise in the background had higher levels of cortisol, the ‘stress hormone. An accumulation of unpleasant noises can lead to mental stress and an excessive release of cortisol. Silence, on the other hand, could reduce the production of this substance.

Calm Your Mind And Thoughts

The overactive mind and incessant thoughts are a sign of ‘distinctive anxiety. Silence might seem like an ample open space to fill with swirling thoughts, but it doesn’t have to be. On the other hand, silence promotes mental calm, which prevents unnecessary energy from being consumed. By being silent, you can slow down, take time to observe things around you and become more aware. This helps you pay attention and be present in the moment, whatever you happen to be doing.

Friend Of Creativity

Although clinical research on the exact relationship between silence and creativity is sparse, many experts have highlighted the benefits of mental inactivity on creative production. Periods of inactivity have been found to increase productivity and improve troubleshooting.

Fights Insomnia

Most people need a quiet sleeping environment. Indeed, external noise can disturb the night’s rest. But the evening hours are not the only time when silence can prevent insomnia. Carving out quiet moments during the day could also prepare you for a better night’s sleep. The reason is simple: silence and periods of calm relieve tension, resulting in a greater sense of healthy- being and relaxation, which counteracts insomnia. 

Encourage Awareness

When you are silent, it is easier to live in the present moment without distractions. Although the person may feel the urge to fill the space with an activity, conversation, or music, they can also consciously choose to remain silent. This allows thoughts to stabilize and the body to return to a relaxed state.

It Stimulates Brain Growth

Silence-induced mental calmness could promote brain health. In a 2013 animal study, two hours of silence stimulated the growth of new cells in the hippocampus mice, the brain region related to memory and emotion. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that humans will experience the same effects, it’s a good thing.

How To Have Moments Of Silence

Escaping the world and isolating oneself is neither possible nor desirable. But with a little bit of effort, it is possible to bring more quiet into everyday life. Here are some ways to reduce noise: 

  1. make your car a noiseless area by turning off the radio and not making phone calls;
  2. choose some daily activities that can be carried out even without background noise;
  3. learn how to remove the earphones;
  4. get up before the rest of the house wakes up;
  5. silence practice for two minutes at a time to train slowly.