Aspirin: 8 Natural And Effective Alternatives To Replace It

Aspirin is used for various therapeutic purposes but has many contraindications and side effects, mainly affecting the heart, stomach, and kidneys. As an alternative, you can use a natural aspirin with the same functions. Let’s find out which are the best. We are now used to considering some medicines very “common, which everyone takes,” without thinking how much these medicines can harm our health. Among them, the one most consumed in the world is aspirin.

Aspirin was discovered in 1853 and was first sold as a drug in 1915. We know it helps treat colds and flu and as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. But what do we know about the risks behind its use? Many people ignore that this drug can have significant side effects, both when taken occasionally and when consumed continuously for long periods. Fortunately, it is possible to remedy these situations by resorting to what we can define as natural aspirin alternatives.

Remember that the active ingredient of synthetic aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid extracted from the bark of the white willow. This last plant can be used as a natural remedy with the same pain-relieving, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory value. As we will discover later in our article, plants and spices that perform similar functions are numerous and cause fewer adverse reactions than common aspirin.

What Is Aspirin Used For?

Aspirin is one of the best-selling medicines globally whose consumption does not seem to stop. Since it is among the over-the-counter medicines that do not need a doctor’s prescription in our country, it is fair to say that it is often abused. What are the reasons why it is used so massively?

  1. It is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever
  2. Lower the fever
  3. Liquify the blood
  4. Prevents heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases
  5. It contains the formation of blood clots
  6. It appears to reduce the onset of colorectal cancer

Contraindications Of Aspirin: Why Does It Hurt?

The properties of aspirin help treat specific conditions. However, there is insufficient data to support its consumption for preventive purposes (we are referring in particular to its anticancer action). In any case, we must not forget that it is a medicine and has side effects that should not be underestimated. We list the most common aspirin contraindications.

Impaired Liver Function

Aspirin is not a harmless drug, and its intake can impair the detoxifying and metabolic function of the liver. If you already suffer from pathologies of this organ, the consumption of any medicine is to be considered only after consulting a doctor.

Kidney Damage

Several studies have shown that continuous intake of even minimal doses of aspirin can lead to the onset of renal disease analgesic nephropathy, which, in the long run, can irreparably damage the kidneys and their functions.

Increased Risk Of Bleeding

As already mentioned, aspirin is used to make the blood more fluid and, therefore, to avoid the formation of clots. However, when the blood flows unhindered in the vessels, it is easier to incur external or internal bleeding. It is recommended that those who have to undergo surgery not take anticoagulant drugs.

Gastric Ulcers

Despite alternatives to aspirin, this medicine can cause gastrointestinal problems. Its action irritates the stomach walls, which can become inflamed more efficiently and therefore tear, giving rise to deep ulcers. Furthermore, those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis should not take aspirin or NSAIDs.


What does hearing have to do with aspirin? Some research has found that chronic consumption of this drug causes a decrease in the ability to perceive typical sounds and ear disturbances such as tinnitus. Fortunately, these discomforts seem to subside with stopping aspirin consumption.

Reye’s Syndrome 

It is a disease that affects vital organs and can have fatal outcomes. It is caused by inflammation in the liver and brain that arises from the intake of acetylsalicylic acid; it follows that aspirin must not be taken lightly and never administered to children and adolescents, the subjects most at risk of this syndrome.

Natural Aspirin: The Best Alternatives

The picture just analyzed of the side effects of aspirin leads us to the search for natural alternatives that have benefits and few risks. Some readily available herbs and plants act as natural aspirin and therefore have the same benefits; let’s examine some of them.

White Willow

It is the plant from which salicylic acid is extracted and therefore could not be missing among the alternatives to aspirin. The bark of this tree is the best part to enjoy its virtues, among which we recall the analgesic and pain-relieving efficacy, useful in case of headache and toothache. A herbal tea made from the bark can also lower fever and reduce hot flashes.


Together with other spices, ginger is known for its ability to reduce inflammatory processes, particularly inflammation and its skin manifestations, such as swelling and redness, which can occur in the joints, as in the case of arthritis. To have more immediate and lasting effects, it can be taken in the form of a supplement based on the doses indicated on the package.


Taken together with ginger or cinnamon, it enhances the anti-inflammatory effects that characterize it, becoming a real natural aspirin. Turmeric also has antibacterial properties that make it ideal for fighting respiratory tract infections and finding relief in case of flu and cold. As for the intake, it is preferable to consume it in the form of a supplement or use it to prepare herbal teas and drinks.


Cinnamon also belongs to the alternatives to aspirin and, like the other spices described above, can quell inflammation. This herb can improve blood circulation, thus acting as an anticoagulant and managing to lower cholesterol levels and improve values ​​in case of hypertension.


Contained in pineapple is a valid antispasmodic effective against abdominal pain. Taken as a supplement, it also boasts anti-inflammatory properties particularly suitable for restoring health conditions after surgery. Finally, bromelain also acts as an antithrombotic, making the blood more fluid while strengthening the venous walls and capillaries.


It is essential for heart health. A correct intake of this mineral guarantees that blood pressure levels remain normal and that the heart functions properly. This, therefore, prevents the onset of arrhythmias and significantly reduces the development of stroke and heart attack. In addition to consuming foods rich in magnesium, it could also be helpful to integrate it through special natural supplements.


It is a plant used to strengthen the immune system and prevent flu by fulfilling the functions of aspirin. It also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in the case of pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis or banal but annoying gingivitis. Echinacea can be consumed by natural aspirin in capsules and mother tinctures, herbal teas, or decoctions.


Even Boswellia can be considered a real natural aspirin thanks to its pain-relieving virtues that positively affect joint and muscle pain. It is also able to quell inflammations affecting the bronchi and respiratory tract. Finally, despite aspirin, it does not cause gastrointestinal ulcers but soothes them.