Because Eating Fish Is Good For You

At the table, there must be at least 2-3 times a week. Mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, Omega 3: nothing is missing in fish. And its benefits pass from generation to generation.

Because Eating Fish Is Good

Heart, bones, brain, eyesight, muscles –  everything gets stronger. Everything, thanks to fish, becomes the object of a very effective form of prevention. Everything is less exposed to the risks of serious illnesses, and in general of our body’s aging, with the related problems of risks and pathologies. That’s why fish work wonders.

On the other hand, this rain of benefits is linked to what is essential that fish contains (clearly, doses and qualities change based on the different types of fish). Vitamins: First, A, B and D.  Mineral salts: iodine, iron, selenium and zinc. Fatty acids: omega 3 EPA and DHA, or “good” fats, as they not only do not harm but represent great long-life elixirs. Protein and also zinc.

Benefits Of Fish

The absolute certainty of the benefits and well-being linked to fish consumption has moved scientific research on this side towards another very interesting frontier. Once the benefits of fish have been clarified and given their power, can they be transmitted from generation to generation until they enter our genetic codes? 

Again, in favor of fish, we have a positive response from science: the benefits of fish last so long that they are transmitted from generation to generation. And they positively change our DNA. Another reason to eat fish from an early age is to get children used to a diet where there is often fish and help them conquer some whim, lightly, but also with determination. Omega 3  and which fish to buy and consume in different circumstances.

How To Choose The Fish

When buying fish, it is best to prefer blue fish and those that live in cold waters, such as trout and salmon. These are the ones that contain a higher concentration of Omega 3. The leaner ones   (for example, sole, sea bream, cod, dogfish and grouper) contain less than 3% fat. There are the semi-fat ones (such as swordfish, tuna, trout, dentex and sardines), which contain a quantity of fat around 5-7%; and finally, fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel or eel). Fatty ones don’t always have to be avoided because they are an excellent source of vitamin D, which allows bone mineralization and stimulates the activity of the immune system.

Eating Fish Is Good For Your Health

It is often difficult to get children to eat fish. The main obstacles are the smell and the bones. To encourage greater consumption, you can start cooking those without thorns, without a too intense smell or taste. Swordfish or tuna just seared on the plate are fine.

Which Fishes Are The Best For Your Health?

All fish, in general, are very good for our health thanks to their supply of such complete natural substances. However, some fish are particularly recommended for their benefits thanks to two factors: they have a very low level of lipids (less than 1 per cent) and are well stocked with Omega 3, phosphorus, iodine, and iron. The ranking of the magnificent six is ​​this: cod, hake, sea bream, sole, anchovies and sardines. You can eat as many of these fish as you like.

Which Fish Is Good For The Brain?

Salmon is among the fish that are most good for the brain due to its high Omega 3 content. For memory, fish with a high phosphorus content are precious, such as sea bass and sea bream. Shrimps also have a lot of phosphorus. Among other things, phosphorus, with calcium, also strengthens teeth and bones.

Does Fish Help To Lose Weight?

No slimming cure does not include a good dose of fish consumption. Even every day. The most suitable fish for weight loss are fatty: salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. The effect on the body of these fish is twofold: on the one hand, they reduce saturated fats and burn calories. On the other hand, they quickly give a sense of satiety and decrease appetite and desire for food. Finally, during diets, fish are ideal for light menus, such as soles in white. To be accompanied only by a drizzle of oil and a squeeze of lemon. 

Nutritional Properties Of Fish

Starting from 100 grams of product, here are the nutritional properties of the most consumed fish:

  1. Cod has 71 calories, 17 grams of protein and 0.3 grams of fat 
  2. Salmon has 185 calories, 18.4 grams of protein and 12 grams of fat 
  3. Sea bream has 121 calories, 20.7 grams of protein and 3.8 grams of fat
  4. Anchovies have 96 calories, 16.8 grams of protein and 2.6 grams of fat 
  5. Trout has 86 calories, 14.7 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat

How Much Fish Should We Eat?

Fish has another important advantage over other foods: we can eat plenty of it. According to the national guidelines for healthy eating, the ideal consumption is three portions a week, and each portion must be approximately 150 grams. A sea bass, a small sea bream, or even three prawns to get an idea of ​​this measure. Always prefer small fish with less time to accumulate mercury in their body. We remind you that among the leanest fish, there are soles, while cod has low quantities of fat but is rich in iodine.

When Frozen Fish Is Good For You

Even frozen fish can be a very healthy product. Its sustainability is certified, traceability is known to the consumer, and nutritional values ​​​​are correct. A fish must not have added colourings, flavorings, enhancers, emulsifiers or stabilizers.

Also Read: What Is Lysine, And In Which Foods Is It Found?