10 Ways To Use Lemon On Your Face

The illuminating, lightening, degreasing… so many virtues of lemon for the skin of the face. Find out which one is right for you. The actions of the lemon on the skin of the face are various, and all are intended to improve it. Goodbye blemishes, blackheads, dilated pores, dark circles, excess sebum, etc. The credit goes to high doses of vitamin C and citric acid, which act as powerful disinfectants and regenerators. 

With just a few ingredients, you can create homemade lotions with a fresh sour taste that makes you happy just by looking at them. Indeed, yellow is the color that symbolizes the mix of calm and dynamism. The only precautions are to use lemon preparations every other day to avoid sensitizing the skin and not exposing yourself to the sun immediately afterwards. Also, apply pure lemon juice to your face only if your skin is tough enough to tolerate any burning.

Lemon Scrub

Lemon exfoliating is done like this:

  1. Mix two teaspoons of brown sugar, a spoonful of milk and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Massage the scrub into the skin using circular movements.
  3. Rub gently or leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face with warm water and immediately moisturize it with a moisturizer.

Soothing Mask

It is used to calm red and tight skin. You need a jar of plain yogurt, a spoonful of lemon juice, an egg white, and a teaspoon of honey. In a bowl, beat the egg white with a fork, and add the yogurt, lemon juice and honey until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture, thick enough to remain on the face without dripping. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

Against Impurities

Used purely on a cotton ball, lemon juice can kill the bacteria that cause acne, pimples and blackheads. However, it is best not to mix it with other acne treatments, as it can irritate. The suggestion is to make a quick “date” with a lotion made from lemon and chamomile.

Natural Anti-Dark Circles

Rub a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice over your dark circles, being careful not to get into your eyes. Leave it on for a few seconds, then rinse your face.

Tonic Against Enlarged Pores

The recipe is simple: dilute the juice of half a lemon with two tablespoons of orange blossom water and one tablespoon of natural mineral water. Apply to the face with a cotton pad, leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

To Lighten Spots

All thanks to the citric acid and vitamin C contained in lemon. Regular use of a lemon-based lotion has a particularly effective lightning power against freckles, senile lentigo and age spots. Dissolve a pinch of brown sugar in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply the lotion daily to the areas to lighten.

Illuminating Mask

It acts as a treatment that frees the skin of that soft, graying veil. Mix the juice of a lemon, a jar of plain yogurt, and a lavender essential oil in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your face, and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Lotion For Oily Skin

Mix a drop of lemon essential oil with a tablespoon of jojoba oil to eliminate excess sebum. Dab it on your face and leave it on all night. Be careful never to use essential oil directly on the skin as it is highly irritating.

Kissing Lips

Before going to sleep, bite into a slice of lemon: in the morning, you’ll find your lips hydrated and super smooth. The citric acid in lemon is terrific for eliminating cuticles and gently exfoliating the lip mucosa. Want to avoid the taste? You are free not to swallow the lemon pulp!

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