4 Golden Rules Of Fitness

Set Goals

Set yourself clear goals, but be realistic about them. It’s better to celebrate many small successes than to throw in the towel right away because you’ve failed at the goal you’ve set too high.

Weight Training

As we age, we lose muscle mass, and it is essential to rebuild it. We recommend that you train with weights two to three times a week and work on all major muscle groups. One of the biggest reasons? Whether you’re using weights, resistance bands, or your own body, having more muscle mass typically means a higher resting metabolic rate, so you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. In addition to looking fitter and more sculpted, you’ll change your body’s fat-to-muscle ratio. More importantly, resistance training can help you reduce fat mass (and abdominal mass), which correlates with cardiovascular disease risk.


It’s often the case that you start going to the gym, lose some weight, and stop making progress. This happens to gym addicts too. The fix? You need to add the “principle of alternation” to your training. Your body adjusts to what you do, so you should change your schedule regularly. This may mean changing the whole regime or just some parts. While training with weights, try to increase the repetitions or the load. For cardio workouts, try gradually increasing the duration and intensity. And if you always ride on the treadmill, try the stationary bike instead, for example. And remember that you can always have the support of a trainer who can help keep your workout always interesting.

Stretching Is Key

Stretching is really important for many reasons. Improving flexibility and circulation, can help prevent injury and relieve stress. In fact, at the beginning of a workout, you should do light cardio to activate your muscles and never stretch muscles that aren’t fully warmed up. But it would help if you stretched only at the end of the workout. Pay attention to problem areas if you are prone to back injuries, for example, stretched hamstrings, which affect the lower back. The best thing about stretching is that it feels really good and relaxing.

Remember Your Protein

Protein is a building block for muscles and is broken down and used to fuel muscle recovery after exercise. After the workout, you get stronger; as you train, you break down your muscles, and rebuilding happens in the recovery phase 24-36 hours later, so protein after a workout is essential. If you exercise regularly, try getting protein with every meal or snack. Protein is slow to digest and will keep you fuller for longer. But watch the portions: a portion of chicken, for example, should be the size of the palm of your hand. It’s also important to get protein from various plant and animal sources, so always try to eat a proper and balanced diet!

Bye-Bye Habits

Only if you are 100 percent ready to throw your old habits overboard will you have long-term success or even achieve your new goals. So reinvent yourself and hold out for a simple 21 days because, after that, it will already be your new pattern – YOU 2.0!

Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

With all due respect to self-discipline and motivation, a strong character can laugh at himself. Things sometimes go smoothly and certainly not always according to plan. Take such things with humor, and never forget to have fun!

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