Back Pain: Some Remedies And Treatment Methods

Trying to relieve back pain may not be easy. The pain can have different origins and intensities: it can be annoying but bearable, but it can also keep you locked in one position for days, forcing you not to move so as not to feel pain. That is why it is essential to have remedies for back pain available. Medicines, pain management techniques, or home remedies – here’s some information on back pain remedies. Back pain, significantly lower back pain, is one of the significant ailments affecting people worldwide. Common causes of back pain include:

  1. Muscle stiffness or strain
  2. Slipped disc;
  3. Arthrosis;
  4. Trauma;
  5. Spinal changes

What To Take For Back Pain? 

There can be many remedies for back pain, depending on the type and severity of back pain. Some treatments to consider are:

  1. Pharmacological treatments;
  2. Physiotherapeutic treatments;
  3. Non-drug treatments, such as heat patches or rest, stretching and  exercise ;
  4. Surgical interventions.

Back Pain: Drug Treatments

Depending on the type of back pain and how mild or severe the pain is, you may want to consider using medication. They can help you control lower back and upper back pain. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications are available in tablet or topical formulations, which do not require a doctor’s prescription. Ask your pharmacist. In case of severe, prolonged or recurring back pain, it is advisable to consult a doctor. 

Back Pain: Physiotherapy Treatments

Therapeutic massage can help relieve back pain. Massaging the affected area can reduce pain and restore its functionality. If your back pain has been lasting for too long, you should see your doctor, who will examine you and ask questions to help you understand the nature and intensity of the pain. Your doctor may also order x-rays and laboratory tests to determine the cause of your back pain. He can then work out a treatment plan with you to relieve back pain.

Back Pain: Medicinal-Free Treatments And Home Remedies

In some cases, back pain can be addressed even without moving from home: 


Sometimes, all you need to heal back pain is a little rest. Lifting heavy objects, stress, and sports injuries can cause back pain. Resting and refraining from these activities can give your back the recovery time it needs to heal. So, relax and do nothing!


Muscle stretching exercises are significant for relieving and preventing back pain caused by muscle tension, and you can do them in the comfort of your own home. Some stretching exercises are aimed at treating lower back pain, while others are aimed at treating upper back pain. Establishing a stretching routine like yoga can help prevent back pain. Plan a stretching way that works for you and your pain. However, avoid exercises when the pain is intense and acute.

Pay Attention To Your Posture

Poor posture contributes significantly to back pain, whether sitting badly in a chair at dinner or hunching your shoulders to see the screen of a phone, computer or tablet. Check your posture periodically throughout the day; make sure the hips are aligned below the shoulders and that the shoulders are correctly pulled back and away from the ears (relaxed).

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing orthopedic footwear helps you maintain an upright, correct and healthy posture. If you suffer from back pain, keeping your heels off the ground no more than 2.5 centimeters is recommended.

Relax Muscles With Heat

Heat can help muscles relax, reducing back pain. Relaxing your back muscles can facilitate healing if you use a hot water bottle at home or take a bath in a hot tub.


Being sedentary and not engaging in motor activity can make back pain worse. Light exercise increases blood flow to the injured area, accelerating healing. When the pain begins to subside and you feel it getting better, do some exercise: take a walk, swim in a pool, or do some yoga. Any low-intensity exercise can help you relieve pain. Just remember to go at your own pace and listen to your body. If you experience severe pain during movement, take a break.