Avocado Oil For Glowing Hair And Glowing Skin

Avocado oil is extricated straightforwardly from the natural product’s mash, utilizing a virus cycle that permits leaving in salvageable shape organoleptic characteristics and healthful properties. On the skin, it is fantastic as a lotion, cell reinforcement and recovering on the presence of nutrients A, B1, B2, D and E and pantothenic corrosiveness. The biotin content, applied to the hair as a pack or as a cover, joined with different fixings, advances regrowth and fortifies it and hydrates and makes it shinier. As well as being utilized in the kitchen, the oil extracted from avocado is broadly used in beauty care products.

It is used unadulterated or added to creams and serums for the face and body to improve it’s saturating and hostile to maturing properties. Avocado is a smooth, natural product with a sweet, however not cloying taste, and thus, utilized in the readiness of both sweet and exquisite dishes. Lately, it has legitimately entered among the most involved food varieties in European cooking, where it is utilized to enhance servings of mixed greens and tidbits. One reason for the achievement of this tropical natural product, notwithstanding its adaptability in the kitchen, is the incredible abundance of advantageous properties that describe it:

  1. It is excellent cell reinforcement and forestalls cell maturing.
  2. It contains nutrients and mineral salts.
  3. Late examinations and logical investigations have featured valuable ideals for the heart, eyes and skeletal framework.

Treatments With Avocado Oil For Hair And Skin

The uses of avocado oil in cosmetics are varied. Here are some recipes that you can try at home, cheap and straightforward, and that We introduce weekly in my beauty routine (alternating the use of avocado oil with other vegetable oils) :

Moisturizing Hair Pack

To make a nourishing and moisturizing hair pack, mix two tablespoons of avocado oil with two teaspoons of olive oil, one of honey and two tablespoons of plain vegetable yoghurt. The doses are variable and depend on the type and length of the hair: in general, the longer, thicker and thicker they are, the more they need nourishment and the more you can abound with the doses. If, on the other hand, you have thin ones, to avoid weighing them down, you can halve them.

Mix the ingredients as well as possible, apply the mixture to dry hair, cover them with cling film and leave on for about twenty minutes. Then proceed with washing with your usual shampoo (it will not be necessary to apply the conditioner after this treatment). It is particularly suitable for dry hair, but regular and oily hair will also benefit from it, introducing the necessary precautions in the quantities.

Fortifying Hair Mask

In a double boiler, mix two tablespoons of avocado oil and one coconut oil to mix and blend them. Cold adds two / three drops of rosemary essential oil, particularly useful in stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss. Apply the mixture on dry hair and cover it with kitchen film; leave on for about twenty / thirty minutes and then proceed with washing. Coconut oil is a natural hair polisher and nourisher combined with avocado oil. It creates a mix of vitamins and nutrients that will make your hair exceptionally soft and robust to the touch.

Moisturizing And Anti-Ageing Mask For The Skin Of The Face

Given the beautiful antioxidant, elasticizing and nourishing properties of this oil, using it to improve the skin of the face seems to be taken for granted. To make a super-nourishing avocado oil mask, mix a teaspoon of this oil with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Spread on the face with gentle and circular movements and leave for an hour. In the long run, and with the consistent application of the mask, the skin will be more compact and relaxed. Honey is also excellent for eliminating skin spots and small scars.

Skin Scrub

To prepare the skin for unique treatments (such as muds, oils or anti-cellulite creams) or to soften it before bathing, it is possible to design a delicate but effective scrub simultaneously: mix two or three tablespoons of avocado oil with a spoon. Of course salt (if you think it is too exfoliating and aggressive, replace it with a fine one), and add two / three drops of lavender essential oil, with soothing and relaxing properties. Rub the scrub thus obtained all over the body’s skin, avoiding the most delicate and sensitive areas. Rinse with plenty of fresh water and proceed with the scheduled treatments. The scrub is also ideal for preventing the formation of hair under the skin after shaving.

Hand Butter

This recipe requires a little more processing than the previous ones. Still, it will allow you to get a super-moisturizing and anti-blemish hand cream based on avocado oil that is natural and free of preservatives (for this reason, it is essential to keep it away from light and heat sources and use it as soon as possible). 

Melt a piece of cocoa butter in a bain-marie, to which you will add, with the heat off to avoid losing its properties, a teaspoon of avocado oil and two / three drops of lemon essential oil. Transfer the mixture into a small jar (preferably with an airtight seal) and, once cooled and solidified, spread a veil on the skin of your hands. The uses of avocado oil are numerous, and you can use it in your home recipes by combining it with your favorite ingredients and in the most pleasant doses to you. A true beauty passe-partout!